The glass incident and ikea

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(Date: January 28, 2023)
Billie's POV:
I wake up with ash snuggled up next to me so I carefully get out of bed and walk out. I walk to brooks room and open the door to see her just waking up. "Good morning princess" I say as I crouch down in front of her bed. "Morning mommy" she says as she rubs her eyes and sits up so I stand up. "Did you potty in the pull up" "mhm" she says as she puts her arms out for me to pick her up so I pick her up. She puts her head in my shoulder as I take out underwear and an outfit for her. We leave the room and go back to mine and ash's room. I put brook down and she goes to the bathroom. Once she was done I wipe her and then throw away the pull up and I help her get changed. I could tell she was still a little sleepy so I pick her up and I put her in the bed with ash. "Mommy stay" she says as she sits up in bed as I was about to leave the room. "Mommy has to go make breakfast, do you want to come with me or stay with daddy" "mommy" she says as she gets out of the bed and walks To me. I pick her up and go to the kitchen. I make her some pancakes and make some some for myself and ash. I pour myself a glass of water and I put it on the table so I can make ash's coffee. not even a minute later I hear glass shatter so I turn back and brook screams as she stepped in the now broken glass cup. ash comes running out of our room and sees what happened. ash picks up brook how was crying super hard and I get the vacuum. I pick up all the bigger pieces and then I vacuum the rest. I wipe up the water and blood off the floor and then I take out the first aid kit. "brook baby I'm going to need you to calm down ok, can mommy see your feet" "mommy ouchy" "yea I know I'm going to fix your ouchy" I say as ash puts brook on the counter and rubs her back as I look at the bottom of brooks feet. "ok baby mommy has to take the glass out of your foot ok" "okay" brook says as she puts her thumb in her mouth and holds onto ash's arm. I grab some tweezers and start taking the glass out of brooks foot as she screams and cry's. "M-MOMMY STOP" "I there's one more ok" I say as I quickly take it out and then I go straight disinfecting it, making brook scream and cry as she kicks her legs. ash holds her legs as I finish disinfecting it then I wrap both of her feet with a bandage wrap. "all done baby" I say as ash takes brook off the counter and brook cry's into ash's chest. "its ok princess its ok" ash says as I pass her coffee and I take brook from ash. I grab her food and I feed brook was I eat as well. once we were done I brook on the couch and shark jumps up and sits next to her. I put some cartoons on the tv and me and ash get ready as we were going to ikea for some furnisher for brooks room and master room which is mine and ash's room.

(a few hours later)
Ash's POV:
Rn I was getting brooks shoes on as she had fell asleep on the couch. Once I got her shoes on, I pick her up and go out to the car. I buckle her in and get in the passenger seat as Billie was already in the car. She starts driving and I put ikea in the gps.

(10 minutes away)
Brooks POV:
I wake up confused why I was in my car seat but I saw daddy. "Daddy" I say and she looks back at me making me smile. "Hi princess, how was your nap" "good" "great" "daddy" "yes baby" "my foots hurt" "your feet hurt" I nod my head and daddy looks at mommy and I hear mommy sigh. "Ok do you think you can walk or will they hurt" "I don't know" "ok well when we get to ikea and get out, you can see ok" "okey" I say as I put my thumb in my mouth and look out the window. After a little the car stops and mommy and daddy get out. My door opens and it was mommy. She unbuckles me and then takes out out of the car. She puts me down and I hold her hand. As we walk my both my foots start to hurt so I stop walking and sit on the ground and mommy and daddy both turn back. "What's wrong baby" "my feets hurt" "ok then" mommy says as she picks me up and I put my head on her shoulder facing forward (I hope that makes sense). I put my thumb in my mouth as we go into the place. "Ok bil what did we need again" "we need new side tables and lamps for our room, and for brooks room a new rug and a new cubby storage for her toys" "ok umm let's get a cart then" daddy says as she gets a cart and they we go around. It was really busy and there was a lot of noise and there was other kids screaming making me hide my face in mommy's shoulder. I whine as there was a lot going on and I couldn't take it. "It's ok baby girl, your ok, I know there's a lot of noise and people but it's ok Daddy and me are right here" mommy says whispering in my ear. I hold onto her shirt with my other hand and I stare at mommy as she helps daddy with putting something in the cart. I whine as I started to slip out of mommy's grip making her move me back to how I was and holding me a little tighter. As we looked around there was more kids screaming making me wimpier and hide my face into mommy's shoulder more. Mommy bounces me a little and rubs my back. "Your ok baby, I know those kids are loud, but their parents are just not good parents" mommy says into my ear making me laugh a little at the last part. After what felt like forever daddy said that we had everything and that we could go to the food court and eat but I wasn't really hungry. Daddy gets our food and sits down with me and mommy. I was sitting in mommy's lap and daddy was sitting across from us. Mommy feed me a little of the vegan meatballs which I didn't really like and the texture of it was really weird. I spat it out so mommy gave me some of the mashed potato which daddy said was vegan. I only had a little then I hid my face in mommy's chest. I start to get drowsy from the smell of mommy's perfume and after a few moments I fall asleep.

(Time Skip they are back home)
I wake up in my bed and I sit up. I see shark on the floor so I get out of bed but my feets hurt to much. "Daddy" I say and after a moment daddy comes In to my room. "Yes baby" "Uppy" I say putting my arms out for her. Daddy picks me up and for the rest of the day me mommy and daddy watched movies and I got candy.

Sorry this is short but I hoped you liked it but anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
1330 words

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