The Seeds of Death

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"Adalet, you're here!" Amy greets her as Adalet enters the office, "we've got a new assignment!"

"What is it?" Adalet asked.

"Andrea wants us to go patrol the Rhine Canyon oil well. She says it's important for us to know all the facets of the district..." she recites, "but on oil well? Come on! There are tons of places in Rhine Canyon nicer than a big old polluted oil well!"

She chuckled, "nice or not, it's still an important part of Rhine Canyon."

"Sorry, Adalet, I should be more open-minded..." she apologizes, "who knows what wonderful discoveries we might make at the oil well..."

Later on, at the oil well...

"Well this is... interesting, I guess. I mean... Oil wells are certainly a big part of our economy and..." Amy trails off as they walk through the oily and smug-filled lands, "oh, I'm sorry, but this place is horrible! I've got oil on my shoes and the air is thick with pollution! It's turning the desert sand black! And I can see on your face that you're as uneasy as I am, am I wrong?"

"Yup!" Adalet replies, "don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the oil, but there's something over there that doesn't look right... See, over by the drilling site!"

She gulped, "that doesn't sound good. Let's have a look around, quick!"

The two approached the drilling site and found a man tied to one of the S-shaped pipes running above a pool of oil. The sight was made more frightening by the obvious gaping hole in the man's abdominal, and the vulture pecking away at the flesh and organs. As they got closer to the body, Adalet spotted a red toolbox and a broken piece of plastic that looked to be from an ID badge.

"Oh dear God, was this man attacked by vultures? They ate his eyes!" Amy covers her mouth as they got a closer look at the victim, "I think I'm going to be sick again..."

"Hey! Get out of here!" Adalet yells at the vulture, Hunter barked loudly as additional support. The vulture quickly flew away with a loud squawk.

"This man was tied to that pipe!" Adalet exclaimed, seeing the chains wrapped around the man's upper torso, "someone wanted to make sure he couldn't escape..."

"Which means there is a killer at large! Adalet, we need to catch them!" Amy declared, "and maybe that badge you found will help us do just that! Half of it has broken off, but I'm sure you'll be able to find that face in the database, Adalet! And what about that toolbox? If you think a clue might be hidden inside, let's get digging!"

Adalet clicked open the toolbox first. She dug through the collection of hammers, scrapers, scraps of sandpaper, brushes, and tubes of wood filler until she found the one tool that was not like the others. A wrench splattered with fresh blood.

"The wrench you found in that toolbox is covered in blood! Could this be related to the murder?" Amy pondered.

Adalet swabs the wrench, "if it were a hammer or scraper, I could argue that someone injures themselves... But since I don't know how you could manage to get this much blood on a wrench, I'm going to agree with you on this one, Amy! Plus, look at the chains our victim is tied up with!"

"Oh, you're right!" she says, eyeing the chains again, "the killer must have used this wrench to bolt the chains to the pipe!"

She smirked, "exactly! Now, let's get the blood to the lab!"

Placing the blood sample aside, Adalet picks up the broken badge next. She compared the particle facial features of the man on the ID badge to the pictures they had on file of the drill well's workers. After creating a complete face, a name popped up as a match for the ID.

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