Sprained and bleeding leg

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(Thank you to JohanneMcDonald for this idea❤️)(date: March 27, 2028)
Billie's POV:
Rn I'm laying in bed watching tv while Alex laid on top of me sleeping. I was able to drop brook off without Alex which was nice. "Hey babe is Alex up yet" Ash says as she comes out of the bathroom. "No he's still asleep" "you should probably wake him up or he might sleep all day" "true true" I say as ash leaves the room and I sit up carefully moving Alex into my lap. "Baby boy it's time to wake up" i whisper as I rub his back. "No mommy sleepy" he says as he hides his face in my boobs, making me laugh. "B-buddy I'm sorry but it's time to wake up, me and daddy don't want you sleeping all day" I say as I laugh a little more. I move him a little and I take his binky out of his mouth. He starts whining trying to take it out of my hand so I put it on the nightstand. "Give me binky mommy" he says whining. "Buddy, your going to have to stop using the binky" I say and it upset him a little more then I thought because his bottom lip started trembling with tears threatening to fall. "I-I want binky mommy" he says as some stray tears fall but we really needed him to stop using the binky. "I'm sorry baby boy but you can't have your binky" i say and he bursts out into sobs. "Oh it's ok buddy" I say as I wipe his tears as I get up. I hold him on my hip as I leave the room while he kept crying as he says his binky on the nightstand. "M-MOMMY GIVE ME BINKY" he screams almost directly into my ear. "Hey can you use your inside voice please" I say as I walk to the kitchen and I put Alex on the counter. I make breakfast and me and ash eat as I feed Alex.

(Skip to when it was half way through recess)
Brooks POV:
Me, anna, and tommy were all playing tag and tommy was it. As I was running I went up on the playground and I went on the bridge. (Bad idea) As I was running I slipped on the bridge and I fall off and out of the space there was in-between the bridge and the railing. I felt a horrible pain in my leg and as I fell onto the wood chips I felt more pain. "Brook you ok" tommy says as he runs over to me and I started ticking from all the panic I was in and from everyone looking at me. "MS. JONES" tommy yells making me cover my ears. The teacher comes over as the other teacher called for the nurse. "Hey hey what happened here" "we were playing tag and she slipped and fell off the Bridge" "ok brook hunny can you tell me what hurts" "m-m-my l-leg" I say as I try to hold back one of my tics. One of the nurses come out with a wheelchair and she helps me into the wheelchair. We go inside and we go to the nurses office. "I-I w-wa-want m-mommy" I say as my tics got worse and I kept hitting my leg that was hurting causing me to cry harder. The other nurse comes over and holds my hands as one of them called mommy. "Ok sweetheart your mom is on her way ok" "mhm" i hum and the nurse calls my teacher to bring my backpack down. After 10 minutes I see mommy come in and I see her face change from worry to shock and worry. She signs me out and then picks me up. She gets my backpack and we leave. She puts me in Alex's car seat. "N-no mommy" "I know bubba but it's just for right now because I don't want you locking the seat belt and then your tics getting worse" mommy says as she buckles me in and closes the door. I hit my self in the head and from the pain from that and from my leg making me panic more. Mommy gets in the car and starts driving. As mommy kept driving I was panicking and it started to feel like I couldn't breath. "M-mommy i-I can't b-breath" I say as my hands were tangled into my hair. "M-mommy" i say as i try my best to look at her but it was all blurry. I feel the car stop and then a door close. I heard a door open and I felt my self get unbuckled. Before i knew it I was in mommy's lap in the back seat. "Brook baby girl follow mommy's breathing" mommy's says as I just smush my face into her chest. She holds my arms as I follow her breathing. After 10 minutes my breathing was good so mommy puts me back into Alex's car seat and buckles me in.

(Skip to when they are at the ER and are in room after brook got her leg x-rayed and bandaged)
Billie's POV:
Rn I was laying in the hospital bed while brook was asleep on top of me. Poor baby had two panic attacks one in the car and one in the waiting area and tics which put her in more pain then she was already. The doctor comes in and says that her leg was sprained. She also says that brook had to wear a boot for two weeks. They get her size and then they put the boot on her.

(To sum it up, afterwards they go home and brook stayed by Billie's side and at bed time she got to sleep in Billie's and ash's bed)

So I got a spark after doing laundry and typed this for 1 hour straight, but hey two chapters in one day ❤️bye loves❤️
1014 words

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