Jealousy, Jealousy

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(Thank you to demogorgan13 and billiexpovs for this idea love y'all <3) (Date: January 7, 2024) (brook is not sick anymore)(brook is on summer break)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to Alex screaming crying over the baby monitor so I quickly get out of bed and I run to his nursery. Open the door and run to his crib. I pick him up and He calms down. "I'm sorry baby boy mama was asleep" i say as i put him on his changing table. I take off his onesie and there was a little rash on his stomach. "How the hell" I say under my breath as I put rash cream on his stomach. I change his diaper and then I put a new onesie on him. I pick him up and leave his nursery. I walk into brooks room and shark stood up when he saw it was me and he jumps up so his front legs were propped up on my legs. "Shark careful" I say and he goes back to the rug. I check brooks pull up and it was dry so I leave her room. Today we were going to Claudia and Finneas's house and we are going to swim.

(Time skip to now they are in the car)
Brooks POV:
"Mommy will Alex swim" "no baby" "can I teach him" "when he gets older you can but not right now" "ok" I say as I go back on my iPad. After a few minutes I got bored of of my iPad and I look out the window. I watch as we pulled up to a Taco Bell. "Hello can I get like 20 bean burritos with just beans and only beans and then a medium Mountain Dew Baja Blast..yes that will be all...ok thank you" mommy says as she drives to a window and pays and the gets the food. "Ok thank you, you have a good day as well" mommy says as she passes the food to daddy. "Ok brook here" mommy says as she passes me the drink. "Thank you mommy" "your welcome love" mommy says as I take a sip and the I put it in the cup holder.

(Half way there)
"Mommy can we go to target" "we can go tomorrow bubba" "no today" I say as I kick her seat. "Brook cut it out" "babe we actually have to go to target we need to get Alex more wipes" "seriously" "yea" "fine" mommy says as we go to target. Mommy parks and then gets out. I try to get my sled out of my buckle but mommy stops me and unbuckles me. I get out and I run to daddy.

Billie's POV:
Brook runs to ash and I close brooks side and I go around and I take the carrier out. We go inside and we go straight to the baby isle. I get two things of wipes and I grab some more body lotion. "Mommy can I get a toy" "no bubs maybe next time" I say and she whines. As we were at the check out and I let brook get a lollipop and she was happy. We get back to the car and I secure the carrier in the car and kiss Alex's little hand. I buckle brook into her car seat and I kiss her cheek since she was whining That I kissed Alex's hand. I close the door and I get in the drivers seat and ash gets in and I start driving.

(Once they got there)
Brooks POV:
I wake up in daddy's arms and I hide my face in her neck because of the sun. "Hey brook baby do you want to goi to the pool" daddy says and I shake my head. "Ok Guys I'll be right back I have to change brook into her swimsuit" "ok" I hear them all say and daddy gets up and we go inside. She puts me down and we walk to the bathroom and daddy puts this swimsuit on me:

"Ok let's go swimming" daddy says as we go back outside and finneas looks at mommy with a pissed look

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"Ok let's go swimming" daddy says as we go back outside and finneas looks at mommy with a pissed look. "Billie she's 5 why a bikini" "it looks nice on her" mommy says as she sprays sunscreen on me. "Ok you can go in the pool with Finneas" "yay" I say as I go into the pool and me and finn play.

(Night time now and Billie and ash have not been giving brook a lot of attention due to Alex)
Mommy and daddy have not been give me attention and I even tried to hug them but nothing. I was getting sad because I wanted to be held like Alex dose all the time and I had enough of it. "mommyyyyy" i say pulling on her arm. "Brook don't do that Alex could fall out of my arms" " I don't care I want up" "not right now brook" mommy says and I throw my self done I start crying. "Brook stop" mommy says so I just get up and run into a random room. I hide under the bed and I cry more.

Claudia's POV:
"Hey where did brook go" "she over th- oh where did she go" Billie says as she gets up and passes Alex to Ashley. "Brook baby" she calls out as we look for her. I go into mine and Finneas room and I heard little whimpers and cry's. I look under the bed and there she was. I pull her out from underneath and she clings onto me. "Billie I found her" I say as Billie comes running in and takes her. "Bubba you had me worried"

Billie's POV:
After I got brook to calm down we went home and brook got to sleep in mine and ash's bed.

Sorry I rushed at the end but ❤️bye loves❤️
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