Disney world: day 5

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(Date: January 24, 2023)
Ash's POV:
I wake up to weight on my stomach and it was brook. I move her onto Billie and I get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and I sit on the toilet. I hear little footsteps and brook walks in. "Morning princess" "morning daddy" she says as she sits on the floor in front of me. I finish up and I flush and pull up my pants. Brook stands up and I wash my hands. I leave the bathroom and brook follows behind me. I grab my phone and sit on the bed and go on Instagram and brook climbs up on the bed and looks at my phone. "Hey how about you wake up mommy so we can eat and get going" "ok" she says as she crawls to Billie and shakes her legs. "Mommy wake up" she says and Billie wakes up. "Good morning my love" Billie says as she sits up and brook sits in her lap. "Mommy" "yes my baby" "I'm hungy" "alright let's order our food and you can chose what princess dress you want to wear" "okay" brook says as she slides off the bed and begins to look though one of the two suitcases. Billie gets out of bed and goes to the restroom and I call and order our food. "Daddy help" brook says and I look over at her and she was all twisted up on her dress. "Now how did you manage to do that" i say as I take off her dress and help her put it on. "Where's mommy" "she's in the bathroom" "oh ok" she says as she climbs up the bed and plays on her iPad. I grab some hair ties and I sit on the bed. I move brook into my lap and I put her hair up into two space buns then I move her so she's facing me and I put the Mickey ears on her. Billie comes out of the bathroom and opens that door and gets our food. (She has clothes on) I get up with brook on my hip and I feed her as I eat my food too. Once brook was done I put her down and she sits on the floor. We finish and Billie picks up brook and gets her shoes on. I put my shoes on and Billie does the same. We leave and go to the car. Billie gets brook into her car seat and I get in the drivers seat. Billie closes the door and gets in and then I start driving. Once we go let there I park and we get out. I open brooks door to see her already getting out of her car seat but struggling to do so. I unbuckle her and she slips out of her car seat and gets out. I close the door and we start walking. Brook starts running off but Billie catches her. "Don't run ok we don't want you to get hurt or lost" Billie says as she holds brooks hand and we walk around. Brook got to take some pictures with some more characters and a few more princesses. we when on a few more rides then had lunch. I let brook have some candy which was a bad idea because when Billie went to the bathroom and I turn my back for one second she was gone. "oh fuck" i say under my breath. Billie comes out of the bathroom and immediately sees that brook was not there. "where did brook go" "I don't know I turned my back for one second and then she was gone" Billie grabs my hand and we pace around trying to find brook. After 30 minutes we noticed a crowd around someone. We heard cry's and that's when we both knew it was brook. We run over and Billie distracts all the fans and I pick up brook and she clings onto me, hiding her face into my chest. I rub her back as I hear her choke up on her own tears. I move her a bit so she could hear my heart beat and she calms down a bit. "D-daddy" "yes my princess" "those people scary" she says pointing at the fan that were taking pictures with Billie. "I know baby" I say as I rub her back and once the fans left Billie comes over to us and takes brook. We walked around some more and had some fun and night came sooner then expected and brook was asleep in Billie's arms. We walk back to the car and Billie put brook into her car seat and I get in the passenger seat. Billie gets in the drivers seat and starts driving and I fall asleep.

Billie's POV:
Once we got back to the hotel, I get out and get brook out, picking her up carefully not to wake her. I close the door and I open ash's door. I carry her and close the door with my foot. I go I to tie hotel and once I got into our room, I place them both on the bed and I change brook into her pjs and ash had woke up and changed. I change and we lay in bed and I move brook a bit so she was laying in between me and ash. I put a movie on and both brook and ash were out and a few hours later I fall asleep.

Sorry this is short but I hoped you liked it, next chapter they will be leaving but leave me some ideas for chapters but anyways ❤️bye loves❤️
950 words

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