Escape from Pacific Bay

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Previously on Criminal Case: Pacific Bay...

"Guys! We have a problem!" Hannah cried as she ran into the room, tablet in hand.

"What's wrong, Hannah?" Andrea asked.

"I just got word that the van transporting Jarvis Donne to prison crashed!" she reports.

"What?!" Amy gasped, "what about the driver, and Jarvis?!"

"Contact hasn't been made yet," Hannah replies, "the crash happened near the edge of the canyon, so it can be good!"

"Looks like congratulations will have to wait. Frank, Amy, go out to the crash site and see what you can discover!" Andrea orders.

"Yes Chief!" the two saluted.

Back to the Present...

Frank and Amy speed out to the site of the crash involving Jarvis Donne's transport van. When they got there, they found the van rolled onto its side, one of its back doors agape. Surprisingly nothing was on fire but the tires were still slowly spinning around. There were no other vehicles around except for the police car that had been escorting the van to the prison, and they could see an officer behind the wheel. The worst part of all though was that there was a body lying face down on the pavement just a few feet in front of the crashed van.

As the cops drew closer, Amy spotted a slightly faded business card near the body. It was a silver card with a silhouette of a lion's face printed in black on the front side. Picking it up and flipping it over she saw on the backside was most likely someone's contact information, but parts of the information did not print.

While Amy pulls out her cell phone to call Roxie about the body, Frank draws his gun and a flashlight and slowly approaches the back of the van. He kneeled to see into the van, aiming both the flashlight and gun inside. But there was nothing in the back of the van, and that meant one thing.

"Jarvis escaped!" Frank yells over to Amy, "there's no sign of him!"

"Frank," Amy says, getting a closer look at the body on the ground, "I think we have another problem!"

"What else could go wrong?" he inquired, joining her.

"Look," she replied, pointing at the man's head.

"He's been shot!" he cried, seeing the gaping bullet wound on the side of the man's head, "no way that came from the crash, he's been murdered!"

"Do you think Jarvis could have done this?" she wondered.

He checked the man's pockets, "he's still got his gun, and I doubt Jarvis got his hands on one while in cuffs, but we'll have to investigate and see!"

"Does he have ID on him?" she asked.

"Let me check..." Frank reaches into the man's pocket and pulls out an ID badge, "Scottie Riddle, obviously a corrections officer for the prison, he must have been the one transporting Jarvis to prison."

"I found this card near him," Amy shows him the card, "maybe it's a business card for someone who knew him?"

"Well, looks like it's missing some information," he replied, "so if we want a lead, we'll need to recover the missing information."

"Is Scottie dead?!" a deep voice cried.

Amy and Frank turned to the source of the voice and saw a man dressed in a police uniform walking towards them. He was a man of average height with brown hair and green eyes. He looked to be the same age as the victim, and his hands were shaking as he approached.

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