Appointment and telling him

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(Date: January 3, 2019)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to my mom rubbing my back. I rub my eyes and sit up.
M- good morning
B- morning mom
M- we have to be at the appointment at 11:30 and it's 9:30
B- do I have to go
I say as I groan
M- yes you have to go, we have to make sure the baby is growing and healthy
B- we found out yesterday and I don't think anything will show up
M- trust me bil something will show up
B- fine
I get up and mom leaves my room. I go to my bathroom and wash my face. I brush my teeth and got changed into some shorts and and a baggy shirt. I grab my phone and walk out of my room. I go to the kitchen and mom gives me vegan waffles.
F- good morning bil
B- morning
I say as I eat my waffle. After I was done i put my plate in the sink and went to the living room.
B- morning dad
D- good morning bil, how ya feeling
B- I'm good
D- great
I sit down on the couch and go on my phone.
(Time: 10:30)
M- billie let's go
B- ok
I get up and walk to the garage. I get my shoes on and get in the car. Mom started driving and I started to get nervous which caused My tics to start acting up.
M- hey Billie it's going to be ok I promise ok
B- ok
M- just take deep breaths
I take a few deep breaths and I started to feel better.
(Once they got to the doctors)
I get out of the car and follow mom inside the place. She gets me signed in and we sit down. A few mins later a doctor comes out and calls my name. I get up and mom gets up and we follow the doctor. We go into this room and it had a machine. Mom sits down in a chair so I sit down in the chair next to her.
(Dr. Rose- DR)
DR- so you must be Billie
B- yes that's me
DR- ok and this must be mom
M- yes
DR- ok so I heard that you came here for an ultrasound
B- yes ma'am
DR- ok let me just ask a few questions then we can do the ultrasound, ok first question, is the father in the picture
B- I don't know I haven't told him yet
DR- alright second question, dose your father know or any siblings know
B- yes I told my brother and dad
DR- ok good are they supportive of your pregnancy
B- yes
DR- ok now that that's out of the way can you lay on this bed right here for me please
B- ok
I get up and lay on the bed.
DR- ok can you pull your shirt up and hold your shorts down a tiny bit please
B- ok
I do what the doctor says
DR- ok I'm going to put this jelly on your stomach and lower abdomen and it might be a little cold so sorry In advance if it's cold
She puts the jelly on me and it was cold but I didn't didn't mind.
DR- ok let's see this baby
I hold my moms hand and the doctor puts this thing on my stomach. She moves it around and I look at the screen.
DR- ooo and if you see right there, that is your baby
B- where is it
DR- look at that right there
B- whoa
DR- yea let me just take a few pictures and we are done, here is a napkin so you can wipe off the jelly and would you like for me to print out the pictures for you
B- sure why not
DR- alright
I wipe off the jelly off my stomach and throw away the napkin.
DR- alright and here is the pictures and would you like to schedule your next appointment
M- I can schedule that for her
DR- alright let's get the date
Mom scheduled my next appointment and we get to leave. I go into the car and just look at the pictures.
M- you ok bil
B- yea
M- ok are you ready to tell Brandon
B- I think so
M- ok did you bring the test
B- yea it's right here
I say as I take it out of my pocket (it's clean)
M- ok well let's go tell him
Mom starts the car and starts driving to Brandon's house. Once we go there, we got out of the car and walked to the front door. I ring the door bell and mom rubs my back. The door opens and it was Brandon. (I'm putting Brandon as Q)
Q- hey what's up
B- we need to talk
Q- about what
B- we just need to talk
Q- ok then come in
B- mom stay in the car I got this
M- ok
She goes to the car and I walk inside to the kitchen
B- sit down
Q- ok
He sits down
B- put your hands out
Q- alright
He puts his hands out and I put the test and ultrasound pictures in his hands
B- ok open your eyes
I say in a excited but nerves tone. He opens his eyes, looks at the test and pictures then back at me
Q- what the fuck is this
B- I'm pregnant
Q- NO this better be joke
B- i-it's not joke
Q- you better get an abortion
B- what no I'm not getting an abortion
I flinch, quickly grab the test and pictures and run out crying. I run to the car and get in. I put my knees up to my chest and cry.
M- what happened bil why are you crying
B- h- he said f- for me t-to get an a- abortion b-but I don't want to get one
M- you don't have to get an abortion it's your body
B- he also said that we were over, I can't raise a child without them having their dad
M- billie it will be ok I promise, you are better without him
B- but but
M- no buts you will be a great mother and your child will grow up to be wonderful even with our a dad
B- thank you mom
M- let's get home
Mom starts driving home and I just stare at the pictures. Once we got home I get out of the car and walk inside.
F- hey bil how did it go
B- well here are the pictures
M- Right there is the baby
F- whoa and what about Brandon
B- h-he doesn't want to be in the baby's life, he said we're over
F- oh I'm so sorry bil
B- it's ok mom told me I'm better without him
D- hey bil no need to tell me I heard from the living room now let me those pictures of the little one
F- here you go dad
D- oo I see the little bean There
I laugh
D- let's put this on the fridge
B- dad why
D- because this needs to be on the fridge
B- whatever
F- are you going to tell the fans
M- yea I think you should
B- I guess sure
I take a picture of the ultrasound pictures and post it on my Instagram with the caption "found out I'm pregnant, please don't leave any hate" I put my phone down and sit on the couch. After a few hours of watching movies I check the comments and mostly all is them were good comments except for like 4 of them. I put my phone down and for the rest of the day we chilled

Ok so I know this one is short too but they will get longer and longer ❤️bye loves❤️
1346 words

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