Sick brook

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(Date: January 4, 2024)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to Alex crying over the baby monitor so I get out of bed and go to his nursery. "Shh it's ok baby boy" I say as I pick him up and and put him on the changing table. I change his diaper and then I put a new onesie on him. I leave his nursery and I go to brooks room. I open the door and rub her back. "Babygirl wake up you have to get ready for school" I say as I move the hair out of her face and her cheeks were all red. I didn't think much of it as her cheeks are normally kinda red. "Princess you need to wake up you need to get ready for school" i say as she starts waking up. "Hi mommy" "hello baby, you have to get ready" "ok" she says as I get up and I take out this outfit for her: (without the Sandals)

 "Hi mommy" "hello baby, you have to get ready" "ok" she says as I get up and I take out this outfit for her: (without the Sandals)

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She gets out of bed and I leave her room so she can change. Alex starts crying and I knew he was hungry so I put him in his feeding position and then I pull my shirt up because I didn't have a bra on. He latches on and I walk to the kitchen and I pack brooks lunch. I make her a bowl of fruit and I pack her backpack. Brook walks out of her room and she walks over and sits on the barstool and starts eating. "You look so cute princess" "thank you mommy" she says smiling. After 20 minutes Alex was done nursing so I burp him and then I put him back in his crib as he was asleep again. "Ok baby let's get going" I say as I grab brooks backpack and i tie brooks shoes. We go out to the car and she gets in her car seat and I buckle her in. I get in the car and I drive to brooks school. I drop her off. I drive back home and chill with Alex and ash.

(A few hours later)
Brooks POV:
We just got back from lunch and I didn't feel good. I raise my hand and that teacher walks to me. "What's up hunny" "I don't feel good" "ok what don't you feel good" "my tummy and head hurts" "ok I'm going to write a nurse slip" ms. Jones says as she goes back to her desk. "Ok I need a volunteer to take Brooklynn to the nurse" "me I can" tommy says so we get up and I take the slip. "Ok thank you tommy" ms. Jones says as we leave and tommy holds my hand as we walk to the nurse. Once we got there tommy goes back to class and I walk in. "Hello sweetheart what's the matter" the nurse says so I give her the slip. I feel my tummy bubble and after a few seconds I throw up. "Oh no uh-oh" the nurse says she wipes my mouth and talks on her talkie walkie and asks for a janitor. "Come here hunny let's take your temperature" "I w-wanna go h-home" I say as I start crying. "I know but let's take your temperature and then we can call you mom ok" "ok" I say and she takes my temperature. "Oh looks like you have a fever, ok how about you go and lay down and I will call you mom" "ok" i say as I lay on the weird beds and I listen to what the nurse was saying. "Hello this is nurse (blank) calling from (blank) elementary school i regards of your daughter Brooklynn O'Connell, she came in saying her stomach hurt and then she threw up, she has a fever of 106°, so if you could come pick her up, ok Great see you then, Brook hunny your mom is on her way ok" "ok" I say as the nurse calls the teacher to bring my bag. The teacher gives me my backpack and after 10 minutes daddy shows up. "Hi princess" she says as she picks me up and I hide my face in her neck. She signs me out and we go to the car. Daddy puts me in my car seat and then closes the door. She gets in the car and starts driving. "Daddy my tummy hurts again" I say and then I throw up again making me cry. "Oh god" daddy says as she speeds up. Once we got home daddy gets out and takes me out. She takes out my car seat then carry's me in. "Billie take brook and give her a bath please I need to wash her car seat" "alright come here princess" mommy says as she takes me from daddy and takes off my shirt. "Mommy I feel icky" I say as mommy carry's me to her bathroom and starts the bath. "I know baby it's ok going to be ok" mommy says when I hear brother crying. "Mommy brother crying" "ok stay right here" mommy says as she leaves. My tummy started to make weird sounds so I run to the toilet and I throw up. "M-mommy" I say as i cry harder as I throw up. "Oh baby" I hear mommy say and then I feel her rub my back. "W-where brother" "brother is asleep again baby I just had to change his diaper" "o-oh" I say as I throw up more. "It's ok baby it's ok you done" mommy says and I nod my head. Mommy takes off my shorts and underwear and then picks me up. "Mommy cold" "I know baby I'm about to put you in the bath"

Billie's POV:
I pick up brook and put her into the bath. Poor baby's not feeling well and from what I know this is her third time throwing up. I wash brooks body as she just sits there falling asleep. I wash her hair and then I take her out making her whine. I wrap a towel around her and she puts her head on my shoulder and puts her thumb in her mouth. I lay her on the bed and I put some lavender scented lotion on her. I put some pjs on her and then pick her up as she was asleep. I brush out her hair and then I go to her room and I lay her in her bed. For the rest of the day me and ash took care of brook and Alex who we trying not to get sick.

Ok so this might be the last chapter for TODAY but give me some ideas for what you want to see but anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
1134 words

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