Moms turn (50)

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*some days later*
Showing out the last possible sitter I watch Chris pull up. She shook his hand smiling. He returned a clearly fake one then looked back at me. Rolling my eyes I went back in heading for the kitchen. Might as well start on dinner since mr stank attitude is here.

We've been giving each other the silent treatment since that night. Only time we are even in the same room is when Mona is around. He's been working longer the days I don't have any classes and when I do he takes Mona with him or to Rebecca and Carlton place. Their both upset at how were acting.

It's not my fault so no need to feel bad. When he's ready to apologize then we'll start working on this communication problem it turns out we have. Taking out what was needed I started on the three cheese lasagna and garlic bread. Chris walked in head for the liquor cabinet. Taking out the bottle of some dark liquor. He picked up one of his crystal glasses pouring the liquid.

I know this is childish of us but neither wants to speak up first. Just standing in here both of us in the same room makes me miss him. We haven't had any type of personal affection for these last few days is torture. No kisses hugs we don't even sleep in the same bed.

"Mommy!!" Mona ran in holding a bag of pink Cotten candy and a ballon animal.

"Hi pumpkin did you have fun at the carnival?" I kneel down to her level kissing her cheeks.

"Yes I got ballon and candy. Hi daddy!" She ran over to him.

He tossed her up chewing on her cheeks. "You missed daddy?"

"Yes I miss you this much." She made her arms go out wide. They laughed as our moms walk in.

They just came back from some trip they went on. Apparently their little boyfriends treated them to two weeks in Spain. I've yet to meet who ever this dude is that's taking my mom in trips and shit but it's gonna change soon. We are suppose to go to dinner with them tomorrow night.

"Hey you two." My mom came over hugging me then went to Chris as his mom came over to me. "Dinner smells good baby."

"Thanks mom. How was your trip?"

"Oh it was amazing it was just incredible and James is such a great man. I can wait for you to meet him." She smiled as I pour a glass of lemonade for her.

"Aw it's nice seeing you happy mom. How are you miss Carmen?" I add sauce to the ground turkey and a few spices.

"Oh I'm fine sweetheart. Now we all know we're getting to the end of whatever is going on between you and Chris." She gave me a look then Chris who was just pushing it off. "One of you speak up now."

We looked at each other. He raised his brow festering me to say something making me roll my eyes.

"I will start counting down." She threaten. "Christopher what is going on?"

"Camila got an offer to be in some dance tour of twenty cities for a big dance company. I simply told her it might not be best right now and she just flipped. She thinks I'm trying to control her when in reality I'm simply looking over for her and our child." He took back his drink pouring more.

"Oh yeah make everything my fault and just drink away your problems. That's you do work and drink." I start to layer the pan with noodles the meat and cheeses.

"Fuck Camilla what the hell else am I suppose to do when your stubborn ass won't talk to me? I tried getting you to talk to me so we can get pass this and what do you do storm off like a little baby because you don't get your way."

"I'm the baby and I'm the stubborn one? If rather be a baby then a controlling jackass. I can handle myself just fine I don't need you to worry about me."

"Woah ok ok calm it down. Chris why are you so worried about her it's just a dance tour." My mom spoke up. I point to her then motion to Chris.

"She's pregnant."

They both gasp smiling. "Oh my goodness Cam why didn't you tell us?"

"I was going to tomorrow but sir control ruined the surprise." My eyes narrow at Chris who just shrugged me off.

"Just another thing in wrong for. I can't take care of you, worry about you, love you it's just wrong for me to do anything now huh." He chuckled bitterly.

"Camilla why would you even consider traveling around for that long knowing you pregnant?" His mom asked me.

"Because it's not s big deal. I was doing tones of things while pregnant with Mona and she came on time and damn near perfect. What's the problem now?"

"Well not all pregnancies are like that Cam. Yeah the first went by smooth but the doesn't mean the second will be the same." My mom spoke. "You and Isabel perfect example. With her it was bumpy but with you it was smoother. This time around might be hell and you shouldn't risk anything until you get s proper check up."

"Mom I know my body I will be fine it's twenty cities and I'm only doing half anyway. I didn't get any of this shit before coming back here you all are starting to make me regret even getting in touch with you all."

They all gave me shocked looks. It's true with ms Samantha I was free to do what I want and didn't have someone looking over my shoulder every other second. I'm not a damn child!

"Ok fine Cam you win. My intention was never to make you regret coming back. I'm sorry for making you feel like I was controlling you because that's not what I was doing. You go ahead and enjoy yourself as long as your happy I'll be good. He kissed my lips and nose walking out the kitchen.

I smiled clapping. Our moms however did not share my happiness. "Your just letting him leave?"

"Huh what's wrong with that. We just made up."

"No Chris apologized for being a caring and loving boyfriend leaving upset and you are celebrating because you got your way. That's not making up." His mom said rubbing her head and walking out going after Chris.

"Camilla do you really think everything is fine now?" My mom asked as I put the pan in the oven and start on the garlic bread.

"Well yeah. I'm not mad at him anymore and I won't be feeling guilty while I'm gone. We'll probably be back to normal by tomorrow morning." I shrugged as she shook her head.

"This isn't right Cam and you know it. Your only thinking of yourself and if you truly loved him you'd see that he only apologized so you two wouldn't be in this funk any longer. You may be happy again but what about his happiness. That man clearly is so in love with you and he's only looking out for you and you child's better being. How can you be so blind?"

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