First day(15)

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"Mommy wake up."

"Push her around a little."

My body shook slightly side to side as I heard laughing. Slightly opening my eyes I see Mona in front of me. "Hi mommy."

"Cam wake up damn girl." I hear Chris mumble in a deep voice pulling off me the most comfortable blanket.

Sitting up stretching my arms I feel a few bones crack. "Oh my god this mattress is amazing." I moaned falling back again. "I havnt slept that good in a minute."

"Damn Cam." Looking over Chris mouth was dropped. It wasn't until right now I noticed I was only in my bra set. "When did those happen?" He licked his lips still starting at my breast.

"Breast feeding does that." I shimmy making them move around. He grunts. It was like he was stuck in place. "Ok ok that's enough get out so I can get dressed again."

He and Mona ran screaming out the room. It's so cute watching them. seeing him and her interact explains so much about her. I don't even wanna try to guess how long they have been up. When she's excited about something she will be up before the sun. I put my clothes and shoes back on before leaving the room.

"Ahh daddy!" I hear her screaming and the sound of her feet smacking the floor.

Entering the kitchen I see her being chased by the bigger dog. "oh my god Chris get that thing!"

He looked at them and chuckled. "Cam he is nothing but love he wouldn't dare hurting her."

The smaller dog came running up to me. She stood up on her back legs wagging her tail letting out a cute little bark. "Awww aren't you just the cutest."

Mona came back still laughing. "Mommy!" She came over to me hugging my legs. "Hi."

Picking her up kissing her cheeks she giggled pushing me away. "What's got you in such a good mood this morning?"

"My wonderful white chocolate chip pancakes with strawberry syrup that's what." Chris slide a plate with the cakes some bacon and eggs my way.

I put Mona in the chair next to me with a smaller plate set for her. "Yum." she picked one up with her fingers.

"Does the dance centre place have you doing anything today?" He asked eating from his plate after putting the pans in the sink.

"Um not that I know of why?" I cut into the pancakes. I close my eyes at the taste.

"I wanted you to stop by the academy for a performance and just talk with the kids a little." A older lady walks in going for the dishes. "Oh right Cam babygirl this is Rachel my house keeper. These are my ladies Camila ex girlfriend and Mona my daughter."

"Hello." she came over hugging me and pinching Mona cheeks. "I'm gonna start on the kitchen then make a few runs."

"Ok would you stop by the dry cleaners and pick up the suit I got cleaned?"

"Yes sir." she smiled and started the dishes.

We sat and ate watching Mona feed the dogs bits of bacon.

"I can come today they don't have me for anything until tomorrow. I'm gonna teach a mommy and me class."

"Cool I just might stop by to watch that. I wanna see my little princess dance since she wants to be like mommy. Show daddy some moves princess." Chris chuckled as Mona giggled blushing.

I helped her off the chair. She giggled covering her mouth twirling around.

"Come on mama show daddy what mommy been teaching you." She was still giggling twirling. "Ok I'll dance with you play something Chris."

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Where stories live. Discover now