A 36 hour Roadtrip with a 4 year old

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(Date: January 20, 2023)(Billie and ash already packed all of their things the day before) (time: 7:30)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to ash shaking me. "What babe" "get up we have to get our things into the car" "fine" i say as I groan and get out of bed. "Can I change first" "you look fine" "yea but I want to look good" "Billie you look sexy to me now please help" "ok ok" i say as I grab one of the suitcases and ash grabs the other. We get it into the car and go back inside. "Ok I'm going to grab yours and my backpack, you get brook" "ok"I go to brooks room to see her curled up sleeping peacefully with her thumb in her mouth, snuggling her stuffed elephant Leo, with her Disney princess blanket over her. I carefully pick her up and shark gets up from the rug on her floor. I walk to the car and gently place her into her car seat. I move her blanket and I buckle her in. I put the blanket back over her and I carefully sip some shoes on her. I close the door and I open the other door so shark could get In. We were dropping shark off at my moms house. I close the door and get my shoes on quickly. I get in the passenger seat because ash doesn't trust me to drive on the highway anymore after I got pulled over for speeding. I put my seat belt on and looked back at my little princess. I couldn't wait for her reaction when I say that we are going to Disney world for a week. Ash starts the car and starts driving.

(Once they go to mama Maggie's house)
"I will be quick" I say as I get out and open the back door. Shark jumps out and I hold his leash. I walk to the front door and knock. The door opens and revels a very tired mom. "What do you need Billie" "can you take shark for a week or more" "why" "because we are going to Disney world" "ok" mom says taking shark. "Ok thank you bye" "bye have fun" mom says as she closes the door and I walk back to the car. I get in and close the door. I buckle my seat belt and ash starts driving again. After an hour I look back to see brook had woken up and was looking around. "Hi bubba" "mommy where going" "it's a surprise baby" "mommy" "yes princess" "I'm hungy" "we can stop somewhere and get food" "ok" she says as she snuggles back up in her blanket and closes her eyes. Ash stops at target and unbuckles her seat belt. "What do you two want" "can I have takies" "sure and for you princess" "anyfing" "ok" ash says as she gets out and closes the door. I watch as she walks into the store so I get out and sit in the back with brook. I take off her blanket and unbuckle her. I pick her up and set her into my lap. "Mommy" "yes my little baby" I say as I run my fingers through her hair. "Ash nice" "yea she's really nice huh" she nods her head and puts her head on my chest. "Mommy can I have my iPad" "sure bubba here" i say as I take out her iPad from my backpack and I hand it to her. She takes it and starts playing a random game so I put her back into her car seat. There was no need to buckle her just yet as the car wasn't moving. After 20 minutes ash comes back and gets in the car. "Ok billie here are your takies and for you princess I got you peanut butter and jelly uncrustables and Billie before you say anything yes they are vegan" "ok good" I say as I open my chips and start eating. Ash gives a uncrustable to brook and she starts eating too. "Babe are you going to eat" "no I'm not hungry baby" "why" "I ate before I woke you up" "oh ok" I say as i buckle brook into her car seat and I get out and get in the passenger seat. "Nooo mommy stay wif me" brook says whining. "Mommy will sit back there later Ok" "ok" she says looking back down at her iPad. Ash starts driving again and sips her energy drink knowing that this is going to be a long drive.

(Hour 5)
Ash's POV:
Billie has asked every question known to man, brook tried to get out of her car seat twice, Billie's being annoying, and brook was acting like Billie. "Mommy" "yes bubba" "do I have dad" "ummmm" she looks at me. "This is not my place to talk, this is on you" I whisper to her. "You don't have one" "why" "umm how about you play on your iPad huh" Billie says passing brooks iPad back to her. "Ok" she goes on her iPad and Billie sighs making me laugh.

(Hour 8)
Brook was taking a nap, Billie was trying to blast music but I stopped her because brook was sleeping, Billie tried teasing me but I stopped her, and Billie kept talking since she took sip of my energy drink. "Billie please I need to focus on the road, stop try to put your hand in my shorts" "but I'm bored baby and I want to watch you struggle as you hold in your moans" "Billie there is a child in here and I don't care we can do this after the trip" "ugh fine" Billie says as she looks out the window.

(Hour 10)
Brook woke up an hour ago and she was being good but billie on the other hand was on her phone and talking non stop and kept cursing. "Billie stop cussing, there's a child on the back" "she already knows all of the cuss words" I sigh and focus on the road.

(Hour 16)
Brook had an accident but we got her cleaned and right now she's sleeping, Billie was in the back with her sleeping as well which I was happy about because I have peace and quiet.

So there will be a part 2 to this but anyways
❤️bye loves❤️
1068 words

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