The End

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(Time Skip 5 years, brook is 17, Billie is 34, the twins are 7, alex is 12, and Ashley is 35)(date: January 14, 2036) (sorry this is short)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to Mia and maya jumping on the bed. I pull them down, making them giggle. "What are you two doing" i say, sitting up. "Sissy left and told us to wake you up, we want breakfast" they say, getting of the bed, and pulling my arm. "Ok ok, let's go make you two some breakfast" i say, getting out of bed, And going downstairs. I make them breakfast, then I go on my phone so I can check where brook is and I saw that she was at a friends house. I hope she's ok.

Brooks POV:
"What's up brook, why are you shaking" Allison says, letting me in. "I-I don't know, I've been feeling sick, and just weird" I say, as we walk into her room. "Do you think you could be you know what, from you know who" she says, looking at me. "I don't know, I hope I'm not, my mom would kill me" i Say, sitting down on her bed. If I am then mom is going to kill me.

(Time Skip a few hours later)
Billie's POV:
"Did she pick up" ash says, looking at me, biting her nails. "No, but Allison's mom texted me saying that she was over at their house" I say, looking at the twins and alex all watching tv. "Mommy" I hear the twins say. "What's up baby's" I say as I walk over, ash following behind. "When is sissy coming back" they say, looking at me. "sissy will be back soon" i say, the twins nod and go back to watching tv. I hope she's ok. She's been acting weird.

(Time Skip two hours)
Brooks POV:
I was back home in my room, chilling on my bed. I was scared to tell mom and dad but I knew I had to tell them. I get out of bedc collecting my self, as I leave my room. I go downstairs, and I see mom and dad in the kitchen. Here goes nothing. "Hey mom, hey dad" I say, walking over. "Hey bubba" mom says, smiling at me. "So I have something to tell you" i say, staring to tic a bit, as I fiddle with my fingers. "What's up" they both say, looking at me. Fuck. I have to tell them now.

"I'm pregnant"

The End

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