First kiss

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(Fun fact: I never had my first kiss😕) (date: March 21, 2028)
Brooks POV:
Rn I was changing while mommy was making my lunch. I put my shoes on and I leave my room and I go to the kitchen. "Hey princess ready to go" "yup but can you tie my shoes" "sure baby" mommy says as she ties my shoes and I feel arms wrap around me. "Sissy don't leave me" Alex says as I feel him dig his face into my back. "Mommy I don't want sissy to leave" he says as he crys. Mommy was done tying my shoes and she try's to pull alex off me but he just holds onto me tighter. Mommy gets Alex off me and i follow mommy out to the car.

(Skip to when brook is in school and they are about to go to recess)
"Ok kiddos line up please so we can go to recess" my math teacher says so we all line up and we go to the playground. The teacher opens the door and we all run out. "Brook come with me" Anna says as she grabs my hand and we run behind the big tree. "I wanted to tell you something" "what" "I kinda like you" she says blushing. I did kinda like her too. "I kinda like you too" I say as we both hug. "Does that mean we are like girlfriend and girlfriend" "I think" I say as we both sit down. I turned to talk and I guess she was going to do the same because when I turned my head we both kissed. I pull away and we both smile. Once recess was over we went back inside.

(Once brook got home)
"Anything exciting happened today" mommy says and I decide weather to tell her or not. I thought I should because she might be happy. "I had my first kiss"

Billie's POV:
"I had my first kiss" brook says and I smile. MY BABYS FIRST KISS AHHHHH!! "So who was it" "Anna" brook says blushing. HER FIRST KISS WAS HER CRUSH OH MY GOD!! "I have homework so I'm going to my room" "ok princess" I say and for the rest of the day i kept thinking about how brook had her first kiss and I told ash and she was happy.

Sorry this is short but ❤️bye loves❤️
400 words

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