Disney world: day 2

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(January 21, 2023)(time: 4:09 am)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to wetness on my stomach and I hear small sobs. I sit up and I see brook in the corner of the room facing the wall and that's when I realize she had an accident. I get out of bed quietly and slowly walk to her. "Bubba" i say and brook jumps a bit and looks back at me and starts crying more. I pick her up and she smelt like pee. "I sorry mommy" "it's ok babygirl, everyone has accidents, let's get you cleaned up" I say as I grab some clean clothes for her and a new shirt for me. I take out her baby wipes and I set her down. I take off her shirt, pj pants, and underwear. I wipe her legs and princess part. I help her get changed into her new pjs and i take off my shirt. I wipe my stomach with another baby wipe and I put a new shirt on. I throw away the used baby wipes and pick up brook. She puts her thumb in her mouth and falls asleep on my shoulder. I check the bed to make sure there was no pee on the bed and there wasn't so I lay back down and fall asleep.

(Time: 9:45)
Brooks POV:
I wake up and mommy and ash were still sleeping. I crawl off mommy and stand up on the bed. I jump on the bed and while saying "mommy ash wake up wake up". Ash wakes up so I sit down and she pulls me closer to her body. "Good morning" "good morning princess" "she says kissing my cheek and getting up. "Up" I say as I put my arms out for her. She chuckles and picks me up. "I have a secret to tell you, but you can't tell mommy ok" "ok" "I'm going propose to your mommy" she says whispering and I tilt my head to the side confused. "I'm going to marry your mommy but I want to know if I have your permission to" she says whispering. I think for a second, I mean she's nice, mommy's happy, she gives me candy, she gives me kisses and hugs, and she loves me and mommy, and I love her. "Yea you can" "thank you princess" "I love you" she freezes for a second. "I love you too" she says as I hug her and she Hugs back. "Now let's get ready" "I want to wear my pwincess dress" "which princess" "Ariel" "alright" she says as she takes out my Ariel dress and puts it on the bed. She helps me get undressed and helps me put the dress on. I look over at mommy who was up and looking at her phone. Once ash was done getting my dress on and climb up on the bed and crawl onto mommy. "Good morning my love" mommy says kissing my head and sitting up. "Good morning Babe" ash says to mommy and they kiss on the lips. I cover my eyes and I hear mommy and ash laugh. I take my hands off my eyes and mommy gets up holding me. "Mommy we go see pwincesses now" I say tugging on her shirt "not right now, we need to have breakfast first" I whine, wanting to go see the princesses and Mickey and minney. "But I want to see pwincesses and Mickey and minney" "and we will go see them but we have to eat first" I whine some more and mommy looked pissed. "Brook I suggest you stop whining or I could get my money back and we can just go home" "noooooo" "then I suggest you stop whining" I push and hit against her chest as I wanted down. Mommy puts me down and I run to ash who was ordering us food. I cling onto her legs and after a few moments she puts the phone down and picks me up. I hide my face in her neck and I hear my tummy grumble. "Mommy's a meany bum" "I'm the mean one" I hear mommy say and I nod my head yes. "Fine if I'm so mean then we won't go on the 'horsey ride" "noo I want to go on horsey ride" I say as I look at mommy with a mad face. Mommy laughs a little and kisses my head. "I know you can't stay mad at me forever" "yes I can" I say as I put my head on ash's shoulder. "Oh really" mommy says as she takes me from ash and starts ticking me. I squirm and giggle as mommy tickles me. "Ash h-help" I say as mommy kept ticking me. "Tickle monster" "n-no" I say as mommy and ash both tickles me and I laugh loud. There was a knock at the door making mommy and ash stop and I wiggle out of mommy's grip. I grab my iPad and I Put the code in because I saw mommy put it in and I remembered it. "Foods here" ash says as she puts the food down. "How did you get in your iPad" "I know the code" "how" "i saw you do it" "alright then" mommy picks me up and feeds me my food. After I ate some I was full so I push mommy's hand away and mommy put me down. "Mommy can we see pwincesses now" "let me and ash eat first ok" "ok" I say as I climb onto the bed and play on my iPad. After a bit mommy and ash were done eating and I get off the bed. "Can we go now mommy" "yup let's get your shoes on" "YAY" mommy picks me up and puts me onto the bed and puts my shoes on and then they get shoes on. I jump off the bed and ash picks me up. We leave the room and go down. We go outside and ash puts me into my car seat. Mommy and ash get in and the car starts moving. I go on my iPad and watch YouTube and after a few videos the car stops and mommy and ash get out. My door opens and mommy takes my iPad. She unbuckles me and I slide down from my car seat and I get out. Mommy holds my hand and ash holds my other as we walk. I didn't really pay attention to what mommy was doing until I see the princesses. "Mommy there pwincess" "yea it's Cinderella, do you want to go say and and take a picture" "yes" I say as I jump up and down. We go to Cinderella and I run up to her. "Well hello there little princess" "hello" "your dress is magnificent, you know my friend Ariel has the same dress" "yours friends wif Ariel" "yes and I bet she would love to meet you but would you like a picture" "yes, mommy take one please" "ok" mommy take a picture of me and Cinderella and then I say bye and we walk around.
(Skip to around 3 pm)
Billie's POV:
Rn we are in the gift shop paying for brooks minney mouse ears and a Mickey Mouse plush. "Thanky mommy" "no problem princess" i say as I put the ears on her and we leave the gift shop.

(Skip to when it was a firework show and ash is about to propose to Billie)
Ash's POV:
All of us were watching the fireworks and I though that this was the best time to propose. I hold both of Billie's hands and she looks at me with a confused face. "Billie, you have been the best girlfriend these past 2 years and we have gotten a strong bond, so with saying that" I say as I grab the ring box out of my back pocket and knell on one knee. Billie puts her hands over her mouth and says "oh my god" "Billie eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell, will you marry me" I say a bit nervous because there was tons of people now recording us. "Yes yes a million times yes" Billie say and I slip the ring onto her finger and stand up and we kiss. Everyone cheers and I pull out another ring box. "Brook this one is for you" i say opening the box and putting it on her pointer finger. "Thanky" she says hugging me. After the firework show ended we when back to the hotel room and we change and I help brook change into her pjs. We all watch a movie and fall asleep.

Sorry this is a bit short but THEY ARE ENGAGED but ❤️bye loves❤️
1462 words

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