Tour pt:3

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(Date: June 30, 2028)(Billie's pregnant yay)(their on a tour bus still on their way to New York)
Alex's POV:
I wake up snuggled with mommy in her bunk. I grab my binky from the bed and I put it back in my mouth. I turn around and the opening of the bunk was there so I get out. I grab my blanky and rub my eyes and I go down the steps tripping and sliding down them. I saw grandpa so I walk over to him and tap his arm. "Oh hey bud, how was your sleep" grandpa says as he puts me into his lap. I curl up into and he puts my blanky around me. "How was your sleep" "good" i say behind my binky as I felt him rub my back. "Still sleepy huh" he said chuckling. "Mhm" i hum as i brink my knees up to my chest so I was closer. "Go to sleep bud, your good" he said as he rubbed my back and I slowly drifted off back to sleep.

(An hour later)
I wake up and rub my eyes. I look up to see mommy on her phone. She looks down at me and smiles. "Hi buddy, how did you sleep" "good" i say as mommy puts her phone down. "Where sissy" "she's still sleeping with daddy bud" "I wanna play" "I didn't bring any of your toys I'm sorry bub" mommy says as she looks at me with a pout. I whine and mommy gets up and we go to grandpa. "Hey dad can we stop somewhere because I didn't bring alex any toys so if we could just stop somewhere and get alex one toy that would be nice" "umm sure there's a Walmart up here If you want to stop there" "yea that's fine" "alright" grandpa says as mommy grabs her phone and wallet and once the bus stopped we we got out. We go into the place and we go to the toys. "Ok baby boy pick what toy you want" "that" I say as I point to the legos. "You want legos" "yea" "alright" mommy says as she picks up the big box of big legos. Mommy pays and then we go back on the bus. "Mommy no want to be in pjs" "ok then let's get you change" mommy says as we go to the top part of the bus and mommy helps me get changed.

Brooks POV:
I wake up and see daddy on her phone. We were in her bunk and i couldn't see where you get out of the bunk making me panic a little. Daddy noticed and got out quickly. "I'm sorry princess, come here, let's snuggle in the lounge area" daddy says so I get out and we go there. I snuggle into daddy's lap as we sat there and looked out the window. After 30 mins daddy was asleep so I get off her lap and I see mommy. "Hi mommy" i say making mommy jump a little. "Oh hi princess, you scared me, how was your sleep" "good" i say as mommy hugs me and kisses my head.

(Skip to when they are at the green room now)
Alex's POV:
Rn I was in the green room with mommy who was on her phone. Sissy and daddy left to walk around because sissy had something called a sensory overload, whatever that is. She left her iPad so I went on it and I was going through her drawings. I saw one I didn't like so deleted it and that's when sissy and daddy came back. "Alex what are you doing on my iPad" sissy said as she takes it back. "YOU DELETED ONE OF MY DRAWINGS, ALEX I HATE YOU, THAT PICTURE TOOK ME TWO WEEKS" "brook don't yell at your brother, alex why did you delete the drawing" "I didn't like it" "I LIKED IT YOU BITCH, FUCK YOU" "Brooklynn Baird O'Connell, you do not curse at your brother, give me your iPad and sit your ass down" mommy says as sissy gives mommy her iPad and rolls her eyes and sits next to daddy. "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady, and alex your going in the corner" "NO" "yup" mommy says as she puts in into the corner and then sits down.

(Ok so to sum it up, Billie and finneas preform and then they go back on the tour bus, alex slept with ash in her bunk and brook slept with Billie in her bunk, sorry I'm lasy)

Ok so I hope you liked this chapter and leave some ideas for tour pt:4 and I'm sorry this is short I rushed but anyways for now stay fruity ❤️bye loves❤️
800 words

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