New years and meltdowns

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(Date: December 31, 2020)(let's say finneas is now living in his own house with Claudia ik a little late but this is just a story)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to brook crying over the baby monitor so I get up out of bed and quickly make my way to her nursery. I open the door and walk over to her crib.
B- good morning princess
I say as I bounce her a bit. I walk out of her nursery and I walk to the kitchen. I wanted her try something new today for breakfast so I was going to give her a cut up banana. I place her into her high chair and I take out one of her bowls. I get a knife and i unpeel the banana. I cut up half of it and then I put it on her tray. She touches it then gags.
B- whoa what was that
I take the bowl back and I take out her oats. I put that on her tray and she starts eating.
M- good morning
B- morning mom, I have a question, brook gagged at when she touched sliced up banana what dose that mean
M- I don't know
B- well I don't know what to do
M- give her oatmeal
B- I did
M- alright
After 15 minutes brook was done so I wipe off her hands and face and as usual she whines. I put her bowl into the sink and I take her out of her high chair taking off her bib.
M- ok billie Finneas invited us to his house so around 7 pm we would have to leave
B- alright
I go to the living room and I set brook down on the floor and shark comes running over and almost tramples brook but I hold his collar back in time.
B- shark be careful
I let go of his collar and watch as brook slowly walks over to her teddy and grabs it then slowly walks back to me. I pick her up and she puts her head on my shoulder.
M- can you walk shark for me bil
B- sure
I walk to the nursery and get a pair of socks for brook. I go back to the living room and sit on the couch. I place her in my lap and put the first sock on her but she starts whining and trying to pull it off.
B- what's wrong
She keeps whining and trying it pull off the sock and she almost falls off my lap but I catch her. I take off her sock and she stops whining.
B- your just being whiny today huh
I say as I try to put her sock on again but she starts whining again.
B- ok ok no socks then
I say as I take off her sock and pick her up. I get sharks leash and Connect it to his collar. I get my shoes on and leave.
(Once they were done with the walk and they are back home)
I set brook down and she slowly walks to her blocks as I take off sharks leash.
Br- mmaammaa
B- one second princess
I say as I put sharks leash away
Br- mmaammaa
B- I hear you bubba give me one second please
I walk over to the living room and pick her up. She plays around with my hair as I sit on couch.
(Skip to 6 pm and Billie just got done with her shower and is in a robe and is about to give brook a bath)
I walk to brooks nursery as she was taking a nap. I open the door and turn on the lights. She starts whining and covering her face with her arms.
B- I'm sorry I had to wake you up baby but mama has to give you a bath
I say as I pick her up and she hides her face in the nape of my neck. I grab a diaper, a short sleeved bodysuit with one of her little princess tutus and a binky with a clip. I turn on the light and walk to the bathroom. I start the bath and as it fills up I place her things on the counter and i start getting her undressed. Once she was undressed I hold her to my chest as I wait for the bath to fill up. I start to question if I pumped a bottle today for brook and I remember I didn't.
B- oh shit
I mumble under my breath. The bath was half way filled so I turn off the water and place her inside and she was no longer grumpy. I place a few toys in the bath and she starts playing. I puts some of her body soap in my hands and i start washing her body. I rinse off the soap the I get a little bit of her shampoo and wash her hair. As I was washing the soap out of her hair some water goings onto her face making her whine. I take her up and dry her off then I grab her things and go to her nursery. I set her onto her changing table and i change her. I clip the binky to her bodysuit and put it in her mouth. I go out to the living room and place her on the couch and I put a spongebob on for her. I kiss her forehead and walk to my room. I change into shorts and a shirt and I put on some chains and rings. I put some light make up on, grab my phone, and brooks diaper bag. I walk out and saw mom holding brook and dad walking out of their room.
M- ok ready to go
B- yea just one second
I go to the kitchen and check in the freezer to see if I had any pumped milk in there but I didn't.
B- ok I'm ready
M- alright let's go
I get my shoes on and we all walk out to the car. Mom gets brook into her car seat and I get in the back. I put my seat belt on and mom and dad get in the car and dad starts driving. Once we got there we get out and I get brook out of her car seat. We knock on the door and Claudia answers.
C- hey guys come in
We all go inside and I could hear the tv playing so it was bound to be loud when we go to the living room.
C- ok so finneas is in the living room and we have snacks and everything there
M- alright well let's go
C- oh and make your self at home
D- thank you
I set brook down and hold her hand as we walk to the living room. Brook starts whining and gets her hand out of my light grip and covers her ears. I bend down and pick her up and go to the living room. (Bad idea billie) as soon as I get to the living room brook starts screaming and crying and kicking me.
B- what the fuck
I say under my breath
B- can I go to y'all's room for a few minutes so I can calm her down
C- sure
B- thank you
I make my way to their room and I sit on the bed and Brook starts hyperventilating. I lay her down on her back onto the bed.
B- it's ok babygirl it's ok take deep breaths ok can you do that for mama take deep breaths
I say in a quiet and calm voice. Her screams stop but her crys dont go down. I hold her legs down so she stops kicking me and keep telling her to take deep breaths. She covers her eyes so I dim the lights on the room and she starts to calm down.
B- there we go it's ok babygirl it's ok
I say as I pick her up and pat her bum. I text Claudia to turn the tv volume down a bit before I go back to the living room and she replays with ok done. I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch.
F- what happened
B- I don't know but I got her to calm down
C- billie I did some research on what happened and it shows that she could have had a sensory meltdown
B- huh
C- did she act a certain way to some things
B- she gaged this Morning to the feel of a cut up banana and whined when I put socks on her
C- so she could a sensory issue
M- Bil it does seem like it so Maybe make a doctors appointment
B- alright
(Skip to when it's 10 seconds till the ball drops, Billie ended up breastfeeding brook and now she's asleep and everyone is recording)
(Ev- everyone)
Ev- 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1
We all kinda scream but not loud so we don't wake up brook. I stop recording and put it on my story and we hang for a bit and then leave around 2am. When we got home I got brook changed into a onesie and place her into her crib and I changed and when to bed.

Ok sorry this was kinda rushed and it was bad so I'm so sorry about that ❤️bye loves❤️
1592 words

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