Being sick is never fun

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(I will be doing the interview next chapter)
(Date: November 24, 2020) (time: 3:17 am)
(Brook is starting to walk more)(still during lockdown) (new word brook knows is ba which is ball)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to brook crying over the baby monitor so I get up and walk to her nursery. I open the door and walk to her crib.
B- what's wrong babygirl
I say as I pick her up out of her crib. She was sweating and wouldn't calm down.
B- it's ok baby it's ok mamas here it's ok
I say as I bounce her a bit and pat her bum. I feel her forehead and it was burning.
B- aww baby your burning up, let take your temperature
I say as walk out of her nursery and walk to the kitchen. I take out the thermometer and hover it over her forehead. It beeps and shows she's that she has a fever of 103°. I look for some fever medication and find the kids fever and cold medicine. I take that out and I get one of the syringes. I open the bottle and stick the syringe in and I pull the back. I take it out and close the bottle.
B- ok baby can you be a big girl and take this medicine for mama
I say as I put it up to her mouth but she turns her face.
B- bubba it will make you feel better
I say as I try to get it in her mouth but she moves her head.
B- brook Mamas trying to help you and make you feel better so can you please be a good girl and take this medicine
She start whining so I bounce her a bit but she just keeps Turing her head.
B- brooklynn Baird O'Connell I'm trying to help you feel better so stop whining I know you don't want to take this medicine but it will help you ok
She stops whining and she takes the medicine but then she gags and throws up all over me, herself and the floor. She start crying super hard so I wet paper towel and wipe her face, her onesie, and my shirt. I walk to mom and dads room and wake up mom.
M- what Billie
B- brook threw up and has a fever and I don't know what to do
M- just give her some medicine
B- I did but she threw up and it's on me, her, and the floor
M- ok let me get up and I will clean it, you give her a bath and take a shower
B- ok
I leave her room and walk to my room. I close the door and go straight to my bathroom. I lay her on the counter gently and take off her onesie. She keeps crying and kicking her legs as I take off her diaper. I start the bath and undress my self as if I take a bath with her then she will calm down more and fall asleep faster. Once I was undressed I put her back up and she starts to calm down a bit. The bath was filled up so I turn it off and get in. I sit down with brooks head still on my chest and I trickle water down her back. I bring my legs up a bit and place her on my thighs. I get a wet rag and put a little soap on it. I wash her little body then I move her so she's laying on my chest. After 10 minutes I stand up holding brook and I get out. I wrap a towel around both of us and leave the bathroom. I take off the towel and wrap it around brook and I put a robe on. I pick her up and walk to her nursery. I place her on her changing table and take off the towel. She starts crying so I quickly put a diaper on her and put some lotion on her. I get one of her onesies and put it on her and she calms down a bit. I put a binky in her mouth and pick her up and I go to the kitchen. Mom had already cleaned so that was good. I take out one a bottle and warm it up. Once it was warm I take and walk to my room. I close my door and lay on my bed. I take out her binky and put the bottle in her mouth. She slowly falls asleep as she drinks her bottle and once the bottle was halfway done she was asleep. I take the bottle out of her mouth and put the binky in her mouth. I lay her down on my bed and I get clothes on. I put my robe back on the hanger and I pick up brook and lay down. I put her on my chest and pull the covers over both of us and I fall asleep again.
(Time: 10:26)
I wake up to brook whining with her hands on my face. I open my eyes and sit up. Brooks face was all red and she looked so sick.
B- is my baby not feeling well
She shakes her head on and puts her head on my chest. I get out of bed and grab the half drunken bottle on my nightstand. I walk out of my room and go to the kitchen.
M- good morning bil, how's brook
B- she's not feeling well
M- poor baby
I put the bottle in the fridge and I take out my coffee. I walk to the living and sit on the couch. I drink my coffee as brook holds onto my shirt.
F- good morning billie
B- morning
F- good morning tiny
He says as he rubs her back
B- she's not feeling well
F- how come
B- she threw up last night around 3:30 am because i tried to give her medicine for her fever but she threw up when she had it
F- why don't you try to give her medicine now
B- I don't want her throwing up again
F- well at least check her temperature again and try to get her to keep down something
B- alright
I get up and walk back to the kitchen. I take out the thermometer and I check her temperature. It beeps and her temperature was 104°.
B- it went up
F- what do you mean
B- last night it was 103 but now it's 104
F- damn
M- is she able to keep anything down
B- I gave her a bottle last night when we were going back to sleep and she drank half and kept it down
M- you can have her take the medicine and then she has the bottle like right after
B- I can try that
I take out her bottle and then I take out the medicine. I get one of the medicine syringes and I put it in the bottle and pull the back. I take it out and put the cap back on and I try to put it in brooks mouth but she starts whining.
M- here let me hold her and I will distract her so she will take the medicine
B- ok thank you
Mom takes brook and distracts brook with her hands. I put the tip of the syringe on brooks lips and i push it a bit and I squirt the medicine in her mouth. She swallows it and before she could gag I put the bottle in her mouth and she start drinking it.
B- it worked thank you
M- no problem bil
She says as she passes brook back to me. I walk back to the living room and I sit on the couch. After 10 minutes brook finishes her bottle so I put it on the coffee table and I put her on the floor so she can play with her toys. Finneas walks in and she slowly takes steps to him.
F- what's up tiny, your nose is running let me help you
He gets a tissue and wipes her nose then sits on the couch. I watch as she slowly walks over to her stuffed animals, grabs her teddy and slowly starts walking back to me. I get up and pick her up and sit back down. She starts sneezing so I grab another tissue and wipe her nose. I put her back on the floor and she walks right into the coffee table and bonks her head on the side of the table and starts crying.
B- ooo uh oh it's ok baby
I say as I pick her up and I kiss her head multiple times. She starts sneezing again so I wipe her nose.
F- clumsy just like her mom
B- shut up
F- hey at least she didn't get any traits of her dad
B- true
Br- mmmaaammmaaa
B- yes princess
She pulls her self up using my shirt and puts her head on my shoulder so I rub her back and after a few minutes she falls asleep. For the rest of the day she has bottles, cuddles with me, and sleeps.

Sorry this is short but I wanted to get it out. I will be doing the interview next chapter but also I'm out of ideas so you don't have to but leave some ideas in the comments and don't worry every idea I get and that I do you will be tagged. Also Imboredhi111 yes ik im not on call with you but just give me a minute. ❤️bye loves❤️
1624 words

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