Family dinner

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(Thank you to billiexpovs for this idea love you bub❤️❤️)(Date:may 5, 2024)(time: 6:20 pm)
Billie's POV:
Rn I was cleaning the house while holding Alex. Brook was taking a nap and ash was on the phone with a vegan restaurant and she was ordering food. "What are you doing crazy boy" I say as I move his hands away from my face and He smiles and squeals. I finished cleaning so I walk to ash and I pass Alex to her.

(Skip to when Maggie, Patrick, Finneas, and Claudia was at Billie's house and they are all eating)
Brooks POV:
Rn I sitting next to daddy and grandpa. "Brook baby eat your food" "no" "please just a little" "fine" I say to mommy as i eat a little. "Tiny who do you like better your mommy or your daddy" "daddy" "why not mommy" "I like daddy more" I say and mommy looked a little upset. "Why do you like your daddy more" "betause daddy plays toys with me and helps me with homework and doesn't have brother with her all the times" "alright" "mommy I'm done" "can you a little more please" "nooooo I'm done"

Billie's POV:
"nooooo I'm done" "ok fine go play" "yay" brook says as she leaves and goes to the living room. I hear Alex crying so I excuse my self from the table and I go to Alex's nursery. I pick him up and he calms down. I change his diaper and then I go back to the table.

(Skip to when everyone left and Alex is in his crib asleep and brook was still playing)
"Brook baby can we talk" "why" "i just want to talk ok" "okey" she says as she gets up and we walk to brooks room. I sit on the bed and brook stands in front of me. "Brook baby do I not help you and play with you" "no daddy dose betause you always have Alex so daddy is my favorite" "bubba Alex is 4 months old, he relays on me and daddy to do things for him" "but he gets all your attention and I never get any" she says climbing into my lap. "How about this mommy will try to give you more attention and I'll trying to play toys with you more ok" "ok" she says as she snuggles into me while sucking on her thumb. "Let's get you changed and you can sleep in mind and daddy's bed ok" "yay" she says as she gets off my lap and I help her get changed. She goes to mine and ash's room and I quickly clean the kitchen. I go to Alex's nursery because he was crying and he nurses and falls back asleep. I put him back in his crib and I go to mine and ash's room and Brook was asleep. I change and then get in bed and she snuggles up on me and I fall asleep.

Sorry this is short but hey it's better then nothing but next chapter will be a time skip but anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
522 words

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