Tour pt:1

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(Date: April 2, 2021) (new words brook knows are: uppy, bye bye, and hot) (time: 4:37 am)
Billie's POV:
I wake up from my alarm so I quickly turn it off so I don't wake up brook. I slowly sit up and place brook on her back on the bed. She moves a little so I rub her cheek with my thumb and she stops moving. I slowly get out of bed and leave my room. "Hey mom" I whisper as I close my door. "Hey bil, are you and brook packed" "yea I packed mine and brooks clothes and everything yesterday" "ok good is she still asleep" "yea but I'm going to wake her up when we get to the airport" "alright well how about you help me and your dad get our suitcases into the van huh" "ok" I follow mom out to the car with mine and brooks shared suitcase. I help them put all of it in and I take out brooks carrier so I can get her in it and then get her in the car. I go back inside and place the carrier down and I go back to my room and grab mine and brooks shared carry on and brooks diaper bag and I made sure that I packed the pump, extra bottles, and a few already pumped bottles. I check the carry on to make sure I had my wallet and I did. I go back out and put those things in the car and then i go back inside and grab the carrier. I go to my room and I place the carrier on my bed gently. I carefully pick up brook not to wake her and I set her in the carrier. I carefully buckle her in and I grab her teddy off my bed and I put it in the carrier with her. I grab my phone and the carrier and leave my room. I put my shoes on and I go out to the car. I put brooks carrier into the car and I get it secured. I close the door and get in the other side. Mom gets in the passenger seat and dad gets in the drivers and he starts driving. "Mom is Finneas going to meet us there or are we going to pick him up" "he is going to meet us there" "oh ok thank you" I say as I look over at brook who looked so cute sleeping. I take a picture of her and then I put my phone down and look out the window.

(An hour later and they just got to the airport)
Dad parks and stops the car. We all get out and finneas walks over to us. "Hey" "hey bro" I say as we do our handshake. "Where's tiny" "she's in the car I'm about to get her out" "wait can I get her out please" "sure just detach the seatbelt from the carrier and take it out" "ok" he opens the door and gets the carrier out and I get my carry on and put it on and I get brooks diaper bag. I get the suitcases out and then mom closes the trunk. Finneas closes the door holding the carrier and we all walk into the airport. We get through security and we get to our gate. "Ok so me and your mother can stay here and you two can go get some thing to eat or drink" "ok cool" I say as I take the carrier from finneas and I set it in the seat next to mom. I unbuckle brook and take her out carefully. She starts to wake up so I rub her back and me and finneas walk around and try to find something. Brook rubs her eyes and looks around confused. I kiss her cheek and she puts her head back on my shoulder. I bounce her a bit as I want her to stay awake so she will sleep on the plane. She starts whining so I stop and order my coffee. Brook try's reaching for my coffee as we walk back to our gate but I move it away from her making her whine more. We get to our gate and lucky just as we arrived they started boarding. I place brook back in her carrier and I pick it up. We board the plane and get our seats. I put the carrier in the seat next to me and I give brook a bottle before putting our things in the overhead compartment. Once everyone was boarded they did the safety stuff and we put in our seatbelt thing. I hold onto brooks bottle as she was falling asleep. I had her binky in my other hand and once she was done I put her binky In her mouth. "Mom where are we going first I forgot" "we are going to UK, England" "ok thank you" I say as I plug in my earbuds and watch a movie.

(Skip to when they landed, already got off the plane,brook is up)
We walk to the baggage claim and get our suitcases. Brook was out of her carrier and I turned my back for one second and she was waddling away. "Brook baby we do not walk off ok, mama doesn't want you to get lost" I say as I pick her up placing her on my hip. We get all of our bags and we go to go out to see Lauras car. "Hey guys" "hey" I say as I grab brooks hand because she kept reaching for my face. "Here billie I can put your things in the trunk and you can put brooks carrier in" "thank you" I say as I get brooks carrier secured into the car. I put brook In and I buckle her in. I help out with putting our things in the trunk and then we all get In. "Ok so we are going to go to the hotel and you all can sleep then around 1:30 pm we are going to leave and then I will drive to where the tour bus is sounds good" "yep" I say as I yawn and put my head on Finneas's shoulder. Brook slept for most of the plane ride so she's not tired at all which is never good because all of us are tired and she is wide awake. I let brook play with my fingers as I fall asleep.

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