Never a dull moment when you have a 6 month old

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(Date:March 10, 2020)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to brooks baby coos so I get up and walk over to her crib.
B- good morning brooklynn my little angel
She smiles as I pick her up. She kicks her legs as she smiles.
B- looks like you had a good sleep
I say as I leave my room. I walk to the living room and place her down in her jumper swing that is attached to the ceiling.
B- mama will be right back
I say as I walk to the kitchen. Before I could even open the fridge i her a squeal from the living room. I run over and watch as brooks eyes light as soon as she sees me. I take her out of the jumper and walk back to the kitchen. I check the time and it was 7 am so no wonder no one was up. Brook puts her hand in her mouth and chews on it. I take her hand out of her mouth and hold it. She starts crying so I quickly check what's wrong and saw that she was teething. I let go of her hand and it goes right back in her mouth. Mom had got teething rings as she said it would be soon so I open the freezer and take out one of the teething rings. I take brooks hand out of her mouth and put the ring in her mouth instead. She holds onto it and chews on it so I walk back to the living room and place her on her play mat. I watch as she turns over onto her tummy.
B- how did you do that brook
I say as I pick her up and tickle her making her giggle. I put her back onto the play mat and get up. I walk back to the kitchen and take out some strawberries and raspberries. I put them in a bowl and wash them. I cut some of the strawberries and raspberries up then move them into a baby bowl. I mash them up then put them on the tray of brooks high chair. I walk back to the living room and pick up brook. I walk back to the kitchen and place her in her high chair. I clip her in so she doesn't try to get out and I get a baby spoon. I take the teething ring away and scoop a little bit of the food.
B- open go "ahh"
She opens her mouth and I feed her. She looks at me with a confused face then puts her hand in the bowl and puts her hands in her mouth.
B- I will take that as you like it
I get a paper towel and take her hands out of her mouth. I wipe them off and feed her some more of the fruit. She ate all of it which was good so I put the bowl and spoon in the sink and take her out of her high chair. I give her the teething ring back and go to my room. I take out the changing mat and put it on the floor. I take out a new diaper and a short sleeved bodysuit. I sit down and place her on the mat. I take off her onesie and change her diaper. I run my finger down from her chest to her tummy making her giggle. She grabs my hand and moves it away. I bring my hand back down but fast and I start ticking her making her laugh a lot which was cute. I stop to let her catch her breath so I bring my hand back up and she holds on to it. Do the same thing I did last time and tickle her. She flails her arms and leg as she laughs. I stop and get her dressed into the bodysuit. I pick her up and throw away the dirty diaper and put away the changing mat. I put her onesie in my Landry bin and walked out of my room. Brook was just holding the teething ring so I put it back in the freezer. I sit on the floor and place brook on the floor on her tummy. She rocks a bit and before I know it she was on her back.
B- good job babygirl your growing up so fast
She turns back into her tummy and held her self up with her hands and knees. I grab her teddy and move back a bit. I wave it around and she moves a bit but goes on her tummy and kicks her legs. She moves little by little and after a minute or two she gets to me. I give her the teddy and pick her up.
B- you are going to have a good nap after all of this
She coos and makes a "ma" sound.
M- good morning bil and baby brook
B- good morning mom
Mom picks up brook and kisses her cheek then puts her back down.
M- what are you doing up
B- brook woke me up
M- oh did you have breakfast
B- no but can I just have coffee
M- sure
B- oh and mom brook is teething
M- really let me see
I stand up with brook in my arms and mom checks.
M- oh she is, her tooth should be sprouting in a few days
B- awesome
M- well I'm going to go make your coffee
B- ok thank you
I sit back down on the floor and place brook on the floor in a sitting position. She uses her hands to stay sitting and she didn't need any of my support.
B- mom can we go somewhere today
M- like where
B- I don't know like the mall or target or just somewhere
M- well I have to go grocery shopping
B- can I come
M- sure
B- thank you
I feel brook grab my shorts so I move her so she is in my lap. I hear mom gasp then walk over to me.
M- the government is saying that we are going on lockdown on the 25 of this month
B- what why
M- apparently it's because of a new virus
B- oh so looks like we have to go get a lot of food for this
M- yea
B- that means we can get some new things for brook
M- yea we can
B- yay
I say as I throw brook up into the air and catch her making her giggle. I bring her close to my face and our noses touch.
M- you are such a great mother billie
B- thank you mom
She smiles and walks off. I throw brook into the air a few more times as she giggles. I hold her close to my face and she puts her hands on my nose. I scrunch up my nose making her giggle more. She starts drooling so I move into my lap and wipe the drool off my face. Brook puts her hand back into her mouth so I get up and walk to the kitchen. I get on of her teething rings out of the freezer and walk back to the living room. She grabs it and puts it in her mouth and chews on it.
M- here is your coffee and I put a lid and a straw so if it spills a little will come out
B- thank you
M- mhm
I drink some of my coffee then put brooks teddy on the floor. I watch as she scoots on her tummy and moves to get her teddy. After a few minutes she gets to it and grabs it.
M- ok bil you should get ready because I want to be able to get everything we need
B- alright are you fine with staying with brook as I get changed
M- yea no problem I love spending time with my granddaughter
B- ok thank you
I get up with my coffee and walk to my room. I get changed into new shorts and a hoodie. I get my phone and brooks diaper bag and then walk back to the living room.
M- that was fast
B- I just had to change my shorts and put a hoodie on
M- ok I'm going to get ready so we will leave in a bit ok
B- ok
I sit on the floor and call brooks name and she looks over at me and smiles. She coos making a "ba" sound. I pick her up and place her on the play mat.
(Skip to when they are about to leave) (brook doesn't have the teething ring anymore)
M- ok come on bil let's go
B- ok
I get up and pick up brook. I get her diaper bag and my phone and walk out to the car. I get my shoes on and open brooks side. I put her into her car seat and strap her in. I close her door and get in the other side.
M- why are you sitting back there
B- just incase brook needs something
M- alright
I scoot to the middle and put my seat belt on. Mom starts the car and starts driving. Brook starts to fuss so i let her hold my hand but it didn't help. I she starts crying and then I realized she wanted milk.
B- mom what do I do if she wants to be feed
M- umm I don't really know, did you use the pump and pump bottles or no
B- no I didn't
M- well then I don't know i never had this problem with you or Finneas when y'all where baby's
B- oh ok
I try to calm brook down the best I could but nothing worked so I scoot over a bit so I'm covered and I pull down my hoodie and bra. I move my boob a bit and she latches on so I just hold it. After 20 minutes she latches off and we were at the store so I pull my bra and hoodie back up.
M- so I guess you figured out a way to feed her
B- yea it was definitely something that I would never do but you know
M- well at least she is all good now
B- yep
I unbuckle my seat belt and get out. I close the door and mom gets brook out before I could.
B- thank you mom
M- no problem
Mom gives me brook and I hold her. We walk into the store and mom gets a cart. We walk around and get more baby things and some more baby clothes. As we walk around and mom gets things brook puts her hand on my face so I put my forehead on hers and she giggles. I move my face and brook puts her hand on her mouth. I take it out and just let her chew on my finger. Once we were done shopping mom payed and we left. I kept getting a weird look from a lady but I ignored it. We go to the car and mom puts the groceries in the trunk and I get brook strapped into her car seat. I close her door and go around and get in the passenger seat. Mom gets in and stays the car and we drive home. Once we got home, we got out and I got brook and helped mom with the groceries. We go inside and mom puts the groceries away. For the rest of the day was just what we normally do.

Ok so I hope you liked this chapter. I just want y'all to know that you all are beautiful/handsome and that y'all mean the world to me
Anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
1982 words

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