The Ice Queen

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"Ah Adalet, I'm really glad to see you settling into Pacific Bay so well . . . and doing such a great job!" Andrea says as Adalet and Frank stood in front of her desk, "you'll be on night duty with Frank . . . Try not to see it as a punishment."

"Alright, Adalet? I'm kind of relieved to be partnering up with you," Frank whispered, "I was scared I'd get stuck with Amy."

"It's Amy who should be relieved," the chief says having heard him clearly, "hopefully not much will happen tonight, just watch out Frank doesn't fall asleep: he's a loud snorer."

Adalet snickered, "oh trust me, I can sleep next to someone who snores like a chainsaw!"

Andrea laughs, "anyway, I'll leave you both to it. Have a good night."

"Well Adalet, what do you say we go for a walk," Frank volunteered, "at this hour, the beach is deserted, just the way I like it."

On the beach . . .

"On quiet nights like these, it gets me thinking, maybe there's some good left in Pacific Bay after all," Frank says breathing in the salty air, "and look over there, there's a bonfire raging. I guess there must be an end-of-summer party going on."

"Frank," Adalet frowns as she strained to see the bonfire, "there's something not right about that bonfire . . ."

"What's that Adalet? You think something's not right with that kid by the bonfire?" he asked, he cupped his hand around his mouth, "hey you, by the bonfire!"

They waited a few seconds but received silence as a reply.

"They ain't answering, but they're probably just stoned. Anyway, let's leave them to it Adalet, we ain't babysitters . . ." Frank trails off as his partner and the dogs ran off towards the fire, "wait, Adalet, where are you going?!"

Frank hurried to keep up with Adalet and the dogs as they reached the bonfire. The most freaky-looking statue was positioned next to it and the captain also saw a phone beside it and a speargun tossed near the water's edge.

"What the--?! We're in the middle of summer, in freakin' Pacific Bay . . . So how on earth did this girl end up as a human popsicle?!" Frank cried.

"I'd recognize that stare anywhere," Adalet said kneeling and getting her cellphone.

"And you're right Adalet, that icy stare belongs to Becky Walden!" he agreed, "we warned that nosy kid to stay out of trouble: obviously she didn't listen . . ."

She ended her quick call, "we should start by sending Becky's body over to autopsy."

"I'm guessing Roxie is out partying by now," he smirked, "but she's gonna have to come back in."

"And there's Becky's phone," she picked up the cell phone with her gloved hand, "it might help shed some light on all this madness."

"But only you have the skills to unlock it," he snorts, "And what about this speargun? If you think it ties in with our investigation, we should dust this sucker for prints, see who it belongs to!"

Adalet opened her case and hooked up the cell phone to her tablet. She opened the code-breaking app and found the code that matched up with the partial one she recovered.

"You really are a phone whisperer, Adalet! Now that you've unlocked the victim's phone, how about we send it to the lab?" Frank says taking it from her.

Once Frank had the phone, Adalet took out her brush and powder for the speargun. She dusted the neck of the gun and the handle for fingerprints. She got a clear set off of it and laid the speargun back down in the sand.

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