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(Date: March 16, 2023)
Brooks POV:
I wake up to loud noises making me whine and turn over. I hear my door open and I feel my self get picked up. "Hi babygirl" "hi mommy" I say as I suck on my thumb and put my head on mommy's shoulder. She grabs some clothes out for me and then we go out of my room. We go to mommy's and daddy's room and then mommy puts me down. "Ok do you want to change baby" "yes mommy" "ok call me or daddy of you need help" "okey" mommy's says as she leaves and I take off my pjs. I take off my pull up and change but I couldn't get my shorts on. "Daddy help" i say and daddy walks in. "What's up princess" "help" I say as I hold out my shorts. "Ok come here"

Ash's POV:
Brook comes closer and i crouch down and take the shorts out of her hand. She holds onto my shoulders as she puts one leg in to her shorts then followed by the other and I pull them up. I stand back up and brook hugs me. "Let's go have breakfast and mommy and me have something to tell you" I say and brook smiles and runs out to the kitchen. I laugh and walk out of the room. I walk to the kitchen and see brook eating her waffle happily. "Ok so brook baby me and daddy are going to be away for our hunny moon" "what that" "it's were me and daddy go on a trip together, just the two of us for two weeks" "can I go with you and daddy" "you can't because it's just for me and daddy" Billie says and brook bursts out in to tears. Billie picks brook up and comforts her "It's ok bubba it's ok" Billie says as she rubs brooks back and brook holds onto Billie's shirt with a tight grip. "No leave me mommy no leave me" brook cry's out and Billie looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "Mommy's not leaving you, mommy and daddy will just be gone for two weeks baby, it's ok" Billie says as she kisses brooks head and sways brook from side to side a little. "I no want you and daddy to go" "I know baby" Billie says as she mouths to me 'can you pack her bag'. I nod and go to brooks room. I pack a bag with pull ups, outfits, ex. Once I was done I zip it up then go back to the kitchen to see brook sleeping again. "Let's get going because the faster we get going the faster we get to the airport" "alright" I say as me and Billie get our suitcases into the trunk then Billie puts brook into her car seat. I put Leo into brooks free hand and then I get in the passengers seat and Billie starts driving to Maggie and Patrick's house. Once we got there brooks as still asleep.

Billie's POV:
"Ok I'm going to drop brook off so I will be quick" I say as I get out and unbuckle brook from her car seat. I take her out and then I take out her car seat. I grab her backpack from the trunk and then I go up to the door and ring the door bell. The door opens and it was my mom. "Hey Billie what's up" "hey mom, me and ash are going on our hunny moon and I wanted to know if you could watch brook" "sure for how long" "two weeks" "ok I'll be happy to" mom says as she takes brooks bag and car seat out of my hands and puts it on the floor and then takes brook. " oh and mom make sure to change brook into a pull up before she goes to bed" "ok billie have you and Ashley have fun" "thank you mom love you" "love you too" mom says as she closes the door and I go back to the car.

Maggie's POV:
I walk to Finneas's old room and I lay brook down on the bed. I cover her with a blanket and then leave. "Hey Patrick" "hey who was at the door" "it was just Billie dropping off brook so they can go on their hunny moon" "oh where is she" "she's sleeping in Finneas's old room" "oh ok" Patrick says as he walks away.

Patrick's POV:
I walk to Finneas's old room and open the door. I pick up brook and then walk out. "Patty why did you take brook" "why not" I say as I sit on the couch and brook moves a bit and was laying on my chest.

A week later
Billie's POV:
Rn me and ash were on our way to the doctors and I was super nervous. I kept ticking but ash was able to calm me down. Once we got there we get out and go inside. "Hi appointment for Billie" "oh yes you can sit over there" "ok" we sit down and after 20 minutes the doctor calls us back. I get the procedure done and it felt weird. Once it was done we go back to the car and drive back to the hotel.

2 days later (middle of the day)
Brooks POV:
Rn I was snuggling with Grandma as she called mommy because I kept blinking even tho I wasn't doing it. "Granma make it stop" I whine as Granma rubs my back. "Hey bil how you doing...I'm good" "make it stop" I whine some more as it was really annoying. "Yea about that, I think brook is having tics... it started a few hours ago... no no Billie you enjoy your hunny moon... yes I know I called you but please enjoy your hunny moon... there's no way I can get you to change your mind... that's what I thought... ok love you too" grandma says as she puts the phone down and I rub my eyes trying it make it stop. "Hey hey don't rub your eyes" "make it stoooop" I say as I start crying.

Maggie's POV:
Poor baby was having tics and was overwhelmed with it. "It's ok brooky it's ok" I say as I try to calm her down. After an hour I got her to sleep which was good.

Once Billie and ash got back (1 day later)
Billie's POV:
Ash pulls up to my moms house and I get out of the car. I knock on the door and the door opens and I see brook rubbing her eyes and mom who looked tired. "Hey mom" "hey bil" mom says as I take brook from her and I get brooks car seat and backpack. I say bye and then I go above to the car. I put brooks car seat into the car and then put brook in it. I get in the car and we drive home and for the rest of the day me and ash comforted brook.

Sorry I rushed but I hoped you liked it but ❤️bye loves❤️
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