Adhd and autism

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(Date: March 28, 2028)
Ashley's POV:
"Bye princess have a good day" "bye daddy, you too" brook says as she gets out of the car and goes into the school. I drive back home and once I got home I go inside. "I'm back, Alex come here" i say as I wait. After 2 minutes he didn't come so I walk to his room to see him playing. "Alex buddy I called your name, did you hear me" I say as he nods his head yes. "Then why didn't you answer me" I say as he shrugs. "Ok well what do you want to eat" "Ice cream" "no you can't have ice cream" "ice cream" "nope your not having ice cream" "i want ice cream daddy" "Alex your not having ice cream for breakfast" "please" "no" "PLEASE" "no Alex you are not having ice cream for breakfast and that's final" as i say that he starts throwing a huge fit. I walk out of his room and I quickly get Billie. We go back to his room and Billie gets him calmed down and she had a talk with him. I waited outside of his room and after 10 minutes billie came walking out holding Alex who was playing with billies hair. "We have settled on having vegan dinosaur nuggets" "alright" I say as we go to the kitchen and I take out the nuggets. I put 6 of them in a plate and then i put it in the microwave. "Mommy I want ketchup with it" "ok buddy" Billie says as she laughs as Alex gave her a kiss of her cheek and then goes back to playing with her hair. After a minute the microphone beeps so I take the plate out and I grab the ketchup out of the fridge. I put some ketchup on the plate and Billie puts Alex down on one of the bar stools.

Billie's POV:
Alex starts eating and as he was eating we started dancing making me laugh. I kiss his head and go to mine a ash's room. We had to go to the doctors today to get the results about Alex's ADHD and autism tests. I take a quick shower and then I get dressed. I blow dry my hair and then I go out to the living as I heard Alex playing. I walk over to him and pick him up. "Lets get changed" I say as I walk to his room and I put him down. I grab some shorts and a shirt for him and then I help him change. Alex puts some socks and then we leave his room. "Where going mommy" "somewhere buddy" I say as I put on his shoes and then I pick him up. "Babe let's go" "ok coming"

(Time Skip to when they arrived at the doctors and is in the waiting room)(it was a 1 hour ride)
Alex's POV:
Rn me, mommy, and daddy where at some place. I'm on my iPad while mommy signed something and I was sitting on daddy's lap. I didn't like it here as it smelt weird and it was really cold. "Daddy I cold" "ok buddy here" daddy says as she takes off her hoodie and puts it on me. Mommy's looks over and laughs while shaking her head. I snuggle up into daddy's chest as I watched my iPad. Mommy got up and after a few minutes she came back. I just wanted to be at home playing with my toys but no I had to be at this stupid place. I started to get sleepy so I cuddle closer to daddy but she starts bouncing her leg. "Stoop" I say whining "buddy you can't be falling asleep, it's not even close to nap time" daddy says as she moves me. "Nooo daddy I tired"

Ashley's POV:
"Nooo daddy I tired" Alex says as his voice shakes and His eyes fill up with tears. One of the nurses calls Alex's name so we get up and walk with her to the room. Alex kept whining so Billie took Alex and gave him a little talk. "Ok the doctor should be right with you" the nurse says as we go into the room and she closes the door. Alex curled up into Billie's lap as he watched his iPad.

Billie's POV:
The doctor walks in with Cart thing that had a computer on it. "Hey how are you guys doing" "good" "I'm good" i say as i move Alex a little making him whine. He snuggles into me so I wrap my arms around him. "So i have the results of Alex's tests" "alright" "so let's pull them up and so his adhd and autism test both came came back positive, so for adhd he's on more of the hyperactive spectrum and he has Autistic disorder which is a type of autism" "ok" I say as I gently move Alex's hand so he stops picking at his iPad case. "Do you guys have any questions" "yes, once I in-roll him into school, would it be better to get him a 504" "yes that would be beneficial for Alex in the long run" "alright"

(Ok to sum it up once they got home Alex played and when brook got home from school she did her homework and then they had dinner and then they went to sleep)

Sorry this is kinda short but hey at least I updated but leave me some ideas for what I should write for the next chapter. ❤️bye loves❤️
934 words

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