All that pain for this little Beauty

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(Date: October 11, 2019) (continuing with the last chapter)
Maggie's POV:
A- ok and here comes another contraction
Billie covers her face with her hands as the pain hits her.
She crys out as I rub her arm. Finneas looked nervous and Patrick was just chilling as he has seen this before with me.
B- mommmm how did you do this
M- I just did it
B- fucking hurts like hell
M- I know if I could take this pain away from you I would
B- I just can't wait until she's out
Billie says as she slowly sits up
A- would you like an epidural
B- what's that
A- it will take some of the pain away
B- no I don't want to make my self feel weak
M- billie you won't be weak. I got one when I was having you
B- no mom I will be fine
M- what ever you say
The nurse comes in and checks Billie's cervix and say says Billie is 7 cm dilated.
A- would you like to walk around a little it might help with the pain and it will help the baby come faster
B- yes plz
A- ok let's get you up
I help billie out of the bed and she walk around the room a bit.
B- mom how dilated do I have to be when I'm ready to push
M- you need to be 10 cm dilated
B - ok
We hear a knock at the door so I say come in and it was Claudia
C- hey sorry I'm late
M- no your not late it's all good
C- hey Billie how you feeling
B- horrible
Billie says as she sits back down on the bed and drinks some water.
C- how dilated are you
B- 7 cm
C- oh so you are almost there
B- yea
A- here comes another contraction
Billie grabs my hand and squeezes it as she groans in pain and Claudia rubs her back.
(Two hours later and Billie is 9 cm dilated) (time: 4:00 pm)
Billie had to stay in bed as she was 9 cm dilated. She had been having to drink water or she will actually pass out so we have been making her drink water. The nurse comes in and checks billie one more time.
N- oh and it looks like you are 10 cm dilated So I'm going it go get the doctors
B- ok
A few mins later the doctors come in, one of them wheeling a clear baby bed and the rest of them are standing at the end of the bed. Finneas and Patrick leave the room and Billie holds on to my hand and Claudia's hand. The doctor opens Billie's legs and two doctors holds them open.
DR- ok momma, I'm going to count down from 10 and for those ten seconds I want you to push and once those ten seconds are up you can stop pushing and if we keep that up we can this this baby out in 5 or 10 mins ok
B- ok
The doctor starts counting down and Billie starts pushing making a grunting sound. The doctor gets to one and Billie stops and takes deep breaths.
M- you got this Billie you can do this
DR- ok are you ready
B- y-yea
DR- ok
The doctor starts counting down again and Billie starts pushing. She starts crying and screaming and i could tell she was in pain.
DR- ok ok good I can see the head your doing great tiger
M- you hear that Billie your doing great
B- yea

Billie's POV:
Pushing this baby out is hard but mom and Claudia were here so I was happy.
DR- ok ready to push again
B- yea
DR- ok
The doctor starts counting down so I start pushing. I feel the head come out and the doctor gives me a thumbs up. He gets to one and I stop pushing. I started sweating so my doula wipes my head.
DR- ok ready
B- I can't do this
M- yes you can bil you got this she's almost out
DR- ok ready
B- sure
The doctor counts down and I start pushing. I squeeze my moms and Claudias hands tight. I feel her come out then I hear crys. They put her on my chest and she was so tiny and cute. Mom cuts her umbilical cord and they get her cleaned up and got her in a diaper. They swaddled her and passes her to me.
DR- ok now support the head and there you go
I was mesmerized by her.
B- hi babygirl, oh your so cute
M- you did it billie great job
C- look billie she has your nose and face shape
I rub her cheek with my thumb
DR- you do you have know what their name is going to be
B- yes her name will Brooklynn Baird
DR- a beautiful name
I smile and look back at brook. I put my hand on her head so I block out the light and she opens her eyes and she had the biggest blue eyes.
B- mom Claudia look at her eye
M- she has blue eyes
C- aww her eyes are like ocean blue
B- yea
DR- ok so it looks like she is hungry so go ahead and move your top down and I will help you
B- ok
I pull the top of the gown down and the doctor shows me how to hold her and she actually latched on. I just watch as she feeds because she was so cute. After 10 mins I switch her to my other boob and she feeds for 10 more minutes.
DR- ok so we will have you do skin to skin in a hour so we will leave you be and come back in a hour
B- ok
M- I'm going it text finneas and your dad that she's here
B- ok oh mom if you want to hold her wash your hands and then you can hold her
M- ok
Mom texts them then gets up and goes to the bathroom. She comes back out and I carefully pass brook to her.
M- she's so cute
Finneas and dad walk in and Finneas looked excited and dad did too.
B- go wash your hands then you can hold her
F&D- ok
C- so how do you feel now that she's here
B- I feel great
C- now you can sleep without having to get up and pee
B- yea but now I will sleep but get up to her crying
C- yea but she's here
B- and she is so beautiful
F- ok can I hold her now
M- yea here you go
Mom passes her to Finneas and she starts to fuss
B- she doesn't like you
F- yea
He passes her to dad and she stopped fussing.
D- you did a good job billie
B- thank you dad
He passes me brook back and I kiss her nose which makes her smile.
B- awwww
C- ok I want to hold her give me a sec
She gets up and goes to the restroom then comes out and I pass brook to her.
C- she's so tiny
B- yea
M- you know you can change her once your done with skin to skin
B- really
M- yea
B- nice
C- here you go you can go back to your mama
She passes me brook back and then a doctor comes in.
DR- ok you can change then you can do skin to skin
B -ok here mom hold her
M- ok
I carefully get out of bed and get some clothes. I go into the bathroom and get changed into the diapers there making me wear then I put some shorts on and a bra. I walk out and lay on the bed again and mom passes brook back to me.
DR- ok so I'm going to have you take off the her blanket and put her on your chest
B- ok
I undo the swaddle and she starts crying.
B- shhh it's ok it's ok
I say as I put her on my chest and she stops crying.
DR- you should do skin to skin for about a week and at least do 1 to 2 hours a day
B- ok thank you
The doctor leaves and I just look at my baby. After an hour the doctor comes in and tells me that I am able to Leave tomorrow which was good. Mom gives me one of her footsie onesie so I get her changed into that and I get a shirt on. She looks like me when I was a baby. After a while finneas, Claudia, and dad leave so it was just mom. For the rest of the evening it was just chilling, feeding, and Changing diapers.

Ok so SHES BORN. Ok so next chapter they go home so that might be out today or tomorrow but should Brandon try to get Billie back or no but luv ❤️but loves❤️
1540 words

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