The Death Boat

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"Are you boys ready yet?" Adalet asks from her place at the cabin door.

She, Fili, and Ahmet were on the second day of their week-long honeymoon/family vacation cruise aboard the Pacific Princess. Right now Adalet was waiting for her boys to finish changing into their swimming clothes so that they could go relax on the pool deck.

The Captain herself was already dressed in her red one-piece swimsuit with a white sarong wrapped around her waist and brown sandals. She had a pair of dark-tinted sunglasses on top of her head, and a bag filled with the essentials for some fun in the sun.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Fili and Ahmet entered the main room of the cabin. Both were dressed in swim shorts and shirts, Fili wearing a green tank top while Ahmet had on a red t-shirt.

"Ready Mom!" Ahmet reported.

"Then let's get going," Adalet replies, opening the door.

The family walked through the long hallways towards the lido deck. Since it was so early in the morning, none of the other passengers on the ship were awake yet. Reaching their destination, they found the ship's Captain and Cruise Director standing at the end of the hall talking quietly with one another.

"Ah, good morning!" Captain Merrill Stubing greeted them when he caught sight of the three, "I hope you are all enjoying your time aboard our ship!"

"We are!" Adalet replied, "we were just about to go relax at the pool, I've been dying to go swimming since we got abroad!"

"Well you're going to love our pool!" the Cruise Director, Julie MacCoy, responds, "we have three separate hot tubs for you to enjoy, plus a larger pool perfect for swimming laps in! And if you get thirsty, Issac would be happy to mix you up one of his signature cocktails at the bar!"

"I'll have to try one!" Fili remarked as they all entered the pool area, "does he offer- Oomph!"

Fili ran into his wife's back due to her stopping abruptly after entering the lido deck. He followed her line of sight and bit back a sigh at the sight greeting them.

Floating face up in one of the hot tubs Julie had mentioned was the body of a middle-aged woman. She looked to be a short woman with pale skin and dark blonde hair fanned out in the water around her head. Her blank grey eyes stared lifelessly up at the sky above through the lens of her black-framed glasses, and her simple pink sundress was soaked in water and blood from her time in the hot tub. Most surprising of all was the harpoon sticking out of her chest right where her heart was located.

"Ok, I take back what I said about dying to swim," Adalet quipped.

"Oh my..." Julie was looking rather green, "that poor woman!"

"This is terrible! A murder on my ship!" Stubing cried in outrage, "how could this have happened?!"

"Well, I'm going to take an educated guess and say the harpoon is the murder weapon," Adalet says as she approaches the body, "as for who shot her, well that I can't say, yet."

Fili couldn't hold back his sigh this time, "well there goes our plan for relaxation..."

"Wait, do you plan on investigating this murder?!" Julie exclaimed.

"I'm Captain Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen of the Pacific Bay Police Department," Adalet sowed off her badge which she had in her beach bag, "I am more than equipped to investigate this murder."

"Except the team is back on dry land," Fili reminded his wife, "there's no way you can analyze any evidence, least of all get an autopsy for this body!"

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