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Opening my eyes the room was covered in sunlight. Chris tatted arm was still wrapped around me tight. Flash backs of last night had me blushing. Turning to face Chris soft snores I watched him sleep. He is so beautiful in this calm state.

My fingers brush over his cheeks and lips. The same lips that had me cumming in a way I'll never forget. I bit my lip reaching down stroking his member. It slipped out of me when I turned. Watching him lick his lips biting down I started kissing on his neck.

"Goodmorning to you to." he mumbled squeezing my ass. "I would kiss you but you ain't brush your teeth yet."

"If you loved me you still would." I smirked rubbing our noses together. "I just want one kiss daddy."

He grunts moving on top of me spreading my legs getting comfortable. One kiss turned into two then three and a full make out session.

"Mommy...daddy!!" Mona banged on the door.

"I'm coming baby!" I got up putting on one of Chris shirts unlocking the door. "What's wrong pumpkin?"

"I bored." she walked pass running to Chris. "Daddy wake up."

"Just a minute princess daddy isn't dressed." he quickly tucked the blanket around him.

"Daddy naked." she giggled.

"Yes so let's get you out of here so daddy and mommy can get dressed. Why don't you go watch some cartoons I'll be right down to make you some breakfast."

"Ok mommy." she ran away and down the stairs.

Closing the door I turn back to Chris who just got out of bed stretching.

"Mmhm looking good daddy." I moaned as he walked around facing me.

"I know." he wiggled his body making his dick flop around.

"Oh my god stop that. Shower with me?" I slip his shirt off.
Rebecca jumped on the bed as Isabel danced. After the shower I dragged Rebecca in my room and called Isabel on the iPad to talk about last night. They both screamed excited.

"Finally Cammy got that life changing D!"

I blushed with a pillow over my head. "Please stop."

"Ok ok I shouldn't be jumping anyway." Becca sat breathing heavy. "so when and how?"

"And don't you leave out one fucking detail and where was Mona." Isabel sat in front of the screen.

"Ok well first Mona was with ms Samantha and she dropped her off this morning in guessing."

"Yeah I was the only one up." Rebecca answered.

"Ok now when we got home he asked me to to come out to the pool. We had some wine a few strawberries and it just escalated. He did ask if I really wanted to you know and jumped at it when I said yes." I smiled.

"Awwwww....did he put it down?"

"Yes god he did. It was the best I've ever had in my life!" I fell over the bed.

"Oh god she whipped now!" Rebecca slapped my boob.

"Ok enough about me you guys turn spill some tasty tea for me." I smirked.

"Me first!" Rebecca jumped. "I'm having a boy and Carlton doesn't know."

"Awwwwww oh my god yay. I though you didn't want to know." Isabel said drinking from a wine glass.

"Yeah well I changed my mind. No shame in that. Your turn bel." we turn our attention to her.

She drowned her glass before filling it up again. "Well....Andrew is cheating on me."

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Where stories live. Discover now