Disney world: day 3

490 11 18

(Date: January 22, 2023)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to brook moving In her sleep so I gently move her into the bed as she was laying on me. I grab my phone and go onto Instagram only to see that everyone was congratulating me and ash for getting engaged. I get out of bed and grab some clean clothes. I go to the bathroom and I get in the shower. As I was washing my hair I heard brook saying mommy. "Mommy's in the shower bubba" i say as I wash the soap out of my hair quickly and turn off the water. I wrap a towel around my self, tucking it so it won't fall. I walk out of the bathroom and brook walks over to me. "Good morning my baby" I say as I kiss her head. "Mommy" "yes baby" "why you have those but not me" "what do you mean by that bubs" "you and daddy have those but not me" I was a bit shocked by her saying daddy "what do you mean by daddy" "daddy's there" she says pointing to ash. I was a bit confused but I brushed it off. "How about you go play on your iPad while mommy gets dressed" "ok" she walks away and I go back to the bathroom. I change and brush my hair and brush my teeth. I walk out and see brook cuddled on top of ash while playing on her iPad. "Hey babe" "hey" I say as I walk over and we kiss. "Mommy I want kiss too" I laugh and kiss her cheek. "Brook who is this" I say as I point to ash. "Daddy" "huh" ash says surprised. "Princess im ash not daddy" "no you daddy and that's mommy" she says and goes back on her iPad. Ash moves brook into the bed and gets up. She grabs my arm and we walk to the bathroom. "Did you tell her to call me daddy" "no" "are you lying to me" "no I didn't tell her to say that" "alright" she says as she walks out and I do the same. As we walk out we see brook getting undressed and I saw that she had one of her princess dressed on the bed. "Brook what are you doing" I say as I walk to her and take of her shirt. "I want to wear my dress" "yea but you could have asked us" "but I big girl" "I know your a big girl but sometimes big girls need help too" i say as I help her take off her pants. I put the dress on her and she giggles when she saw her self in the mirror. "Mommy can we see rapunzel" she says as she run to me. "Sure bubs but let's eat and when we get there we can go on rides and take pictures ok" "ok thanky mommy" she says hugging me. "No problem baby" she lets go and climbs up on the bed. I order up some breakfast and after 10 minutes it was here so i pick up brook and feed her a little bit of the blueberries that was on top of the vegan pancakes. "Mommy yucky" she says as she spits it into my hand. "Aww gross dude" I say as I pass her to ash and I go to the bath room and wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom to see brook laughing while eating her food. I record it and put it on my Instagram story with a text box that says 'My loves'. I walk over to them and I eat my food. Once we were done I get my backpack and I help brook out her shoes on. I get my shoes on and we leave. We get to the car and ash puts brook into her car seat and puts the minney ears on brook. Ash gets in the drivers seat and starts driving. It was a short drive and once we parked, we get out and I get brook out. Once we got we went on the rides and all of them had the longest fucking wait. Brook got to take pictures with Mickey and minney, and got to meet rapunzel and I got a little embarrassed when she asked her 'how did you get Flynn up in the tower with your hair, he seems heavy' her words not mine. We had lunch and dinner there and of course I bought brook the Mickey ears and a few other plushies because she's my baby. Brook ended up falling asleep on the way back to the car and once we got back to the hotel room I changed her and me and ash changed and we both layed down and watched tv as brook was cuddled on ash.

Sorry this is short but I hope you liked it and give me some ideas for day 4 ❤️bye loves❤️
832 words

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