Questioning sexuality

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(Thank you to billiexpovs for this idea love you bub❤️❤️) (date: February 6, 2028)(after they had breakfast)
Brooks POV:
"Mommy can I have my iPad now" "sure bubba go ahead" "mommy when is daddy coming back" "tomorrow buddy" mommy says to Alex as I grab my iPad and pen. "Mommy sissy draws girls" "no it don't" "yes you do" "Alex mind your own Business" mommy says as I go to my room and I close the door. I lock it and I sit on my bed thinking about what I should draw. I decided to draw mommy so I start drawing. After 2 hours I was done and it looked like this:

 After 2 hours I was done and it looked like this:

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I get out of bed and I leave my room. "Mommy mommy I drew you" "oh really let me see" "here"'I say as I show her. "Brook baby This is amazing" "thank you" I say as I move it to the file with all the girls I draw. "What are all those" "nothing" "are you sure" "yea" "ok" mommy says as I go back to my room and I lay on my bed. I look through them and I saw that picture I drew yesterday and I really liked it. I've known I liked girls better then boys but I don't know. I leave my room again and I walk to mommy. "Mommy can we talk" "sure bubba what's up" "I think i like girls"

Billie's POV:
"I think I like girls" brook says looking down at her feet. I lift her head up to look at me with my index finger and I see tears in her eyes. "Don't cry bubba, it's ok" I say as I hold her close. "Hey listen you know before mommy was pregnant with you I was with a guy and I thought that all I liked was guys, but guess what, I married daddy and do you know what daddy is" "a girl" "yup so if you feel like you like girls then I support you, and when you get older and you still like girls and you have a girlfriend don't be scared ok" I say as I rub her back. "Mommy" "yes bubba" "when you asked what the other drawing were and I said nothing I was lying" "ok well what are they bubba" "here look" she says as she gives me her ipad and I go through the file. There was so many drawings of girls and that either had a bikini on or it was from there boobs and up but they were all amazing drawings. "I like that drawings you made bubba all of them are beautiful" I say as I give the iPad back to her. "Listen bubba you can like who ever you want and I will support you, just make sure they are a good person and they won't lead you down the path" "ok mommy" she says as she hugs me and then goes back to her room. For the rest of the day she was in her room and came out for water or food or just to cuddle and Alex played with his toys for almost the entire day.

Sorry this is short but at least I updated but how are y'all doing, how are y'all's day going!
❤️bye loves❤️
554 words

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