Bad day

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(Date: March 25, 2031)(sorry this is short)
Brooks POV:
Rn I was in my room, drawing on my iPad, as music filled my room. Today started off horrible, I had a sensory overload and tic attack. Mom and dad told the twins and alex to stay out of my room so I could calm down. There was a knock at my door, pulling me out of my zone. "Come in" i say, my door opens, and it was mom. "Hey, how are you feeling" mom says, sitting down on my bed. "I'm feeling better" I say Turing off my iPad. "Ok well I have to go grocery shopping so do you want to come" mom says, rubbing my leg. "Sure just let me get changed" i say getting up, mom leaving my room, and I grab a pair of leggings from my closet. I change out of my shorts into the leggings and I slide my crocks on. I grab my phone and headphones, leaving my room, and going downstairs. We leave and once we got to the store, we got out, and went into the store. We walked around, mom getting what we needed, as I was on my phone. I got a text from one of my friends saying they did a bad thing so I look at the picture and well I'm not going to talk about what she sent me. Let's just say, WE ARE FUCKING TWELVE, SHE SHOULD NOT BE GETTING PREGNANT, AND SHE SHOULDN'T BE HAVING A SIXTEENTH YEAR ILD BOYFRIEND. "Brook you know, you should become a singer when you get older" mom says, grabbing vegan yogurt. "I don't know, I would like to be a teacher" i say, going on my phone and I play a game.

(Time Skip to dinner)
"Mia, maya, eat your food please" mom says, and the twins start eating. I didn't really want to eat but I know it would make mom and dad upset because I haven't eaten in 4 days. As we were eating, mom and dad had to keep the twins and alex in their seats because they kept trying to run off to play. I ate half of my food, got up, and I went up to my room. I go on my iPad and I go back to drawing. Alex comes running into my room screaming, laughing, and mom comes running in. "Sorry princess, alex, stop" mom says kissing my head, then picking alex up, and leaves, closing the door. I started getting tired, so I put my iPad on charge and I go to sleep.

Ok so im sorry this is short but hey I updated, so it's better then nothing, but as always stay fruity ❤️bye loves❤️
460 words

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