Blood in the Blender

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"Adalet, I have an unusual assignment for today: you have to go to a juice bar and sit there for an hour. Have a carrot juice on me!" Andrea ordered.

"Er... Not that I don't like smoothies, but why, Chief?" Adalet inquired.

"It may sound trivial, but make no mistake: it's a very important surveillance operation. That's why I have to send you," she explained.

"Hahaha, carrot juice on a surveillance gig! Don't expect me to go with you, Adalet," Frank leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk, "I'll be busy monitoring suspicious beer consumption at the bar!"

"Suit yourself, Frank, I was going to send Amy with Adalet anyway. She takes better notes than you," Andrea smirked.

"Don't take it personally, Frank," Amy pats the detective on the head as she walks past, "so, what's the assignment, Chief?"

"A woman named Ruth Campbell, a renowned scientist has been receiving death threats, and she came to us for protection. She thinks a stalker is following her to the juice bar she goes to every day. Which is why I'm sending you there, Adalet," Andrea informed, pulling out a picture from her pocket, "here's her picture. Memorize her features. You mustn't make contact with her, but lookout for any suspicious behaviour from other patrons."

Adalet accepts the picture and takes in the young brunette woman's face, "duly noted, Chief! Amy, let's go to the juice bar!"

Later, at the Juice Bar...

"Adalet, the juice bar's closed!" Amy cried as they entered the empty bar, "where is everyone?"

Adalet scratched her head, "no clue... But it smells like someone's been making smoothies and broke the blender!"

"I guess we should go back to the station... We can't carry out surveillance on Dr. Campbell if she's not here," she says, turning to head back out the door.

"Hold it, Amy!" she grabs the officer's shoulder, "I'd still like to have a look around, someone must have been here recently!"

"Does something not feel right?" she inquired.

She hums, "possibly..."

"Alright, let's search the place!"

Walking further into the Juice Bar, Adalet and Amy came across a sickening sight; three blenders were lined up along the bar counter overflowing with a red liquid. Floating at the top of each blender was a body part, a dark-haired woman's head was in one and her limbs were sticking out of the other blenders. Looking beyond the bloody blenders, Adalet noticed a pick card had fallen on the ground while Hunter seemed to have discovered a cooler of juice-making supplies.

"Oh no, I think I'm going to be sick..." Amy covered her mouth as her skin turned green, "there's a human head in those blenders!"

"Hold on a second," Adalet says, approaching the blenders, "take a closer look at the head!"

"No, I don't want to take a closer look, Adalet!" she refused, "the blenders are filled with body parts, it's horrible!"

She moved to stand in front of the other blenders, "just look at the head, Amy, that's all I ask."

"Alright, I'll... I'll look!" she peeked through a gap between her fingers, "the h-head's got dark hair... glasses... Oh my God, you're right! It looks like the woman Andrea wanted us to help! It's... it's Ruth Campbell's body! It's too late to help her! Oh Adalet, this is horrible! Who'd do such a thing to her?! They blenderized her body!"

"Someone with access to too many blenders," Adalet quipped, "but jokes aside, we have to find out who did this!"

"I see you've picked up some juice supplies. We'd better have a look through them," Amy said, refusing to look at the blenders again, "and those pink vouchers advertise a "romantic trip"... for someone called Ruth! That must be our victim! There she was, planning a romantic trip... And now she's turned into purée!"

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