We Meet Again

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Adalet groaned, "Fili . . . Get the door!"

There was no movement from the bed and the banging on her front door continued growing louder and more urgent. Adalet groaned once again and slung her arm over to the other side of the bed but felt nothing but cold sheets.

"Oh right . . ." Adalet's brain slowly began to remember things, "not here . . . Agh, what time is it?"

She glanced over at her bedside clock with the digital green numbers telling her it was 2:25 a.m. Who was banging at her door at just a couple of hours after midnight? Only one way to find out!

Adalet forced herself to sit up, throw the covers off her body and swing her legs over the side of the bed. She shoved her feet into her fluffy NASA moon boot slippers (they were a gift from Fili!). After putting on the extra-large housecoat her husband had left behind, and grabbing the gun she kept under her pillow, she made her way down the stairs to the door.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Adalet yells, "I swear if this is a prank . . ."

Dean and Hunter were already at the door barking up a storm at it. Adalet shooed them off and unlocked all the locks on the door. She peeked through the peephole but saw no one in sight. She slowly pulled open the door with her gun's safety off and stepped outside.

"Hello?" Adalet calls, "I swear, if you kids are trying to play ding-dong ditch, you'll regre- Mph!"

A body tackled her from behind and a sack was shoved over her head. Adalet fought back but another person came and held her from the front, thus pinning her arms to her sides and preventing her from moving. She could hear her door being closed as she was dragged away towards the road, one of the people cuffed her hands behind her back and another got her ankles. She heard a strong engine start-up as she was shoved into the back of a van with the others people joining her inside.

The van drove off and she couldn't tell where they were going but there were a lot of twists and turns and gravel roads. The drive was a long one but eventually, the van came to a stop and she was forced out. The air was hotter in the new location than her home below the mountains, but it didn't give her any more clues to her location.

Adalet was kept outside for a couple more minutes before they entered an air-conditioned building. She was walked down a long hall, into a short elevator ride and around some corners before a door was opened and she was brought into a room. Her body was forced into an uncomfortable metal chair and her arms were uncuffed then re-cuffed to the chair's arms. Her legs were also uncuffed and the sack was removed from her head.

Adalet whipped her head around the room so quickly that she got a case of whiplash. It was a bare, black painted room with the chair she was sitting in set in the center of the gray carpet. On the wall in front of her were four large monitors that took up most of the wall space, and she could just see the desk with computers behind her. But what really surprised her was the man standing in the center of the monitors, Colonel Spangler.

"Colonel Spangler," Adalet yawned, "to what do I owe the pleasure of being kidnapped at two in the morning?"

"The Super Serum Bone Growth," Colonel Spangler answered, "you and your ex-team are the only ones who know the formula and have all the research from the experiment, the government is taking it back."

"What?!" she yelled now really awake, "you can't seriously think that we'd just hand over our case file to you just so you guys could recreate the formula?!"

"No," he hummed, "which is why we are taking it back to prevent anyone from recreating the formula, and to do so we need you and your ex-team to tell us everything you know about The S.S.B.G. project."

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