The Others|3(27)

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Rubbing my belly I smiled. I never knew being a mom could feel so amazing. I felt him kick for the first time last night. I was so excited I shook Carlton awake and cried. Oh yeah we're having a boy! Sure I would've liked a little me but a small Carlton is just as great. I can't wait until my prince is here.

Anyway on the other side of life I'm having lunch with my father today. We're are going to get to the bottom of his attitude when I told my news. we agreed to meet at Starbucks. I went early getting a shaken green tea, parfait and flatbread sandwich. As I'm eating he sits.

"Can we make this quick?"

"Hi dad yes I'm fine."

He rolled his eyes leaning down giving me a stale face.

"Going on six months now.....I felt him kick last night yes we're having a boy. Just in case you wanted to know." I glared taking a angry bite of my sandwich.

"I couldn't care less. If that boy is the father I will not be apart of this."

"That man is my child your grandsons father. What the hell do you have against him?" I snapped.

"He's not good enough for you. He works at a damn school, he drives a car from two years ago, his house is the size of a mouse hole and let's not talk about his tattoos. He looks like damn thug and I will not associate myself with that. I've worked to hard to get where I am just to have some hoodlum take it all away. Its bad enough he's stolen you."

"Oh my god you are such a piece of trash! You don't like him because he's not rich like the dough bags you tried setting me up with?" Standing I gather my things. "it's really sad you are willing to give up a relationship with not only your only child but you future grandchild because of money. I don't need any of that all I need is to be happy and with Carlton that's what I get. Tell mom my baby shower is coming up soon and I'll call her with details just be sure you don't show your sorry face."

Storming out I started tearing. When I got in my car I broke down.

Laughing Lisa and I walk through the mall shopping. Isabel and Juilan and hanging with her mom today and I'm off so I called her up to do something. She has some party she's going to and asked me to help her look for something to wear.

Me and Isabel aren't really getting along. Since that night I came in drunk with lipstick on me she's been on my ass about everything. She'll call about five times a day while I'm at work. She stays up until I'm home and keeps this crazy hold on me while we're sleeping. she clearly doesn't trust me.

"Oh this is my favorite place come on." Lisa pulls me towards this dress shop with small and revealing clothing. "Sit here while I try some on." She pushed me on one of those small couches.

I sat watching other woman walking around. Some making eyes at me. Feeling the vibration of my phone I take it out seeing Isabel calling. I let it go to voice mail.

"Choice one...what do you think?" The purple long dress hung on her body like paint. She turned giving me a view of her ass.

"Damn....looks good." I grunt making her chuckle.

She went and tried on another coming out with her breast just out there. My mouth watered as my pants started to feel tighter. "Would you fuck me in this?" She licked her lips running her hands down her sides.

"Well Andrew would you?" I froze closing my eyes. "You gonna answer her right baby?"

Standing I turn seeing that evil smirk on her lips. Isabel stood there arms crossed.

"Oh this must be wifey. Hi I'm Lisa your husbands girlfriend." she went to shake her hand.

Isabel looked back at me mushing Lisa's head so she went flying into a rack of clothes. "so this is what you do now. These years of married thrown away over some stick looking bitch!" She pushed me slapping my face and body.

"Baby I can explain!"

"No you can't! You are putting your marriage and the possibility of losing your child over some chick. I am your wife! How could you do this to me!?"

She stopped hitting me and stood red faced. "Baby I'm sorry but we haven't slept together just been hanging out that's it."

"If that was it you wouldn't need to take your wedding ring off, ignore my calls and sneak around you no good pig." she kicked my leg.

"Ouch damn it bell!" I feel with her towering over me.

"I hope she's worth it don't you even bother coming home tonight."

"Uh how can you let that bitch treat you like that." Lisa came helping me up.

"Don't talk about my wife like that." I dust myself off.

"To me it looks like you don't have a wife anymore."


Camila sat softly patting Mona's back to get her to burp. She was born just last month and is just as beautiful as an angel. Her little nose and those eyes. She looks just makes me sick.

I have prevented everyone from mentioning that thug to her. In case he is ever to come back and see she alive and well I'm putting in action my plan from when she first got in contact with us again.

"She's so beautiful when she sleeps." I brush her soft hair down kissing her head as she slept.

"I just wish I knew her father." Camila sighed setting Mona in the crib. "Dad look I know you never approved of me dating on my own but if you know who her father is you need to tell me. You can't let your grandchild go on without her dad."

She gave me her puppy eyes. Clearing my throat I tried my best to keep from laughing. This story should keep my girls safe.

"Ok look I do know who he is but I'm not letting you go back to that monster." she looked at me shocked.


"He was very controlling with a horrible temper. He never allowed you to do anything or go anywhere without him. You even told me one time how he...put his hands on you. I wanted to bring you back you begged me not to afraid of what he might do with the new power he had just gained. I knew he wasn't good enough for you and I'm so sorry I let him take you from me." I started to pretend tear up.

"What do you mean?"

"He forces you to go out to New York with him and tried seeking you to some pimp which lead to your accident. I only kept this from you so if he was to ever come back you don't let your mother Isabel Rebecca or anyone else try to tell you to get back with him. he's a monster and I won't let him hurt you ever again."

"Thank you daddy. Your the best." she hugged me kissing my cheek.

Whatever needs to be done to protect my girls.

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