Under the Skin

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"Hey there, Adalet. I still can't believe what happened with Hannah, her shooting Fredo and everything... Pretty crazy, uh?" Frank says, "hope the kid will be alright, she's a weird geek and all, but I still kinda like her."

"Frank you have a way with words," Adalet rolled her eyes.

"But anyway, no time to dwell on this. Andrea wants to see us in her office asap," he informed her.

In Chief Marquez's office...

"Adalet, as you well know, Inner Chaos has finally been stopped, and we can all breathe a little bit easier. However, our job in Inner City is not done yet. The tensions between the Chinese and Russian communities are as high as ever," Andrea tells the cops, "which is why I need you today. It's the Chinese Festival's celebrations, and I fear the Russians might attack the parade. You'll be assigned to the parade's security. Keep your eyes wide open!"

"Yes ma'am!" Adalet saluted.

"And Frank, you'd better behave this time!" she warned, "I don't want a repeat of your antics during St Patrick's Day!"

"Don't have to worry about that with Adalet around, Chief!" Frank laughed.

At the Chinese Festival's parade...

"Well, I must admit, Adalet, the Chinese know how to party! All those lights, all those sounds!" Frank commented as they walked through the crowd of people waiting for the parade.

"Were here to work, not party, Frank," Adalet reminded him as they reached where the floats were parked.

"I know, I know, we're here to work," he grumbled, "well, let's keep our eyes peeled then. First, one who sees something suspicious tells the other!"

Dean and Hunter began barking as they were passing by a parade float.

"I think they want to look at the float, Frank," Adalet says hopping over the guard rail.

Frank grunts as he moved the guard rail, "but we just got here..."

They entered the lot where the floats for the parade were lined up single file waiting for their chance to go. Adalet and Frank approached the float that Dean and Hunter were so interested in, and froze at the display they saw. The float they were in front of was of a Chinese dragon holding a large drum with its front claws, but strapped to the drum was a human body, but half of his skin was missing. While the cops were petrified of the sight they were looking at, Dean and Hunter began sniffing a crate of fireworks just a few feet away.

"Well, I guess you win, Adalet!" Frank gave a strained laugh, "a half-skinned corpse strung to the first parade float is definitely what I'd call suspicious!"

"Frank, this isn't just any corpse, it's Nikolai Kamarov's body!" Adalet cried seeing the half of the Russian's face that remained.

"Holy... You're right, Adalet," he gasped, "to think Andrea was worried about a Russian attack... Looks like the Chinese took matters into their own hands! What better way to celebrate than parading your enemy's corpse, eh?"

"We'd better go talk to Sue Xiong. After all, she's the de facto leader of the Chinese side," she replied picking up the box of fireworks Dean and Hunter had been so interested in.

"And you want to have a look at those fireworks? Suit yourself," he shrugged, "but you'd better make sure they don't explode in your face, haha!"

Frank stepped aside to call in the murder while Adalet looked into the crate. She dug through the fireworks to see if anything strange was hidden inside of it. Underneath all the firecrackers, she found an old anatomy drawing of a man, his left half had skin while the right only showed his muscles and veins.

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