Negative or positive, telling brook and others

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(Date: March 25, 2023)
Billie's POV:
I was in the car driving brook to school. She was wearing a Gucci shirt and a skirt. "Ok baby have a great day at school" "bye bye mommy" she says as she gets out and I drive to CVS. I go inside and I buy 4 pregnancy tests. I walk back to the car and drive home. Once I was home I go inside and go to mine and ash's room. "Did you get the tests" "yea I'm just nervous" "why" "I don't know, like on the way back the memory of me crying in the bathroom when I found out I was pregnant with brook just kept playing in my head" "don't worry babe no matter what I will always be with you" "thank you" I say as we hug.

(A few hours later)
"I should take these tests" "how many did you buy" "four" "ok i will be on the bed ok" "ok" I say as I go into the bathroom and I take 2 test. I wash my hands and then i walk out of the bathroom. "We have to wait 5 minutes" "ok how you feel" "I don't know, I really hope there both positive" "well we will see" ash says as I go on my phone. After 5 minutes I get up and ash gets up too. "You look then I look" I say and ash goes into the bathroom and then comes out with a smile on her face. "Your turn" she says so I get up and go into the bathroom. I look at the tests and they were both positive. There was so much going through my head. How is brook going to react. How are my parents going to react. How is finneas and Claudia going to react. "Billie you ok" "y-yea I'm fine" I say as try not to sound freaked out. "Let's watch some tv huh" "yea let's do that" I say and we go to the living room and we watch movies.

(A few hours later)
Ashley's POV:
Billie was sleeping on the couch and it was time to pick up brook so I get up and grab the car keys. I leave and drive to brooks school. I pick up brook and then drive home. "Where's mommy" "she's asleep" "nope mommy's awake" "mommy" brook says running to Billie. "You should tell her" "tell me what"

Brooks POV:
"Tell me what" I say but I remembered I made something. I grab my backpack and I unzip it. "Princess go sit on the couch" "but I made something" "you can show us after" "no now"

Billie's POV:
"No now" she says as she starts ticking while digging in her backpack and I could tell she was getting upset. "Should I just tell her" I whisper to ash. "Probably" she whispers back. "Brook princess mommy's pregnant" "huh" she says looking at me and she rubs her eyes. "Mommy has a baby in her tummy" I say as I gently move her hands away from her eyes. "Mommy has sissy in her tummy" "mommy doesn't know if it's a girl or boy" I say as brook tries to hit me because of one of her tics. "Sorry mommy" "it's ok baby, it's not your fault" I say as I pick her up and hold her close as I could tell that her tics were going to get worse. "Billie we should tell your parents and finneas" "true but let me get brooks tics under control" I say as I walk to brook room and close the door after I let shark in. "Hey brook bubba it's ok" I say as I hold her arms gently. I could feel her muscle flex every time she squeezed her fist tighter. "It's ok princess it's ok" I say as her tics seemed to calm down but she was still blinking a lot. "Babygirl close your eyes it's ok" I say and she closes her eyes. I kiss her head and after a few minutes she was asleep. I get up holding her and I grab her blanket and leave her room. "Let's get going" I whisper and ash nods. She grabs the car keys and the purse. We go out to the car and I put brook into her car seat and I put her blanket on her. I close the door and get in the car. Ash starts the car and starts driving.

(Once they got to Maggie Patrick's house)
We get out and ash gets brook out of her car seat. We go to the front door and I knock. The door opens and it was dad. "Hey bil hey ash come inside" he says so we go inside and Patrick takes brook from ash. "Dad shes asleep" "I don't care am I not allowed to just hold my granddaughter" "I mean you are" "exactly" dad says making me laugh. "So what's up" "wheres mom" "I don't know" "MOM" i yell and mom comes over. "Oh hey Billie hey ash"
"Hey mom sit down I have something to tell y'all" "ok what is it" "I'm pregnant" "what Billie that's amazing" they both say as they get up and hug me. We talk for a bit and then we leave and go to finneas and Claudia's house. I tell them the news and finneas was a bit questionable but Claudia was super excited. We talked for a bit and then we left and for the rest of the day after brook woke up we played and watched some tv.

I hoped y'all liked this chapter and give me some ideas for what y'all want to see but ❤️bye loves❤️

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