barely made it to the hospital but the babys are here

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(Time skip)(Date:February 8, 2029)(time: 1:20 am)
Billie's POV:
I wake up in pain with a wet feeling on my legs. HOLY SHIT MY WATER BROKE! "Babe babe wake up my water broke" i say as I shake ash's arm. "Huh what" "my water broke" I say and ash gets out of bed and gets the hospital bag. She helps me out of bed and helps he get to the car. "I'll go get the kids just take deep breaths" ash says as she goes back inside. "Ooo BABE HURRY" I yell as I got another contraction. "I'm here I'm here, brook get in the car you too alex" ash says as she gets in the drivers seat. "Babe drive faster" "I'm trying, but oh shit" "what" "look at the traffic" she says so I look up and the cars were no even moving. "Are you f-fucking kidding me, wheres the closest hospital" "two hours away" "no your lying, what about the one I went to when I had alex and brook" "they closed down and moved" "whyy" I say as I felt another contraction. "Babe the girls really want out" I say surprised of how fast my labor is going. "Babe just hang in there.

(And hour and 30 mins later and Billie is 8 cm dilated and they are still in traffic)
"Ahh babe" i say as i had another contraction. "Daddy is mommy ok" alex says and I would tell he was concerned. "Alex buddy mommy's in labor, which means she's in the process of having your little sisters" ash explained as I squeezed her hand. Brook was asleep but alex was too concerned to sleep.

(45 mins later and billie is 10 cm dilated) (alex is asleep)(time: 3:55 am)
"Babe the baby's are coming, I have to push" I say as I could feel then just ready to come out. "Babe what we are 5 minutes away from the hospital can you wait a little longer" "n-no these baby's are ready to come out" I say as I push a little. She pulls up into the hospital parking lot and she gets the kids out and then helps me out. We go inside and alex was holding my hand. "My wife is having twins and they're coming now" ash says and they get me into the labor and delivery room quick. My mom, dad, Claudia, and finneas was already there. I don't how. But they take brook and alex and Claudia was having her baby boy. They have me change into the gown fast and then they get right to having me deliver. After 20 minutes of sweating and crying baby A was out and was getting cleaned while on my chest. Another 20 minutes and baby B was out. I was still in shock on how fast this labor went but i was thankful. "H-hi my baby's" i say as ash cut both of their umbilical cords. The nurses take them and get them both cleaned. "You did it babe, their here" ash says as the nurses hand me back my baby's. "What will their names be" "Mia Baird nickole O'Connell and maya Baird nickole O'Connell" "beautiful names, we will let you be for a bit" "alright" I say as the nurses leave and ash kept staring at our baby's. "You want to hold them" "please" "sure babe" I say as ash gets up and goes to the bathroom. After a few minutes she's comes back out and I pass the baby's to her. "Hi my little princesses, both of you are so cute, I'm your dada" ash says and she had a huge smile on her face. "Babe did Claudia have her baby" "umm let me check" she says as she gives me Mia and maya back. "Oh Finneas texted me and she did" "oh yay, what's his name" "his name is Zachary" "Aww that's a cute name" I say as Mia and maya start crying. "What's wrong my loves, you hungry" I say as pull the top of the gown down and I help both both of them latch. They both latch on and start nursing. As they were nursing I realized that alex is the only boy. Poor dude. After 30 minutes they both latch off so I hand Mia to ash and I burp maya as ash burped Mia.

(Skip one week later, everyone got to see Mia and maya and they got to see Zachary and now Claudia and Billie are able to go home)
Ashley's POV:
Rn I was getting everything ready to go so we could go home. The nurse already said we could go home. Billie was getting the girls into their carriers. "Babe look how cute they are" Billie says as she rubs both of their little tummy's. I laugh when the door opens and it was finneas and Claudia. "Hey bil how's the twins" "their good" Billie says as she picks up both carriers and Finneas was super happy to seem them. "Billie I'm older then you and you have four kids" Claudia says making Billie laugh. "Well I did have brook when I was 17 and I'm 27" "your 27" Finneas says shocked. "Yea I'm 27 what's so shocking about it" "damn I'm old" "yup" Billie says as she passes mayas carrier to me and takes her hospital bag. "Let's go I want to go home and see my other two baby's" I say and Billie nods. We go down to the first level and say our goodbyes. We go to our car and we put the carriers in the car. Billie Insisted on sitting in the back because she wants to be with her little girls.

Billie's POV:
I was in the middle of my two baby girls. I take a picture of both of them and I post it on Instagram with the caption 'got out of the hospital and meet Mia and maya Baird nickole O'Connell 2/8/29 Mia 4:40 am and maya 5:00 am' I post it and then I put my phone down. I hold Mia's hand and I hold mayas hand. I open their balled up fists and they hold onto my finger. "Babe you ok" "yup I'm good, just in love with the two new angels" "your so obsessed with them" "am I not aloud to, their our daughters" "no no your aloud to" ash says as she chuckles and keeps driving. Once we got home i carried both carriers in and shark comes running over so does alex. "Mommy daddy" alex says as he hugs me and then ash. "I'm going to put theses two into their cribs" "ok" ash says as I go to their nursery and I take both of them out. I put Mia in her crib and then maya in her crib. For the rest of the day it was either me or ash holding the twins as they were already attached to us.

Ok so the twins are here yay, how do you think alex will react when not all the attention is on him, give me some ideas for the next chapter but stay fruity ❤️bye loves❤️
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