After the Storm

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"Adalet, Amy, Frank, everyone: you're doing a terrific job combating crime in Pacific Bay. I'm very proud of you," Andrea praised as she stood in front of the assembled team, "this time, though, we're going to work in a neighbourhood where crime is not the only cloud that hangs over the citizens' life. In Jazz Town, Nature can be a killer, too. You all know about the disaster that hit this area only three months ago: Hurricane Yves. Many people died, and many more lost their homes in the storm... or in the chaos that followed: flood, ruined streets, violence, looting... but Jazz Town is a place of hope, where the music never stops playing. People quickly set out to rebuild their homes after Hurricane Yves. And we're here to help them return to their peaceful lives!"

"Adalet, I've volunteered to take you and Amy to Jazz Town: that's where I grew up, and I still live here with my family," Yann spoke up, "we were very lucky not to be affected by the hurricane . . . And there are many more exciting sights and beautiful places still accessible! Come with me and you'll see!"

Later, in Jazz Town . . .

"This part of town was left intact by the storm, Adalet. Jazz Town's spirit is still alive and well here: the music, the food . . . I wouldn't live anywhere else!" Yann declared as they walked down the deserted street.

"Oh, I'm going to love it here in Jazz Town, Adalet," Amy squealed, "you'll see how well I'll fit in! Listen . . . I think I can hear some music already!"

"Oh yes, you're right! I recognize the tune, it's called "After the Storm". It was written just after the hurricane by a famous local jazz musician," he explained as they turned to walk towards the music, "the song became the symbol for hope and . . . Hey, it sounds like it's coming from that street, or maybe from the tram over there!"

"Adalet, why don't we follow the music and see where it's coming from?" the rookie suggested.

"Great idea, Amy!" Adalet praised, "let's go!"

Adalet, Amy, Yann, and the dogs followed the sound of the music as it grew louder and clear. It leads them to Main Street where the damage from the storm was still being cleaned up, but it wasn't the crack road of the broken buildings that made them freeze, but what was on the cables above that did. Hanging from the cables in a strange order were the body parts of a man

"Adalet, we've just . . . We've just found pieces of a human body hung up on the tramway cables!" Amy gags with her face going green, "and . . . Is it me or are the body parts arranged on the cables exactly like musical notes on a music sheet?"

"Wait a second, I recognize him! He's Elmer "Boogie" Buttons! He wrote "After the Storm", the song we heard playing a minute ago!" Yann exclaims shocked.

"Elmer "Boogie" Buttons? That's the name written on this suitcase you picked up, Adalet!" she pointed to one of the clues Adalet had found while they were talking, "we'd better search through it, you're right! And you already found the radio that played the song, too!"

"It may have been left here by the killer," Adalet muses examining the radio.

"Like a . . . a soundtrack for the murder?" Amy cocked her head.

"There's a serial number on the bottom of the radio," Yann noted pointing to what he had seen, "but it's illegible. Do you think you could decipher it, Adalet? Perhaps we could identify who owns it, or where it was bought!"

"And I'll get the body to Roxie. Ugh," Amy groans pulling out her phone, "I bet this will be too much, even for her!"

"No, it won't! I guarantee she'll be excited, whoever she is! It's a great murder! Especially since the victim is the most famous jazz musician in town!" a bubble man appeared from nowhere, "ladies and gents, I'll show you the scene where this musical genius was murdered, for just the price of a regular tram ticket! A tour of jazz and history awaits you!"

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