Going home and babys first bath

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(Date: October 12, 2019)
Billie's POV:
I wake to brook crying so I pick her up out of the little bed and she calms down. She moves her head toward my chest so I knew she was hungry. I pull my shirt and bra down and I hold her in the feeding position. She latches on and starts feeding. I get out of the bed and zip up my hospital bag. I walk over to mom and lightly shake her and she wakes up.
M- huh... oh hey bil
B- hey mom today we get to leave
M- yea did you get all your stuff
B- yea I'm just feeding brook
M- oh ok let me get her carrier so I will be right back
B- ok thank you mom
M- no problem bil
She gets up and walks out the room and I switch brook to my other boob. I walk around and after a few mins she latches off so I pull my bra and shirt back up and place a pasi in her mouth and the pasi looked big on her. I hold her tiny hand and she wraps her little fingers around my pointer finger. Mom walks back in and placed the carrier on the bed. A nurse Walks in telling us we can go so I carefully place brook into the car seat and strap her in. I cover it with a breathable blanket and then pick it up. Mom gets my hospital bag and we leave. As soon as we stepped out of the hospital There was paparazzi. We quickly get to the car and I get the car seat into place. I close the door and get in the other side and mom gets in the drivers seat. I put my seat belt on and take off the blanket from the car seat. Mom stars the car and starts driving home. She looked so tiny in her car seat. I take a picture of her and put it on my Instagram with the caption "Brooklynn Baird O'Connell 10/11/19 4:17 pm" I post it then I put my phone down.
M- how do you feel
B- I feel good now that I have this little one
M- you did a great job Im very proud of you for not only sticking up for your self when you told Brandon but also going through with the birth and taking all the pain
B- thank you mom Im just happy that she's here and I'm also glad that you all supported me though all of it
M- that's what family is for
I grab brooks tiny hand and hold it. She holds on to my finger so I run my thumb over her small knuckles. She closes her eyes and after a min she was asleep. I carefully take my finger out of her grip and I go on my phone. Once we got home I got out and closed my door. I get the carrier out and mom takes the hospital bag. We go inside and I go straight to my room. I place the carrier on my bed and carefully unbuckle her and I hold her. I take the carrier off my bed and place a blanket on my bed. Mom puts my hospital bag down next to my bed. I place brook down in the middle of the blanket and swaddle her. I carefully pick her up and place her in her crib. I turn on the baby monitors and set one in my room and I leave the room closing the door quietly. I walk to the kitchen and place the monitor I had in my hand on the counter. I take some fruit out and wash them. Then I eat and once I was done I went to the living room.
B- hey Finn
F- hey where is brook
B- she is sleeping
F- oh ok
I then hear loud crying over the baby monitor
B- well she's not any more be right back
I quickly get up and speed walk to my room. I open the door and walk over to her crib. I pick her up while supporting her head and she stops crying. I walk back to the living room and sit down.
F- what was wrong
B- nothing I guess she just wanted to be held
F- oh ok
B- Finneas come here look at her eye color
F- let me guess their blue
B- just look
Finneas walks over to me
F- her eyes are so blue
B- yea which makes her 10 times cuter
F- can I hold her
B- sure
I pass brook to finneas and she starts crying. Finneas passes brook back to me and she calms down.
B- she still hates you
F- I don't know why she hates me
B- she's probably scared of your face
F- rude
B- it might be true
F- whatever
I start to smell something nasty and then I noticed that brook had a messed up diaper. I get up and walk to my room. I get the changing mat and place it on the floor. Then I take the Swaddle off of her. I get a new diaper and I sit on the floor. I carefully place her on the changing mat and I get up again and get the wipes. I sit back down and take off her onesie. I change her diaper and throw the other one away. I put her onesie back on and carefully pick her back up. I put the changing mat away and I walk back to the living room. I sit down and and tickle her little tummy. She starts smiling which was cute. Mom walks out of her room and smiles at me.
M- bil do you want to give her a bath so she is clean
B- sure
M- ok we can give her a bath in my bathroom
B- that fine
M- ok how about you get her clothes and i will start the bath and put the baby bath in ok
B- ok
I get up and walk to my room and I grab a new diaper and a footsie onesie. I also grab a pasi and walk to moms room. Dad was asleep so I go into the bathroom and put the diaper and onesie on the counter.
M- ok the bath is almost done so get her undressed and I can help you give her a bath
B- ok thank you
M- no problem bil
I sit on the floor and carefully place her on my legs. I get her undressed and place her in the baby bath and She start crying.
B- it's ok baby shhhh it's ok
M- ok just pour some water on her body so she can get used to it but use this cup
B- ok
I take the cup from mom and get some water in. I slowly pour it on her and she calms down a bit.
M- ok use the soap but be gentle
B- I know to be gentle mom
I put some soap in my hand and rub it in between my hands. I wash her tiny body then wash off the soap. I get the soap off my hands and then I put a little bit of shampoo on my hand. I wash her baby hairs and then cover her face as I wash the shampoo out of her hair.
M- good job billie
B- thank you
M- ok now take her out
I get her towel and take her out and She starts crying.
B- it's ok baby it's ok I know your cold shhh it's ok
I say as I get her dried off and mom passes me her diaper and onesie. She also gives me baby powder and baby lotion. I put the baby powder on her and put her diaper on. I put the baby lotion on her and get her changed into her footsie onesie. I get up and put her towel in the hamper and I grab her pasi.
B- thank you mom
M- no problem bil anything for my grand baby
B- are you going back to sleep
M- yea I'm tired
B- well have a good sleep
M- thank you
I leave their room and got it the living room. I sit down and place the pasi in brooks mouth. My phone dings so I check it and it was a DM from Brandon. I get up and go to my room and brook starts crying. She moves her head to my chest so I close my door and take out her pasi. I put her in her feeding position and pull my shirt and bra down. She doesn't latch on so I move my nipple around her mouth and she latches on. I open the DM and it said "I want to meet my child" and I respond with "your never meeting her, you didn't want anything to do with me when I was pregnant, so now you are now not allowed to even look at MY child" I block him and turn off my phone. I switch her to my other boob and she starts falling asleep. After a few mins she falls asleep so I pull my bra and shirt back up and place her pasi back in he mouth. I get up and place her in her crib and turn on the baby monitor. I get my phone and the other monitor and walk out of my room closing the door quietly. I walk to the living room and sit on the floor. I get the cards out and Finneas sits on the floor too. We play a few hundred rounds of speed for a hour when I hear crying from the baby monitor.
B- one second be right back
F- ok
I get up and walk to my room completely forgetting I left the baby monitor in the living room. I open my door and walk over to brooks crib.
B- hey baby it's ok mama's here it's ok shhh shhhh
I say as I pick her up and she starts to calm down.
B- you just missed mama didn't you
She smiles and I kiss her forehead
B- your too cute
I say as I leave my room. I walk back to to the living room and Finneas put his phone down quickly.
B- what where you doing
F- nothing
I go on my phone and go on Instagram. I look and Finneas story and and he record me taking to brook from the baby monitor.
B- really
F- what's so wrong about it
B- whatever let's get this round over I have to take care of this lil cutie
F- ok
We finish the round of speed and I win. I get up and walk back to my room. For the rest of the day it was brook sleeping, feeding, or getting a diaper change.

So I really don't have anything to say except that I'm so lucky to have you all. Like thank you luvs. ❤️bye loves❤️hehe
1868 words

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