Babys first Christmas runied

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(Brook is now 3 months) (date: December 25, 2019)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to brooks baby's coos. I get out of bed and check my phone and saw that it was Christmas. I put my phone down and walk over to brooks crib.
B- marry Christmas baby girl
I say as I pick her up and she smiles so I smile back.
B- oh your so cute baby with your little smile
I say as I kiss her cheek and I walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth then leave my bathroom. I grab my phone and walk out of my room. Brook kept cooing which was super cute.
M- good morning and merry Christmas billie, merry Christmas little munchkin
Mom says as she takes brook
B- merry Christmas mom
M- today I thought we could invite Claudia, Zoe, and drew over for breakfast
B- sounds fun
M- so I will start making breakfast
B- alright
I see brook put her hand in her mouth and sucks on her hand. I take brook out of moms arms and walk it my room. I sit on my bed and Pull my shirt down. I move brook into her feeding position and move my nipple near her mouth. She latches on so I go on my phone. After 10 mins she latches off so I burp her and switch her to my other boob. After 10 more mins she latches off so I pull up my shirt and get up. I place her in her crib and I quickly get changed into a bra, a new shirt, and some shorts. I pick brook up again and take out her changing mat. I get a new diaper, a onesie, and baby wipes. I put the changing mat on the floor and sit down. I place her on it and take off her onesie. I change her diaper then put her onesie on. I pick her up, throw away the dirty diaper and wipes and put her onesie in my Landry basket. I walk out of my room and go to the living room.
F- good morning bil
B- morning
I say as I sit on the floor and place brook on her tummy.
F- what are you doing
B- it's called tummy time
F- ok and why does my niece need tummy time
B- just watch
F- ok
I get up really quickly and grab her favorite teddy. I sit back on the floor and she had her head and chest lifted up and she was using her arms to kinda keep her up.
B- good job baby
She smiles then goes back down. I pick her up and put her on her back. I hold the teddy over her and she try's to grab it. I move it close to her and as she gets close to grabbing it I move it away. She starts kicking her legs as I keep moving the teddy.
B- you can get it come on get out of my hand you got it
I move it close to her and she grabs it
B- aww you got it
I saw as I pick her up
F- so what was the point of that
B- she is having fun and she is learning
F- oh cool
Dad walks out of his room dressed
B- good morning dad
D- morning bil, merry Christmas
B- merry Christmas
I say as I get up
D- and merry Christmas to you
He says as he kisses brooks hand making her smile
D- awww bil she has your smile
B- yea she does
M- Patrick can you come set the table please
D- sure
Dad walks to the kitchen and I go to the little studio we have. Finneas follows me and I let him in first. I go inside and play a few keys on the keyboard (piano).
F- can I hold brook
B- sure here
I pass brook to Finneas and she doesn't cry. Finneas lays her in his lap and plays peak-a-boo and she kept smiling. I take a picture of them and post it on my Instagram with the caption "merry Christmas also look at them bonding" I put my phone down and play a random tune on the keyboard. After a few mins I stop and take brook and I go back to the living room. I hear the door bell ring so I walk to the door and open it and it was Claudia.
C- hey Billie merry Christmas
B- merry Christmas how are you
C- I'm good how about you
She says she steps in and takes off her shoes
B- I'm good
C- hi brook
She says as I pass brook to her
C- she's so cute
B- yea I don't want her to grow up
F- hey babe
C- hey baby
They hug and Claudia passes brook back to me. I close the door and lock it. I go to the living room and sit on the couch. I sit brook on the couch and I hold her up so she is sitting. The door bell rings again but mom says she go it. I pick up brook and stand up. Zoe and drew walks in, hugs mom then both of them see me.
B- heyyy
D- heyyy Billie how have you been
B- I'm good how are you two
Z- I'm good and brook looks so cute
D- yea she's so cute
B- yea she's mamas little angel
D- can I hold her please
Z- me too
B- sure just be careful
I say as I pass brook to drew
D- how many months is she
B- she is three months
Z- awwww
Brook just looks at them with a weird look. Drew passes brook to Zoe and brook gives the same weird stare to Zoe. She starts kicking so Zoe passes brook back to me.
M- breakfast is ready
B- let's go eat breakfast
We walk to the table and sit down. We say grace then start eating. I finish first so I get up and brook starts crying. She was hungry again so I hurry and put my dish in the sink and I go to my room. I close the door and put her in a feeding position. I pull my shirt and bra down but she doesn't latch on. I move my nipple on her top lip and she opens her mouth. I put my nipple in her mouth and she starts nursing. I pat her bum and just look at her. She moves her arms around a bit then just keeps her hands on my boob. After 10 mins she didn't latch off like normal so I just let her stay. After 5 more mins there was a knock at my door
B- yes
D- can I come in
B- umm I'm nursing brook
D- that's fine
B- ok then sure
She opens the door walks in then closes it.
D- so your mom wanted to know if you were ready to open presents
B- umm just give me like five-ten mins
D- ok
She leaves and closes the door. After 5 more minutes brook latches off so I pull my bra and shirt back up and burp her. I grab one of her binky's and put it in her mouth. I open my door and walk to the living room.
B- sorry I was feeding brook
M- no it's ok
I sit down and place brook in my lap. She plays around with her hands and keeps bring them to her face.
M- ok billie these are yours and brooks presents
B- thank you
Everyone gets their gifts and we open them. Brook got a lot of toys and I got jewelry and some other cool things.
(Skip to night time and Zoe, drew and Claudia left already)
Rn I'm getting brook changed as it was sleep time. I pick her up and throw away the dirty diaper and wipes and put away the changing mat. I put a binky in her mouth and she slowly falls asleep. I place her in her crib and kiss her forehead. I leave my room when I hear a car pull up. I walk to the living room and sit down with everyone else. I hear an aggressive knock at the door so I get up and go to the door. I open the door and it was Brandon.
B- what the fuck do you want
Q- I want my child
B- fuck no
I say as I try to slam the door but he stops it with his hand
mom, dad, and Finneas all run over and we were all screaming at each other. Mom calls the cops and 15 mins they arrive.
The cops arrest him and I hear screeching from my room. I run to my room and open the door and walk to brooks crib. I see her kicking her legs moving her arms and screaming and crying hysterically. I pick her up and bounce her a little as I pat her bum. I walk around my room trying to get her to calm down.
B- it's ok baby it's ok mamas here it's ok
She calmed down a bit but she was still crying. After 10 more mins she stopped crying and was asleep so I place her back in her crib and place her pasi back in her mouth. I turn off my light and get in bed and fall asleep.

I hope you liked this chapter ❤️bye loves❤️
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