brooks Surgery

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(January 30, 2023) (Time: 1:02 am)
Brooks POV:
I wake up from a super scary dream and I start crying. "Mommy" I say quietly. After a few moments she didn't come making me cry harder. "Mommy daddy" I say a little louder when I hear a noise making me freak out and I curl up with Leo. "DADDY I need you" I say and after a few moments daddy comes in and lays in the bed with me. "Daddy" i says as she moves me on top of her and she rubs my back. "It's ok princess it's ok, I'm here now it's ok baby" daddy says as she gets up still holding me and we go to hers and mommy's room. "Can you tell me what's wrong" "b-bad dream" "aww those aren't fun huh" "no" i say as I curl up on her and she rubs my back and quietly checks the pull up I had on. I put my thumb in my mouth and slowly fall asleep.

(Morning time) (7:30 am)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to mine and ash's alarm and we both turn them off. I sit up and bed and rub my eyes and see brook laying in the bed. "What's brooking doing in bed with us" "she had a bad dream" "oh well, I have to get ready I'm really busy today" "same here" "wait who's going to take brook to get her tonsils removed" "we could call finneas and Claudia and see if they can" "alright" i say as we get out of bed and we both get ready. I was done first so I leave the room and go to the kitchen. I make mine and ash's coffee while i look at my phone. Ash comes out and I pass her, her coffee. "What time is brooks surgery" "it's at 12" "alright" she says as she drinks her coffee. I drink my coffee and I call Claudia to see if Finneas and her could take brook to her surgery. Me and Claudia talk for a bit and she agreed. I hang up and finish up my coffee. I go to brooks room and pack a little backpack with pull ups, underwear, two outfits, some toys, and her princess blanket. I zip it up and walk out of her room. I put it in the kitchen on the counter and I go to our room and i move brook down to the end of the bed. I grab one of my hoodies and put it on her and it looked huge on her. I pick her up and I go to the bathroom and I comb her hair and then I leave the room. "Babe can you hold brook so I can put her shoes on" "sure" ash says as she takes brook from me and I put brooks shoes on. I get my shoes on and so dose ash. "Babe today I'm going to lay you take dragon just because I want to drop off the little princess, so please be careful ok" "ok love you" "love you too" I say as we kiss and ash kisses brooks cheek. I give her the keys and I put brook into her car seat. I buckle her in and then close the door. I get in the drivers side and I start driving to Claudia's house.

(Once they got there) (8:07)
I get out and get brook out of her car seat. I grab the little back I packed for her and close the door. I ring the doorbell and after a minute or two the door opens. "Hey bil" "hey finn Claudia said that you guys could take brook to her surgery today and you guys could watch her" "yea Claudia's cleaning the house" "ok well brook is still asleep so when she wakes up, change her out of her pull up and into underwear or actually she knows what to do so here and this is the bag I packed for y'all" "ok thank you" finneas says as I carefully pass brook to him and I give him the Little bag.

Finneas's POV:
Billie leaves and I close the door. "Claudia look who's here" "who" she says walking out of her office and she lights up with excitement when she saw brook. "She's asleep tho" "I don't care" she says as she takes brook from me and brook starts to wake up.

Brooks POV:
I wake up in Claudia's arms confused. "Good morning brook" she says and I hide my face In her neck. "Where mommy" "mommy was busy today" "daddy" "daddy was busy today too" she says making me whine. She puts me down and i had to go potty so bad. "I has to go potty" "ok come on let's go potty" she says taking the bag Finneas had and then taking my hand. Once we go to the bathroom it was to late and I potty on the pull up. "Uh-oh" "what's wrong" I stay silent and look down. "Did you potty in your pull up" I nod my head yes. "It's ok, let's get you changed and then you can have breakfast ok" "okey" I say as Claudia takes off mommy's hoodie I had on I guess mommy put it on me. Claudia helps me change and then we leave the bathroom. "Ok what do you want to eat" "anyfing" "ok how about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" "yea" "ok let me make it" we go to the kitchen and she picks me up and puts me on one of the bar stools. She makes the sandwich and then cuts it and give it to me. "Thanky" "no problem sweetheart" she says as i start eating and she puts my hair up. "Brook did your mommy tell you about what's happening today" "no" "oh uh finneas can you tell her I have to clean my office" "wha- fine" Claudia leaves and finn walks over to me. "Today your going to get surgery" he says making me scared. "Why" "they are going to remove your tonsils" "is it going to hurt" I say quietly as I push my plate away as I was done. "I mean your throat might hurt but you'll be asleep for it" "scary" "it's not scary, they would just like burn them off and take them out" he says making me more scared. "Auntie" I say in a scared voice and auntie comes running. "Yes sweetheart" "Uppy" i says and she picks me up. "I no want to go surgery" I say mumbling in her chest. "Why not" "scary" I say as I hold onto her shirt with a tight grip. "Finneas what did you tell her" "I told her that she would be asleep and they would burn it off and remove it" "finneas you don't say that to a 4 year old, you scared her" "I'm sorry I didn't know it would scare her" "whatever" Claudia says as she rubs my back and she sits down. "Do you want to watch a movie" "yes" "ok" she says as she puts a movie on and we snuggle.

(Time skip 11:20)
Claudia's POV:
Rn I was getting brook into her car seat so we could go to the hospital for her surgery. "Ok is it good not to tight" "it's good" "ok great" I say as I close the door and get in the drivers seat. Finneas gets in and I start driving. Once we got there we get out and finneas gets brook.

(Skip to when brook is about to go into surgery) (they are in the surgery room)
"Ok brook would you like to chose a flavoring for the mask, we have cherry, bubblegum, cupcake all different flavors which one" the doctor says as brook choses cherry. "Good Choice ok are you ready" "yes" "ok so say bye bye to auntie and uncle" "why" "because they have to leave the room so we can do the surgery" "oh ok bye bye" "bye hunny" "bye tiny" finneas says as we leave the room and go to the waiting room.

(2 and half hours later)
"Brook O'Connell" the doctor says and me and finneas stand up. "Come with me" we follow him as we walk down the hallway. "So the surgery when well, her throat will hurt for one or two weeks so she can eat soft foods, she is still asleep and when she wakes up she will most likely be a little drowsy so when y'all get home she might just want to sleep but that's normal" "alright" I say as we go into the room and see brook sleeping so peacefully. "I will leave you be when she wakes up call a nurse in and they can get her situated" "ok thank you" finneas says as the doctor leaves and I sit down. I take her princess blanket out of the little bag and put it over brook as I could tell she was cold. I move the hair out of her face and kiss her forehead.

(One hour later)
Me and finneas were on our phones when I saw movement from the bed so I put my phone down and i see brook woke up. "Finneas call a nurse she woke up" "ok ok" he says as he presses the button that calls for a nurse. "A-auntie" "hi hunny" I say as I press record on my phone so I can get a video and send it to Billie and ash. A nurse comes in and hands me a bottle of water with a straw. "Where's mommy and daddy" "they are working" "oh, I saw unicorns" "really" "yea and everyone was a pony, and they all eat rainbows, and poop butterflies" "wow well that's something" I say as finneas and the nurse laugh. I open the water bottle and put the straw in it. "Here can you drink some water please" I say as I put the straw near her mouth. She drinks some of the water then stops. "Finn has fuckin cooties" "brook you don't say that" "he has fuckin cooties" "brook stop cursing please" "fine he has freakin cooties" she says making all of us laugh.

(They got to leave the same day and skip to when they are back home)
Finneas pulls up into the driveway and stops the car. We get out and I get sleeping brook out of her car seat and I grab her little bag. We go inside and for the rest of the day after she work up she stayed snuggled with me and she had dinner and then went home with Billie.

Ok so I hope you liked it and I hope you all have a great day or night ❤️bye loves❤️
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