What Once was Lost but Has Been found

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"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" Yann asks as Adalet leads him through the streets of Jazz Town and away from the festival.

"We're almost there," Adalet told him, "just a little further... And where here!"

He looked around, "alright... And why did you bring me to the park?"

"I brought you to the park because there's someone who wants to meet you," she grins secretively.

"Who?" he inquired.

"That would be me," a deep voice says.

Yann turned around to face the person how had spoken. Walking towards the pair was a man around Yann's height, maybe an inch or so taller, and looked to be a decade older as well. His short black and pepper hair was matted with tight curls, a cleanly trimmed beard wrapped around his jaw, and pale teal framed glasses sat in front of a pair of warm brown eyes. He was wearing a simple white button-up shirt underneath a dark cargo vest with a blue bandanna tied around his neck.

"Do I know you?" Yann asked with a frown.

The man smirked, "why, don't recognize your own brother, Yann? I'm hurt!"

His eyes widened, "w-what?!"

"Yann, meet Léon Toussaint, Léon, meet Yann Toussaint," Adalet introduced, "since you were so busy trying to catch the Puppeteer, I had Hannah track him down for you!"

"She showed up at my house last week," Léon explained, "sayin' that she worked with my little brother... And that he was looking for me, sorry it's been so long, Yanny."

"Long? Long?!" he shouted, "I didn't even know you existed until I met my nephew last month! Why didn't I know about you?!"

He sighed, "Adalet, could you give up some privacy, please?"

"Of course" Adalet replied, "I have to get back to Ahmet anyways, I promised to take him to the fairground... he said something about wanting to get Frank in the dunk tank..."

Adalet left the brothers alone in the park to talk. Léon took a set on one of the many benches lining the path and patted the seat beside him. Yann chose to remain standing and crossed his arms while simultaneously raising an eyebrow.

Léon sighed, "I guess I owe you an explanation..."

"You think?" Yann bit out.

"Look, you have every right to be angry, at mum and dad, and me, but know that I was the one who begged them to keep me a secret from you," he says, "it's true that I am your brother, 10 years older to be precise... but I was a sickly child, I was diagnosed with leukemia at just 6 months old among other things and from the moment I was born I was in and out of hospitals. My condition took a turn for the worse in my early teens when you were about four years old..."

"But why didn't I know about you?" he demanded.

"Well, while I had gone into remission for my leukemia I developed lung cancer several years later, I couldn't get too close to people, still can't during flu season," he adds, "when mum found out she was pregnant, the doctors and specialists told them that if they planned on raising you, that they should look into placing me in a facility so that you wouldn't infect me with anything... children are germy things you know."

"Yes, I do," he says thinking of Lily and James, "so what did they do?"

"Well, they kept me at home for some years, like I said, you were probably four when I left, one day you came home from daycare and one of the other kids had just recovered from whooping cough, but apparently not enough," he tells him, "you came home carrying the bacteria, and since it was one of my good days, I decided that it would be fine if I played with you for a little while... the next day, mum says I wouldn't wake up, I was rushed to the hospital where the doctors determined that you had given me the bacteria from the kid."

"I... I almost killed you?" he whispered finally taking the other spot on the bench.

He nodded solemnly, "they managed to stabilize me, but the doctors told our parents that if they tried to keep me home any longer, I would probably die one night before they knew anything was even wrong... So they found a facility specializing in children over in Innovation Valley and I moved in by the end of the year."

"I still don't understand why they never told me about you," he insisted.

"That was my choice, I didn't want you growing up thinking you were the reason why I couldn't stay at home, or only being able to see me once or twice a month... So I asked mum and dad to keep me a secret from you until you turn fourteen."

"Why fourteen?"

Léon chuckled, "because by then I would have been twenty-four and in remission with a new set of cancer-free lungs, and I was but my ride down to Jazz Town got cancelled so I missed your birthday. But we planned to all meet up at the Carnival but then, well..."

Yann's face fell, "I got mum and dad kill-"

"No you didn't!" he yelled grabbing his brother's shoulder, "don't you dare even think that you caused their deaths, it was that crazy serial killer who did it, not you!"

"I-!" he couldn't even think of a response.

The older one sighed, "when mum and dad were killed, I was notified the next day, but I already knew that Aunt Delilah would get custody of you... and without them, I had no idea how to tell you who I was, even with her help..."

"So you keep yourself a secret," he concluded.

"Yeah," he gave a weak chuckle, "pretty lame, right? Anyway, after their funeral, I joined the army and quickly climbed the ranks, met Nathan's mother during a relief mission in India... I hoped to become successful so that when I finally introduced myself to you that you would be proud to call me your brother..."

The two fell silent. Yann mulling over everything he had just been told, and Léon waiting anxiously for a response. Music and cheering could be heard in the distance as the carnival continued, the people unaware of the two brothers in the park.

"Did... did I love you?" Yann suddenly asked, "when I was little, I mean."

That got a big laugh out of Léon, "did you?! Mum always said you loved me more than her and dad combined! You would trail behind me like a puppy, heck, your first word was "Leo" for crying out loud!"

"And... did you love me?" he questioned hesitantly.

"Yann..." he smiled softly, "I never stopped loving you... even when I moved to India, I still kept tabs on my baby brother."

"So... do you want to try and be a family again?" he inquires.

"Only if you do, Yann," he replied seriously.

He smiled, "I would like to, Léon."

"Great!" he grinned, "so... word is you have a wife and I have a niece and nephew?"

He chuckled, "you would be right... would you like to meet them?"

"I would be an honour," he answers standing up, "let's go enjoy the carnival, little brother."

Yann walked beside Léon and the two brothers returned to the bright streets of Jazz Town, ready for what the future had in store for them.

A/N: If you want to see a picture of Léon, good check out my OC book.

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