Brooks 2th birthday

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(Sorry for the time Skip) (date: October 11, 2021) (brook only has bottles at night now)(also the video up there 👆 is just 🤌)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to my phone blowing up with messages so I turn it off and lay back down. Then I hear brook saying mama over the baby monitor. I get up and walk out of my room. I walk to her nursery to see brook trying it climb out of her crib. "What are you doing love" I say as I pick her up and she giggles. "Happy birthday my princess" I say as I kiss her cheek and she kisses me back. "Oh thank you" I say as I place her on her changing table and I take off her onesie. I change her diaper and change her into a short sleeved bodysuit. I pick her up and I walk out. "Ark" brooks says trying to get out of my arms. "You can see shark after you eat ok bubs" she nods her head yes and I place her into her high chair. I take out her oatmeal and a sippy cut with water. I get one of her baby spoons and I put it on her tray. I quickly put a bib on her and she grabs the spoon and starts eating. She was a bit messy with the spoon but it was better then her using her hands. I eat my food and once she was done I wipe her face off with a paper towel and I take her out. I take off her bib and she goes to play with shark. I put her bowl and spoon in the sink and I put her sippy cup in the fridge. I walk to where brook was and she was trying to climb up the couch. After a few seconds she got up and shark jumps up and sits next to her. I give her a binky and she happily takes it and puts it in her mouth. I turn the tv on and I put some cartoons on for her. I go to my room and get my phone and I go back to the living room. I sit down on the couch with brook and she snuggles onto my side as she watches Dora. "Good morning billie and good morning to the birthday girl" mom says as she kisses my cheek and brooks forehead. Dad comes out too and says the same thing. "Oo Billie we should have a party and we can invite Claudia, Finneas, and Ashley" "sounds like a great idea" I say as I watch as brook climbs off the couch and walks to her toys. She starts playing so I get up and go to Finneas's old room. I lay on the bed and I scroll through tiktok. Not even a few minutes brook comes walking in and try's to climb up the bed. She gets half way when shark stands underneath her and she gets up. She crawls on the bed into my lap and we watch tiktok together. After two hours brook looked up at me then grunts. "Did you just poop" I say and brook giggles a little. I put my phone down and I get up holding brook. I go to her nursery and I place her on the changing table. I change her diaper and then I pick her up. I walk out of the nursery and I set her down and she toddles to her toys. "Billie you could take her to the mall and get her a build-a-bear" "yea thanks for the idea, brook bubba do you want to go to the mall with mama" she smiles through her binky and slowly walks towards me. I laugh and pick her up. I go to my room and place her on my bed and I change. I brook back up and I go to he nursery and I get her diaper bag. I get my phone, wallet, and keys and I get mine and brooks shoes on. I go out to the car and I put brook into her car seat and I strap her in. I get in the car and I start it and start driving.

(Half way there)
"mamaaa" brook says and I look though the rear view mirror. "Yes my little princess" "hi" she says in the cutest voice. "Hello angel" I say in a baby voice making her giggle. "Mamaa" "yes cutie" "ark" "sharks at home" I say as she sneezes. "Oh god bless you" I say and she giggles.

(Once they got to the mall)
I park and stop the car and I get out. I open brooks side and i unstrap her. I take her out and hold her on my hip. I get her diaper bag and close the door. We go into the mall and I walk to build-a-bear. "Hi welcome in" a worker says. I walk to the first station where you chose what animal you want. "Which one do you want" I say and brook goes for a white bear with rainbow spots. We go to the next one where they stuff it. I put brook down and hold her hand. "Brook give the bear to the lady" she give it to the worker and the worker gives her one of the small hearts. "Ok can you step on that for me so that your furry friend if full" brook looks up at me and I smile. She steps on it but gets scared and clings onto my leg. "Uppy" I pick her up and I step on the thing. I tried to hold back my laughters as it looked wrong as the lady was stuffing it. "Ok and now we have to put the heart in" I put brook down and she puts it in and the worker sews it up. "And here you go" she passes it to brook and brook takes it. We walk to the 'cleaning' station but brook just wanted to skip it. "Do you want to dress it up or no" "nu" "ok" I say as I pick brook up and we go to the certificate station. I fill out the information and it prints. I grab it and we go to the register. "Did you find everything ok today" "yup, put your teddy on the counter please" brook puts it on the counter and holds onto my shirt. "That's going to be 14 dollars and 12 cents please" "here you go" I say handing him my card and he swipes it and gives it back. I put it in my wallet and put it in my pocket. "Would you like a bag or box" "a bag please" he puts the teddy in a paper bag along with the certificate and receipt and hands it to me. "You have a wonderful day" "you too" I say as I leave. We leave the mall and go back to the car. I get brook into her car seat and I buckle her in and close the door. I get in the car and place my things down. I start the car and start driving.

(Once they got home)
I grab the stuff and get out and close the door. I open brooks side and take her out of her car seat. I close the door and go inside. I place brook down and she toddles off to shark. I our things away and I go to where brook was. As I walk into the living room I see brook practically riding shark. I laugh and I take a picture of them. "Brook get off of shark" I say laughing. Shark lays down and brook gets off and comes walking to me. I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder. "I think it's time for a nap for a certain someone" I say rubbing brooks back slowly. Brook melts at my touch and falls asleep. "Mom just so you know brook is taking a nap" I say as I walk to brooks nursery and I put her in her crib. I put a blanket over her and I turn off the light. I walk out closing the door. Shark try's to get in the door which I thought was funny how protective he is of brook. "Shark brooks fine, she's taking a nap see" I say opening the door a little. He walks away and I close the door. "Ok so Claudia said she would make a cake for brook and she's making a video out of it and she wanted to know if she could get little shots of brooks birthday" "umm sure" mom goes back to taking on the phone and I go to my room. Mom walks in and sit on the bed with me. "What you up to" "looking at a photo I took of brook when she was a newborn" I as I show mom. "She was so tiny" "yea, but I think I will like two year old brook because she talks and I know there will some words I will never correct her on" "you know when you were little you used to say peanuts as penis" i start laughing and mom takes out her phone. "Here look" she plays a video and I start laughing. "Penis" I say in a baby voice. Mom starts Laughing and we talk for a bit.

(Skip to 7:45 pm and everyone was there, Maggie and Patrick set up a little party outside and they moved her high chair outside and brook was up)
Rn I was inside changing brooks diaper. Once she was changed I pick her up and go back outside. "Here babe" ash says handing me a drink. "Thank you" I say as I kiss her and I guess brook didn't like that because she tried to wiggle out of my grip. "Billie do you want brooks cake now or presents first" "umm I don't know, brook bubba do you want to do cake or presents" I say pointing at them. She looks at the cake and squeals. "Ok cake it is" I say as put her into her high chair and mom lights the candles. We all sing happy birthday and she blows out the candle with a little bit of my help. We cut the cake and I put one slice on brooks tray and she eats it with her hands. After everyone was done we did presents and after a bit everyone left except ash. We clean up and I change brook and I feed her a bottle. Once she was asleep I put her into her crib and ash spends the night in my room as we cuddle and fall asleep.

Sorry again I rushed but I hoped you like it and next chapter will be funny anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
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