Months later

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Wobbling slowing back into my bedroom I kept the towel up on my body. That shower was so needed since my little mini me is just flipping around in there. Grabbing my beautiful day bath and body works body cream I spread it head to toe. Today was the day. After months Im finally meeting up with my parents. Ever since my accident I've gain small bits of memory back yet I still can't remember why I'm in New York.

Miss Samantha and her family have been amazing to let me stay in their home. Of course I did work around the house despite them telling me I didn't have to just to feel like I'm not taking advantage of them. In return I got free check ups from Doctor Mackey.

I'm having a girl by the way. She should be in my arms early next year. Being mysteriously pregnant is hard. My feet and boobs swell, I'm gaining hella weight, I'm always crying and all I eat is fruit and whip cream covered dill pickles. When I finally am able to see her this will al be worth it.

I dressed in a nice flowing maxi dress with some slouchy boots grabbing my nice and warm jacket, fluffy scarf and beanie. It was just a really chilly out. Grabbing my purse making my way out my room. All my new clothes and other stuff were packed up and sitting by the door.

"Goodmorning Camila." miss Samantha smiled pulling out a chair for me. She sat a cup of orange juice and plate of mangos and strawberries in front of me. Threw out my pregnancy they have been my most intake.

"It's not all that good." I chuckled sipping my juice.

"Awww is the little one still kicking around in there." she rubs my stomach.

"Uh yes I know I wasn't all that hyper as a child so she must get it from her father...whoever the hell he is." I take mango and strawberry eating them together.

"You get any clues from your phone?"

"Nope all my pictures and text messages are gone and I only have my emergency contact list which was my parents sister brother in law and best friend."

"I'm sure one of them can tell you who he is. When are you leaving?" She whispered.

We both get a little emotional thinking this is my last day here since my parents are gonna take me back to Atlanta. It was hard for me to say goodbye to everyone because they all have done so much for me.

"My dad said he'll send a car for me at two. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot." these damn hormones had me tearing up.

"You can always come to visit and bring the little one."

Rushing around I had to make sure everything was where it should be. I'm getting my babygirl back. When Camila called I cried. It was hell not knowing where my daughter was. If she was ok or even alive.

Running down the stairs I grab the keys. Abella was sitting drinking her coffee reading a book. "You done running around like a mad man so we can go?"

"Yes let's go."
Taking the lead in front of Abella we walked into the restaurant Camila asked to meet us. The hosted took us to the table reserved for us. I was so nervous. Our last encounter wasn't great for a father and daughter but she did say she doesn't remember much not even how she got to New York.

"So before we leave we should bring her to Chris so he knows she's ok. He has a meeting at three so I'll call him-"

"Who said anything about bringing that thug back into our daughters life?"

"Alonso no you are not doing this again. She loves that boy and you know it. What kind of father doesn't want his child to be hand!?" She yelled making people look at us.

"The kind that wants his child to be safe. It's because of that boy our daughter was taken from us in the first place."

"No it was that psycho fault and you know it. If you do this you'll only hurt her more."

"She doesn't remember anything not even him so why bring him back. Besides I have someone for her. He's a dentist at one of the best hospitals in Georgia."

She rolled her eyes picking up a menu. "I swear I should've signed those damn papers before we left."

Yeah we're getting divorce. It's for the best. I'm working more and just plainly she's a bitch. Going out with her friends instead of making me dinner and cleaning the house. I married for a wife who worships the ground I walk on and do as I say not some independent witch who thinks more of herself than her husband. All of a sudden she wants respect and shit like that. I don't need that.

"Oh my god." I heard her whisper looking towards the door. Looking up my eyes widen. Camila smiled holding her stomach. Wobbling she kept a bright smile on her face. "You really wanna keep her away from him now?" She mumbled with a smirk on her face making my jaw clench.

"Hi mom hi daddy." we both stood as she got to the table.

"Oh my goodness Camila. Your huge!" They laughed hugging. "I'm a grandma again." she rubbed her stomach.

"How uh far along are you?" I asked pulling out her chair kissing her head.

"Eight months. When the family I've been staying with rescued me the doctor gave me a full check up and found out I was pregnant."

I ordered a bottle of wine because.....this is to much.

"I can't remember anything about who the father could be. I was wondering if you guys might have an idea who he is?" She asked with those soft innocent eyes.

"Well Cam-"

"No I'm sorry baby we don't know." I interrupt Abella quick.

Her head fell as she started crying. "I just want my child to have a father in her life."

"It's a girl?" Abella got up hugging her. "It's ok baby...the truth will come out one day." her eyes burn into mine.

I'm doing what best for my daughter and my new grand daughter.

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Where stories live. Discover now