Death is Not Our End

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"Ahmet! Are you ready?!" Adalet yelled up the stairs, "we'll miss the flight if we don't leave right now!"

"Coming!" Ahmet called down as he rushed out of his room, the handle of his rolling suitcase in one hand, his stuffed wolf, Sirius, in the other.

"Alright, let's go!" she says ushering Ahmet and the dogs out of the cabin and locking it up behind them.

The four of them all piled into the back of their taxi and the driver pulled out onto the road. The ride to the airport was smooth and silent, Adalet and Ahmet just watched as the scenery changed around them as they drew closer and closer to the airport. When they arrived, they thanked the driver and unloaded their suitcases.

As the small family was walking through security, Adalet spotted some familiar people ahead of them. Frank and Andrea were standing at the end of the line, the senior detective seemed to be in a heated argument with the airport worker about something. The chief eventually just grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off to where a larger group was waiting. Adalet and Ahmet quickly moved through the security line and made their way over to the group.

The group was made up of all of Adalet's teammates plus some family. There was Yann with his wife Jessica and their kids, Lily and James. Ramirez was beside them telling the children some stories with the same animation he would use to his own. Amy, Hannah, and Russell stood off to the side not far away with Roxie telling them about her latest corpse, the rookie officer was looking a little green. Lastly, Andrea and Frank stood in front of them and smiled when they saw Adalet and Ahmet approach.

"What are you doing here?" inquired Adalet confused as to why each of them had luggage with them.

"Well, I decided the team needed a break from the city," Andrea replied, "and that you could you some support for your husband's funeral."

"So you guys are all coming to Grimsborough?!" she exclaimed.

"Yup!" Amy beamed, "I looked it up and it sounds amazing!"

"If a murder a day is your definition of amazing, I'm not going to any party you plan!" Adalet teased, "but you're not wrong, it is a nice place to visit."

"If only I could have brought my flask with me," Frank sighed, "flying makes me queasy!"

"Which is why I had Yann pick you up some medication," Andrea told him, "and why I made sure security confiscated your flask!"

"Don't worry, Frank!" Roxie laughed at their flight was called, "it's only a six-hour flight to Grimsborough!"

"Only?!" Frank cried.

Time-skip through the flight because the last time I was on a plane was when I was four so I don't remember anything about flying...

"If Russell says one more thing to me about psychology to me, I will strangle him!" Frank vowed.

"At least you weren't the one sitting next to the screaming baby!" Roxie complained pulling the earplugs out of her ears, "that kid has a set of lungs on them!"

"The good thing is we're here now," Yann says not fazed by the flight in the least, "so, do we call cabs for all of us or?"

"Actually," Ramirez spoke up, "I think our rides are right over there!"

The Pacific Bay police team turned to where the PI was pointing. Standing off to the side of the airport was a pair of men, one with brown hair and a blue dress shirt plus a tie, the other with longer hair and a grey hoodie with a pair of headphones. When the pair saw the group watching them, their face broke out into matching grins and they ran over.

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