The Others|1(9)

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Wiping sweat off my face I hop out the car signaling her to come over. "You can pay in front." I hand over the keys.

"Thank you so much. Do you except tips?" She bats her eyes.

"No ma'ma."

"Aw how will I properly thank you?" Her painted nails were pressed to my chest as she walks closer.

"Yeah you can buy me dinner. Say Red Lobster?"

She nods kissing my cheek. "I'll meet you there after your shift is over ok?"

Nodding I go back inside the shop to check my schedule. I know I told Isabel I had to work late but that's not completely true. It's nothing to bad just dinner with a friend. She came in a couple of days ago to drop off her car. She hasn't changed much. We use to date a while before me and Isabel got together. We weren't in love but man was the sex amazing. Not saying I don't enjoy sex with my wife but I use to be crazy in the sheets. I calmed it down for Isabel since she was a virgin when we met and I didn't want to freak her out.

Seeing Lisa again just brought back some memories. Some really steamy crazy sexy memories.

"Hey what was that about?" One of the guys I work with came up. His daughter and Julian met a few times at the park and seem to form a little relationship. "Who was the chick feeling up on you?"

"Just a old friend nothing special."

He gave me a look coming closer. "Ok look friend to got a good beautiful woman on your hands and a amazing kid. Don't lose family over some old piece of ass. Things didn't work out for a reason don't bring it back."

Chuckling I pat his back. "Thanks I know what I got at home Marvin."
Pulling up to the Res Lobster I went in getting a booth table. I ordered two drinks.

"Hey sexy." Lisa came sitting with a smirk to her lips. "Thanks again for fixing my car."

"No problem thanks for dinner."

"Anytime. so what excuse did you use to get wifey to let you come tonight." her lips wrap around the small black straw as she sips the drink.

"Oh uh I told her I had to work late."

"Wow she believed that. Must not be that bright of a girl huh?"

"Hey don't do that that's my wife mother to my child. She trust me and never had any reason to doubt me."

She chuckled reaching over tracing the print where my wedding ring is suppose to be. "Until now."

Pacing back and forth my heart racing faster and harder. I never thought ten minutes could be such a long time. I'm literally shaking in my shoes.

Two lines for for no.

I don't even know what I want it to be. Am I ready to be a mom? Is Carlton ready? Are we as a couple ready? Why weren't we more careful!? What if he asked me to...get rid of him or her?

I know we love each other but enough to have a human being with each other. That's so much responsibility. We already argue every other day of the week.

The timer on my phone went off telling me time was up. Looking down at the pregnancy test. My eyes instantly filled with tears. I dropped to the floor hugging my knees to my chest.

"Baby where you at!? I hope you didn't cook cause I got take out!" He called out as he walks in the house.

I jumped up trying to fix myself. I'll tell him later no now. I have to tell him now.

"Rebecca?" I heard him knock. "Babe you ok?"

"Y-yes I'm coming."

"You pumping in there babe? Without me...thats a little selfish."

I chuckled picking up the test cleaning it off. opening the door I see his face and smile. "Hi."

"What's up you good?" He cups my face looking me over.

"Um yeah. I need to tell you something." I take him to sit on our bed. "So uh I don't know if you noticed but I've gained just a bit weight."

"Around the ass and thighs area yeah but I'm not complaining at all." he rubbed up and down my waist.

I blushed. "Ok I'm just gonna show you." Taking the test out my pocket I hold it up. His face went blank as he stared at it. "If you don't want it just tell me now so I can-"

"Babe woah calm it. Your gonna have my kid?" He stood towering me holding my face as I nod tears falling again. "I couldn't be happier. The girl I love is gonna have my kid."

He wiped my face as I slightly chuckled. "So your not upset?"

"Hell no. It's mostly my fault hitting raw so many times we both knew it would happen eventually." he chuckling sitting pulling me on his lap.

"Very true but I'm not mad at that it's better raw. Plus look what we get from it a little me or you."

"Yeah and don't worry I'll be here to provide anything you and my little man or princess will need." He kissed my cheek moving down to my shoulder. My body shuddered as I straddle him.

My arms wrap around his neck as I moan throwing my head back. He squeezed my hips standing switching positions. laying me back on the bed.

"Wanna reenact how we made our little bundle of joy?" He lifts my muscle shirt exposing my braless chest. Softly rubbing around them I bit my lip holding his head.

Moans slip here and there as he licks and sucks on my nipples. His lips move further down as he slips my joggers off. He kissed my hips taking my panties off next.

This baby is already doing some good for us.

Looking through papers I spent my day yet again in the office. I'm looking at starting my own business. Not should what I'd be selling just yet but I'm getting there.

As I'm working the door flys open and in walks the wicked witch with my assistant behind her.

"I'm sorry sir she just went by my desk."

"It's fine." I wave her off. "What do you want Abella?"

She made herself a drink at my in office bar before sitting in the chair in front of my desk. She took two sips looking at me. "Very smooth what is this?"

"What the hell do you want? If it's nothing you can get out my office. I don't need your bullshit today." You think after a divorce we wouldn't need to see each other.

"Ah ah sweetheart....our office. Half of this is mine so you might wanna watch that. I'll have this whole place redecorated to the liking of me and something that will describe who you really are."

"Really and what am I really? Please Abella tell me tickle my funny bone." I lean back in my chair.

Swirling the dark liquor in the crystal glass she giggled to herself getting up heading back for the bar. "It's pretty simple...a bitch."

Slaping my desk I stood. "Get the fuck out my office!"

"No I came here to talk not just mess with you." She chuckled sitting again this time sliding a glass towards me.

"Then talk damn it. I try my hardest not to spend anytime with you."

"Same here honey but this isn't about us dipshit. Christopher is back in town..he knows she alive and with his child."


All my hard work down the drain. It took months getting into these people head not to mention that thug to Camila. I thought he was erased from her memory.

"Yeah they look like a nice family. She'll be happy with him again in no time."

"Not while I'm alive she won't. She won't let me pick her husband she won't be with anyone." I took back the liquor going to get more.

She gathered her things laughing walking to the door. "You'll never change will you?"

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Where stories live. Discover now