The Eye of The Storm

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"Hurry up, Adalet!" Andrea orders, "we have to get out of Jazz Town before the storm hits, we don't have a minute to lose!"

"But chief, we have to stay in Jazz Town, that storm must be stopped!" Amy argues.

"Don't tell me you really believe that someone is controlling the weather! This is ridiculous!" she cried planting her hands on her hips.

"Don't speak so fast, chief!" Hannah jumps in, "I found something, a signal emitted from the weather tower! It's crazy, but I think the signal controls the storm."

"Not you too, Hannah!" Andrea sighed.

"And that signal might lead us to the weather machine!" Adalet adds.

"Chief," Amy spoke up, "if Adalet believes this signal might lead us to the weather machine, we have to investigate it! So many lives are at stake!"

"Are you sure this storm can be stopped, Adalet? Are you ready to bet your life on a fairy tale?" Andrea asks seriously.

Adalet nodded, "I am chief!"

"Then you better act fast! Go to the weather tower and see what this is all about!" she says pointing to the front doors.

On the Weather Tower...

"Oh, dear! You found a body bound to the weather tower!" Amy gasped as Adalet slowly removed the chard body.

"Amy, this is Peggy!" Adalet exclaimed seeing the wild orange hair.

"Oh no, you're right, this is Peggy Pascal, the storm-chaser! How horrible that she should die during the storm!" she cried, "And what about this kite? There's a message on it: "You will never stop the storm!" ... You think this must have been left by Peggy's killer, Adalet?!"

"The possibility is high, Amy," she replied.

"And if the killer doesn't want the storm to be stopped... Then it means they must have created it! Which means there really is someone controlling this storm! I can't believe it!" she cried in shock.

"And this also means that if we find Peggy's killer, we'll be able to stop Hurricane Zelda!" she says laying Peggy's body down onto the platform, "let's have a closer look at that kite!"

"There's also this metal piece you picked up from the tower! Do you think we should send it to Hannah?" she suggested, Adalet nodded, "alright then! And you also found keys? I just hope you can find what's written on them before the wind blows us all away!"

Adalet examined the killer's kit first. She swabbed the sticky green substance that had adhered to the surface of the kit. She wiped it onto a micro slide and sealed the sample between another one.

"I don't know what that substance you collected from the killer's kite is, Adalet," Amy says as she took it, "but I'm sure Yann can find out! Let's get this sample to the lab!"

Nodding in agreement, Adalet picked up the lost ring of keys. There was a key tag attached to the ring but the writing on it had faded away. She dusted the tag with some carbon powder to darken the faded message.

"The tag on the keys reads "Van keys, if lost, return to Peggy"!" Adalet reads out loud for Amy.

"Which means those keys unlock Peggy's van! Let's take a look at it, Adalet!" Amy suggested.

After they had gotten the body and lab samples safely back to the station, the partners drove around looking for Peggy's storm-chasing van. They tracked it down to the docks of Jazz Town and looked around for anything strange. They managed to find a box of random electronics and a digital camera during their search.

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