Going on a date with a toddler is not as easy as you think

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(Date: July 18, 2021) (hint for the date: the date had red hair in the lost cause mv)
Brooks POV:
I wake up from a bad bad dream crying. After a few seconds the door swings open and I get picked up. I knew it was mama because of her smell. "Shhh it's ok baby mamas here it's ok" mama says as we walk to her room. "Shhh it's ok baby, how about we snuggle and you can sleep with mama, how bout that" she says as she lays down and I put my head on her chest. Mama kisses my head and then gets something. She starts playing it.

"We fall apart as it gets dark
Your in my arms in Central Park
There's nothin' you could do or say
I can't escape the way I love you
I don't want to, but I love you"

Mama sings and I fall....asleep.

I wake up and mama wasn't there. "mmaammaa" I say as I crawl to the end of the bed. "Oh good morning my little princess" mama says as she picks me up. I hide my face in her neck and she rubs my back. "Let's get you changed you little stinker" mama says as she tickles my tummy making me giggle a little. Mama puts me down on my changing table and changes my diaper. She puts an outfit on me then picks me up. "Why are you so cute" mama says as she kisses my face a lot making me giggle a lot. She stops and we go to the kitchen. "Ark ark" I say as I see shark. "Yea it's shark bub" mama says as she puts me in my high chair but I didn't want to be in here I wanted to be in mamas arms. I put my arms out for mama but all she does is kiss my head and then take out my food and bottle. Mama puts my food on my tray and I start eating. Once I was done mama wipes my hands and I try to move my face So she couldn't wipe it but I didn't work. Mama takes my bowl and picks me up. Hold onto mamas shirt to make sure she wasn't going anywhere. She gives me my bottle and holds it for me. Once I was done with it mama puts it in the sink and we go to the living room.

(Skip to when brook is taking her second nap and Billie got out of the shower)(Maggie and Patrick are out)(time: 5:07) (time for date: 6:30)
Billie's POV:
I dry off and put in underwear and a bra. I put on some nice looking shorts and a nice looking shirt. I blow dry my hair and curl it a little so it looks wavy. I go to brooks nursery and open the door slowly. I had to bring brook with me because mom and dad were out and finneas and Claudia are busy. I pick her up out of her crib gently and place her on her changing table. I change her diaper and I change her into a short sleeved bodysuit with matching shorts. I take out her binky and she starts to fuss so I pick her up and grab a binky with a clip. I clip it to the shirt and place it in her mouth. I put her little air forces on and I grab her diaper bag. I take her blanket out from her crib and I Leave her nursery. I go to my room and grab my phone,wallet, and keys. I get my shoes on and walk out to my car. I put brook into her car seat and kiss her forehead. I put her diaper bag on the seat next to her and I put the blanket on her. I close the door and get in the drives side. I had to go pick her up from her house so I put her address in and start driving. Once I got there I get out and walk up to the door. I ring the door bell and the door opens reveling the beautiful Ashley. "Hey baby mama, ready to go" I say as I hold out my hand. "Yup" she says grabbing my hand and closing the door behind her. I open the door for her and she smiles and gets in. I close the door and get in the drivers seat. "Oh you have brook with you" "yea I hope you don't mind, everyone was busy so I had to bring her" I say looking through the rear view mirror and I see how cute she is sleeping. "Not at all, she's really cute" "thank you" I say as I put the restaurant address Into the gps and start driving.

(Once they got to the restaurant) (brook is up now)
I park and get out and I open ash's door. "Oh why thank you" she says getting out. I smile and close the door. I open brooks door and take her out. I get her diaper bag and close the door. "Oh she is so much cutter now I can see her" ash says as she tickles brook a bit making her giggle. "Aww, your just a cute baby" she says cooing at brook. Brook hides her face in my neck making me laugh a little. We walk into the restaurant "hi reservation for Billie" "ah yes right this way" the lady said I take ash's hand and we walk to the table. "Would you like a high chair for the little one" "umm sure" the waitress gets a high chair and I put brook into it and clip her In. "So I am going to be your waiter for today can I start you off with some drinks" "umm I'll have a water" "same here" "ok and anything for the little one" "no she can drink out of mine" "alrighty I'll get those drinks for you" the waiter says walking away. I look over at brook who was looking at ash. "Ash babe she's looking at you" I say laughing a little. "What's up you little cutie" ash says holding brooks hand. Brooks smiles and then giggles.

(Ok Skip to when they were done, Billie paid, and Billie dropped ash off already and is home now)
"Let's get you ready for bed cranky girl" I say as I place brook down on her changing table and I change her diaper and I put a onesie on her. I put a binky in her mouth and Rock her to sleep. Once she was asleep I place her in her crib and leave the room. I go to my room, change and go to sleep.

Sorry I rushed at the end but ❤️bye loves❤️
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