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"Heya Adalet, are you ready to get monumentally drunk?" Frank asks as he walked in wearing a large, bright green and white striped top hat.

"FRANK!" Andrea yelled, for him suggesting drinking on the job.

"Chief, it's Saint Patrick's day: the one day in the year where you have to drink," he tries to argue.

"The last time you celebrated Saint Patrick's, you locked yourself up in the station's detention cell!" the chief reminds, "besides, Saint Patrick's isn't only about drinking... There's the fantastic parade and..."

"Exactly!" Roxie chimes in, "I'll show Adalet the parade while Frank sits drinking beer in a corner."

"Fine. But please keep an eye out for Frank, Adalet," Andrea says.

"Don't worry, I'm the best sober friend you can have!" Adalet promises.

At the Saint Patrick's Day Parade...

"Ah, I'm almost moved to tears Adalet: all these people united together..." Frank faked whipping away a tear, "by drink."

Adalet watched as Ahmet's eyes followed all of the floats, "other people would want it to come from things like love, peace, hope... But no, you want it through beer and booze."

"You've always been too sentimental, Frank. Look at all the costumes, Adalet. Isn't it just wild?" Roxie asks as she slipped on a shamrock headband.

"Watch out for Roxie, Adalet: you'll end up in a rave before you know it," Frank whispers.

"Hello, Capt. Adalet!" Mark McKenzie appeared from out of the crowd, "it's nice to meet you outside of a murder investigation! So, what do you think of the parade floats?"

"I don't know about my partner, but I care more about my beer than the parade and..." Frank trails of as he sees a frown grown on both Adalet and Ahmet's faces, "what is it, Adalet? Something's wrong with that parade float?"

"Yup!" Adalet says going to climb over the guard rails.

"Oh no," he grabs her arm, "don't even think about it, Adalet: this is Saint Patrick's and there will be zero investigations today!"

"Wow," Roxie said as she noticed what Adalet had spotted, "normally I'm stuck in my morgue... So this is the first time I get to see Adalet at work. Go get them, tiger!"

Adalet hopped over the guardrail and flashed her badge at the driver of the car. The man screeched to a stop forcing everyone behind him to follow suit. Frank joined her and barked at the guards to clear the people from the street while Adalet approached the thing that had gotten her attention. A red-haired man was floating from a bundle of balloons about six feet off the ground, but his eyes showed that he was dead. She also noticed a notebook discarded on the ground just before the wheel of the car.

"Everybody make way," Mark orders shoving through the people, "I'm a doctor!"

"Er, doc, maybe it's the booze messing with your judgment, but this guy's clearly as dead as they get," Frank says as he helped Adalet lower the body to the ground.

"Argh, that face!" he cries as it came into full view, "I know him: it's Angus O'Brian, the local Irish priest!"

"You knew him? Stick around doc, because Capt. Adalet is gonna have to question you," he orders as Roxie joined them.

Adalet picked up the notebook she'd see on the ground, "well what do we have here?"

"You're interested in this notebook, Adalet? Think about it first, you can either recover the writing... or go for a beer," Frank says.

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