Leap of Death

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"Welcome to White Peaks, Capt. Adalet! The district's named after its beautiful mountains. Even though we're here to work, if you get a chance you should visit the forest, the camping grounds, even the caves," Andrea advises, "it's packed with tourists, but luckily we've got a local here who can show you the ropes!"

"Hi there Adalet! Ready for me to guide you around my district?" Amy asks zipping up her parka, "there's so much to show you . . . you might even meet my family."

"That would be nice," Adalet replied pulling on her own jacket.

"But first stop, I got us two tickets to the Frosty Cup! It's the biggest winter sports competition in all of Pacific Bay!" she says holding up the tickets, "we better get to our seats quickly, though. It's the first year that women can compete in the Ski Jump, and it's about to start! Let's go!"

At the Frosty Cup . . .

"Nice view, huh Adalet?" Amy asks returning to her seat with an ice-cream cone in hand, "and I even managed to get one of my favourite King Dairy ice cream treats just in time!"

"Thank you all for coming! Let's kick off the Frosty Cup with the first-ever Women's Ski Jump event! First athlete up . . . the amazing Anjulie Cruz! This is history being made ladies and gentlemen, the first woman to go down the Frosty Cup ramp!" the ski announcer says over the speakers, the form of a woman on top of the hill could be made out from the crowd, "and there she goes! She's gaining speed down the ramp . . . She's about to take off- Holy smokes!!! Anjulie Cruz has just been . . . cut in half??!?!"

The crowd gasped as they watched the severed halves of the skier landed on the snow-covered ground at the bottom of the hill. Anjulie's upper half had landed on its back with a look of horror frozen on her face as the Frosty Cup security team made quick work of guiding the crowd out of the stands.

"Oh . . . My . . ." Amy gasped shocked, "how did that happen?! What should we do, Adalet?"

"Investigate!" Adalet answers jumping over the fence, her dogs running to follow her.

"You're right, we need to investigate immediately!" she agreed following her partner's lead.

They raced down to the ski ramp and hurried to tape off the area before anyone could have the chance to contaminate it. They picked up one of Anjulie's ski shoes that somehow managed to fly off of her foot sometime during the jump. The second thing that they picked up was a pink cellphone near the sidelines with a picture of their victim as its lock screen.

"I can't believe it! Anjulie Cruz was going down the ski ramp at full speed and then . . . she suddenly got cut in two?!" Amy cried as she began dialling Roxie's number.

"I may just be a skater, but people don't get cut-in-half from skiing!" Adalet states, "this had to be a premeditated murder! And on the grand opening of the Frosty Cup!"

"This is terrible news. Hopefully, Roxie can give us some more insight at autopsy. Let's get the body to the lab!" she says holding the phone up to her ear, "thankfully you picked up some clues. Look at this phone: there's a woman skier on it who looks just like our victim! Do you think you can unlock it, Adalet?"

"Yes, and I think this is one of our victim's ski shoes! It must have come off during the murder," she guesses, "and there seems to be some faded writing."

While Amy was talking to Roxie, Adalet began examining the ski boot. She dusted the crevasse of the boot with a brush until it had sunk into the markings. She shook off all of the excess powder so that she could see what had been carved into the boot.

"Whoa, the message you revealed on Anjulie's ski shoe says "Enjoy your last jump" . . . sounds like a threat!" Amy comments as she came over to Adalet.

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