The White Peaks Project

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"Hey, Adalet, how's it going since your last case? A cannibal maniac, that must have been a treat!" Frank laughed, "well, a treat for you at least, because poor Amy's still shaken up by the fact that her crush snacks on people... I hope being with her family will help her recover... Which means it's just you and me today, Adalet!"

"Adalet! You have to help me, something must have happened to her!" Amy cries as she ran over to them.

"Amy?! What the heck are you doing here?" he asked.

"And who are you talking about?" Adalet added.

"My friend Virginia," Amy clarified, "she was supposed to meet me this morning, but I haven't heard a word all day! I'm so scared for her!"

"Don't worry kid, Adalet will find this Virginia for you! Where do you think she could be?" Frank questions.

"She was filming a documentary about the origins of the Night Walker legend up in the Deep Woods... Please, Adalet, let me come with you! I can help!" she assured.

"Out of the question, Amy!" Adalet said crossing her arms.

"Adalet's right," Frank backs up the captain, "after what happened with Bobby, the only thing you get to do is watch bad reality TV while eating ice cream. Understood?"

"Alright, yes, you're right... I'll just go home then. But call me if you find anything!" Amy ordered as she left the office.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Adalet? If something bad happened to Virginia... Amy might not be able to suffer another shock after the whole Bobby fiasco," Frank sighed.

"Then we better find her," Adalet replied, "Amy mentioned the Deep Woods, Virginia might have gotten lost there! Let's go!"

In The Deep Woods...

"I can't believe it, Adalet! There's no way this girl impaled herself by accident... Amy's childhood friend has been murdered!" Frank says as they examined the dead body.

"Which is why we better keep this to ourselves for as long as possible! But we still need to get her body to autopsy," Adalet said as she dialled up Roxie, "Amy did mention Virginia was filming a documentary, that broken video camera we found must be hers..."

"But you'll have to restore it!" he smirks, "and didn't she say that the documentary was about the origins of the Night Walker legend?! Damn, Adalet, could this be why she got killed?"

"Getting ahead of yourself there, Frank," she answered.

"What about that bloody branch? The blood must be Virginia's, but if you think there's something else on it, be my guest!" he told her as he looked at the last clues, "you found a business card, too? Maybe the killer decided to sign their crime for once! Quick, let's recover what was written on it!"

Adalet examined the broken branch first. She took a close look at the blood-stained area and from small fibres caught in the chip grain of the wood. She carefully pulls each one out and placed the fibres into a bag to prevent contamination.

"Great job collecting those fibres off that branch, but I'm not convinced this is going to lead us anywhere..." Frank confesses but took the bag nonetheless, "of course, Adalet, you're the boss! Let's send those fibres for analysis!"

Next, Adalet began working on the camera. Whoever had broken it did a good job, but it wasn't impossible to repair. Soon they had an almost fully functional camera in their hands. It was larger and heavy and looked to be an older model to be filming with.

"Good job fixing that camera you found next to Virginia's body, Adalet! And cool, that thing still uses VHS tapes!" Frank commented pointing to the spot on the side of the camera.

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