Bleeding head

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(Date: February 16, 2021)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to thump sound then brook screaming and crying over the baby monitor. I quickly get out of bed and run over to her nursery. I open the door and turn on the light to see brook sitting in her crib with her hands on the back of her head crying and screaming hysterically. I rush over and pick her up and she puts her face into the nape of my neck. "Shhhhh it's ok baby mamas here it's ok" I say as I bounce her a bit. I check the back of her head with my hand and when I look at my hand I saw blood. "Oh shit" I say under my breath. I leave her nursery and go to the restroom. "Baby calm down ok it's ok" I say as I wet a towel and put it on the back of her head making her cry more. "Hey hey hey it's ok baby I know it hurts but it's ok calm down it's ok" I say as I kiss her head multiple times. Mom walks in with an annoyed look on her face. "What's wrong, why is she crying so much" "umm well I woke up to a thud sound then her screaming and crying over the baby monitor so i when to see what's wrong and apparently she hit the back of her head on the crib and now it's bleeding" "ok give her to me let me take care of this because this happened with you so I know what to do" I pass brook to mom and she walks out. I follow mom and watch as she keeps the wet towel on the back of brooks head and grabs the bandage wrap. "Bil go wake up your dad we are going to the doctors" "ok" I go to their room and shake dad awake. "Huh what" "get up we have to go to the doctors" "why" he says as he gets out of bed. "Brook cracked the back of her head open a bit and mom told me to wake you up so we can go to the doctors" "alright let me change" "ok" I leave the room and go back to mom who was wrapping brooks head. "mmaammaa" brook cry's out while putting her arms out for me. Mom finishes and passes brook back to me. Brook snuggles her head into my chest as I rub the back of her head softly. "Ok I'm ready let's go" dad says coming out of their room. "Ok let me get brooks diaper then we can go" "no I can get it mom" "Bil you and dad get in the car ok" "oh ok" I get my shoes on and walk out to the car. I get brook into her car seat and then I sit in the back. Brook starts crying as she puts her head down so I put my hand behind her head and she stops crying. Mom gets in and dad does too and mom starts driving. Once we got there I remove my hand slowly but when brooks head touches the cushions of her car seat she starts crying loudly. I get out and quickly get brook out of her car seat. She puts her head on my shoulder and we walk into the doctors office. "Hello what bring you here today" "umm my daughter here The back of her head is bleeding" "ok please sign her in" the lady said passing me a clip board. "Alright" we sit down and mom helps me fill out brooks information. Once I was done with that I give it to the lady and sit back down. After 10 minutes a nurse calls brooks name so we get up and follow her. We go to a room and the nurse says the doctor will be with us in a few. "Mom did get to see how the crack looked on brooks head" "no she kept moving every time I was I trying to look at it" "oh" the doctor walks In after like 5 minutes. "Hello I heard that this little me got hurt" "yea she hit the back of her head in her crib and cracked it open a bit" "oh that's not fun well let's get these bandages off and take a look so if you would just remove them for me" I move brook into my lap facing me and I take off the bandage. "Ok let's have a look" the doctor says as he examines brooks head and she starts crying and moving her head. I hold her tighter and kinda hold her head still. "Ok so she will need stitches so I will get the things for that but I will have you lay her on the bed for me so it's easier" "alright" the doctor leaves and I get brook calmed down then I lay her on her tummy on the bed. "I'm scared" "why bil" "my baby's getting stitches in the back of her head and I know she will be screaming and crying the entire time" "it's ok going to be ok billie" dad says rubbing my arm. The doctor comes back in and sits on the chair. "Ok I'm going to have you hold her head still please and we can get this done fast" "ok" I put one of my hands on her cheek and my other on the top of her head as her face was towards me. The doctor starts doing the first stitch and brook was already crying and screaming. "MMAAMMAA" brook crys out as she try's to move her head. "Shhhh it's ok it will be over soon I promise babygirl it's ok" I say as I rub her cheek with my thumb. She was crying super hard and basically screeching once it was done. The doctor quickly holds a gauze to the part he stitched and then put one layer of bandage wrap around her head so in the front it was over her forehead. I pick her up off the bed and hold her head to my chest. "Ok so come back 10 days so she can get it removed but for right now I suggest to give her some baby Tylenol to help with the pain" "alright" "and you are free to leave have a great rest of the day" "you too" I say as I get up and mom gets brooks diaper bag. We leave and dad puts brook into her car seat as I get in the car. Mom gets in the drivers side and once dad was done he closes the door and gets in. "mmaammaa" brook says as she reaches for me. I give her my hand and she puts my fingers into her mouth. Once we got home we got out of the car and I got brook out of her car seat. We went Inside and had breakfast and for the rest of the day I kept a super close eye on brook to make sure she doesn't get hurt anymore.

I'm sorry this is kinda short. Now I need to know something, should brook color on the walls or get into Billie's make up. ❤️bye loves❤️
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